WARRANTY Cláusulas de Ejemplo

WARRANTY. In addition to the warranties provided for in the Order, Seller represents and warrants to Buyer as follows: (a) the Goods strictly conform with the specifications, drawings, instructions, advertisements, statements on instrucciones, anuncios, declaraciones en envases y etiquetas, descripciones y muestras suministradas o especificadas por el Comprador, su cliente o el Vendedor; (b) los Bienes y los materiales se encuentran libres de defectos de mano de obra, y serán nuevos y de la más alta calidad y los Bienes serán de calidad comercial; (c) los Bienes y materiales que componen los Bienes son originales en todos los aspectos; (d) el Vendedor reconoce que conoce el uso que el Comprador pretende darle a los Bienes y que el Comprador confía en la habilidad y juicio del Vendedor para proporcionar Bienes que sean seguros, adecuados y que proporcionen la funcionalidad apropiada para el uso previsto del Comprador; (e) los Bienes no violan, y no se reclama que violen alguna patente, marca registrada, derecho de autor u otro derecho de propiedad intelectual y pueden ser importados adecuadamente a México o a cualquier otro país; (f) por lo que se refiere a los productos que se ordenen y envíen con marcas registradas, el uso de dichas marcas ha sido debidamente autorizado por el titular de la marca y dichas marcas son válidas y originales; (g) el Vendedor tiene título válido y negociable respecto de los Bienes y todos sus componentes, libre de derechos de garantía, gravámenes y limitaciones; y el Comprador recibirá el título de los Bienes los cuales están libres de cualquier gravamen, garantía o limitación; (h) que el Vendedor subsanará, mediante reparación, reemplazo o de otra manera según sea necesario (pero sólo reemplazará los Bienes al recibir la orden anticipada del Comprador para hacerlo), cualquier incumplimiento de garantía que ocurra durante el período de garantía (ya sea debido a defectos en los Bienes o debido o derivado de cualquier declaración en esta Sección de Garantía que sea falsa o engañosa en cualquier momento durante ese período de garantía); y (i) el período de garantía será de al menos 2 (dos) años, excepto que, si el Comprador ofrece una garantía más larga a sus clientes (o usuarios finales de vehículos), aplicará el periodo más largo. Las garantías subsistirán a la inspección, prueba, entrega, aceptación, uso y pago por parte del Comprador y beneficiarán a los cesionarios, causahabientes y clientes del Comprador, así como a otros usuarios de ...
WARRANTY. Subcontractor warrants all supplies/services to be free from all materials defects and expressly represents that all such required supplies/services are capable of providing/performing the function service for which they were intended. Subcontractor representante autorizado, que no podrá denegarlo sin fundamento. Ninguna asignación, delegación ni cualquier otra delegación de responsabilidad, con o sin el consentimiento de MSI, librará al Subcontratista de ninguna de sus obligaciones de este Acuerdo ni discriminará ninguno de los derechos de MSI en contra del Subcontratista, ya sea que surja antes o después de la fecha de la contratación. 4.
WARRANTY. All Products and Third-Party Maintenance sold hereunder are subject to the warranties provided by the manufacturer which Dimension Data hereby transfers to Customer as legally permissible. Services are warranted to be performed by qualified individuals in a professional and workmanlike manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and practices. Customer’s exclusive remedy and Dimension Data’s entire liability for any breach of the Service warranty shall be the re-performance of the applicable Services at no charge. All Service warranties are void if the Service is modified by any party other than Dimension Data or its authorized agent. DIMENSION DATA MAKES NO WARRANTY AS TO THE RESULTS OF ANY SERVICES. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THIS PARAGRAPH, ALL PRODUCTS, THIRD-PARTY MAINTENANCE AND SERVICES ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND DIMENSION DATA DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, SUITABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT.
WARRANTY. 10.1. The Vendor guarantees the good operation of the standard Xxxxx products of the catalogues effective at the moment of the contract and sold to direct customers and customers of authorized ISO 9000 certified distributors for 3 (three) years from the date of their dispatch. The 3-year warranty applies to products operating in two shifts (two years, for operat- ing in 3 shifts). For the accessories purchased on the market (such as, by way of a non-limiting ex- ample, joints, baseplates, and motors) the warranty shall have a one-year duration.
