Types of Discipline. The College may, for just cause, discipline an Employee at any time according to the following sanctions:
Types of Discipline. The types of discipline recognized for purposes of applying one of the appeal procedures under this Article are:
Types of Discipline. Discipline includes written reprimands, reductions in pay, suspensions, demotions, and discharges.
Types of Discipline. Disciplinary action may be imposed upon an employee for just cause, which includes but is not limited to failing to adequately fulfill his/her responsibilities as an employee and on- or off-duty conduct, which relates to an employee’s ability to satisfactorily perform his/her job. Examples of the type of disciplinary action, which may be imposed, include the following:
Types of Discipline. The following disciplinary measures may be taken by the Employer against a Member and documented in the Member's Official File:
Types of Discipline. An employee whose conduct, attendance or performance is considered unsatisfactory shall be subject to discipline. Depending on the nature and severity of the offense or performance problem, any one of, or combination of, the following types of discipline may apply; written disciplinary actions, performance improvement plan, decision-making leave, probation, suspension, demotion, and/or termination.
Types of Discipline. Three (3) types of discipline are recognized for purposes of applying one of the procedures under this article. They are:
Types of Discipline. The Employer shall use a uniform system of written warning notices for poor work performance, formal reprimands, and suspensions. Employees shall be given an opportunity to read, sign and answer all written warning notices or performance evaluations before placement of such material into their personnel file. Copies of these notices shall be given to the employee at the time formal disciplinary action is taken. The employees shall be asked to sign any written warning notices. The employee’s signatures thereon shall not be construed as admission of guilt or concurrence with the reprimand, but rather shall be requested as an indication that the employee has seen and comprehends the gravity of the disciplinary action taken. Employees shall have the right to review and comment on written warning notices and performance evaluations currently in their personnel file. Upon written request by the employee, the Union will be notified of all warning notices.
Types of Discipline. The City recognizes the following types of disciplinary actions:
A. Counseling
B. Oral Reprimand C. Written reprimand
Types of Discipline. The following procedures shall be followed when, in the judgment of the Fire Chief or designee, an employee has committed an act or omission that justifies disciplinary action. Except for written warnings/reprimands, the Fire Chief or designee shall advise employees of contemplated disciplinary actions in writing and allow the employee reasonable opportunity to respond to such charges prior to taking action. When life, or employee safety, is endangered, or the self-control of an employee is questionable, a supervisor shall take immediate action to reduce or eliminate the danger or to establish control. In case of an emergency, an employee shall have all of the rights set forth herein except that in the discretion of the appointing authority, an employee may be placed on administrative leave with pay pending predisciplinary procedures. The Administrative Services Director must be contacted immediately.
a. Warning/Reprimand: If the warning/reprimand is in writing, the Fire Chief or designee shall give the employee a copy and forward a copy to the Administrative Services Director for review and retention in the employee's personal history file. A written warning/reprimand shall contain a description of the events which necessitated the action, specific expectations of change or improvement to be demonstrated by the employee, and notice of further action in the event a change by the employee does not occur. An employee shall have the right to attach a written rebuttal to this warning/reprimand.