WARRANTY. The Supplier guarantees that all supplied goods and services strictly comply with the characteristics established in the order, that they have been recently manufactured, and that they are free from any defect of service, labor, or design. The warranty to which the Supplier is bound will have a validity of TWO (2) years as from the date when SBS or the customers of SBS may make effective use of the goods or services covered by the order or of the products into which such goods may be incorporated or THIRTY
WARRANTY. In addition to the warranties provided for in the Order, Seller represents and warrants to Buyer as follows: (a) the Goods strictly conform with the specifications, drawings, instructions, advertisements, statements on containers and labels, descriptions and samples furnished or specified by Buyer, its customer or Seller; (b) the Goods are free from defects in workmanship and material and shall be new and of the highest quality and the Goods are merchantable; (c) the Goods and materials comprising the Goods are genuine in all respects; (d) Seller acknowledges that it knows of Xxxxx’x intended use of the Goods and that Buyer is relying on the Seller’s skill and judgment to provide Goods that will be safe, fit and Comprador confía en la habilidad y juicio del Vendedor para proporcionar Bienes que sean seguros, adecuados y que proporcionen la funcionalidad apropiada para el uso previsto del Comprador; (e) los Bienes no violan, y no se reclama que violen alguna patente, marca registrada, derecho de autor u otro derecho de propiedad intelectual y pueden ser importados adecuadamente a México o a cualquier otro país; (f) por lo que se refiere a los productos que se ordenen y envíen con marcas registradas, el uso de dichas marcas ha sido debidamente autorizado por el titular de la marca y dichas marcas son válidas y originales; (g) el Vendedor tiene título válido y negociable respecto de los Bienes y todos sus componentes, libre de derechos de garantía, gravámenes y limitaciones; y el Comprador recibirá el título de los Bienes los cuales están libres de cualquier gravamen, garantía o limitación; (h) que el Vendedor subsanará, mediante reparación, reemplazo o de otra manera según sea necesario (pero sólo reemplazará los Bienes al recibir la orden anticipada del Comprador para hacerlo), cualquier incumplimiento de garantía que ocurra durante el período de garantía (ya sea debido a defectos en los Bienes o debido o derivado de cualquier declaración en esta Sección de Garantía que sea falsa o engañosa en cualquier momento durante ese período de garantía); y (i) el período de garantía será de al menos 2 (dos) años, excepto que, si el Comprador ofrece una garantía más larga a sus clientes (o usuarios finales de vehículos), aplicará el periodo más largo. Las garantías subsistirán a la inspección, prueba, entrega, aceptación, uso y pago por parte del Comprador y beneficiarán a los cesionarios, causahabientes y clientes del Comprador, así como a otros usuarios de los produ...
WARRANTY. The seller guarantees the products, goods and equipment against any design or manufacturing defects for a minimum period of two years as from the moment they are ready for use, and the seller undertakes to replace or repair any merchandise that proves to be faulty, to XXXXXX'x satisfaction. The date in which products, goods or equipments are ready for use will be the one in the site acceptance test to be signed by the responsible for the purchase in EHERSA. The cost of replacement or repair, and all those expenses that XXXXXX has to incur as a result of this, shall be charged to the seller, even when they must be carried out away from his or her premises. Any adjustments, tasks, repairs or replacements must be carried out within the time period indicated by EHERSA, in such a way as to cause the least possible damage. Otherwise EHERSA may carry out the necessary work itself or entrust said work to third parties at the seller’s expense and without losing the guarantee. The warranty period shall be extended in the time that is used to carry out the adjustments, tasks, repairs or replacements that have to be done in each given case, which shall be guaranteed in turn, once finished, for the same amount of time as the warranty period.
WARRANTY. 5.1. All conditions and warranties as to the quality and fitness for any particular purpose of the Goods supplied (whether statutory or otherwise) are expressly excluded to the extent permitted by law but (without prejudice to such exclusion), the Supplier warrants to the Buyer that:
WARRANTY. The SUPPLIER shall guarantee all the works included in its supply, against all defects, quality of the materials and reports until the Final Receipt of the Project. During this warranty period, the SUPPLIER shall immediately repair or correct any defect appearing in the equipment covered by this contract. The PURCHASER shall inform the SUPPLIER of the opportune moment to carry out the repairs and corrections. If they are not carried out within an adequate period of time, the PURCHASER may carry out this repairs or corrections at the SUPPLIER's expense. If the warranties given by the SUPPLIER exceed the Contractual Warranty Period, the SUPPLIER shall assign such warranties to the Owner. The PURCHASER shall be entitled to freely assign to the Owner its rights under the warranty provisions at the end of the Contractual Warranty Period. The total of the Bank Guarantees, withholdings and bonds, if any, shall be responsible not only for the correct execution of the contracted work, but also for the fulfillment of all the obligations that correspond to the SUPPLIER according to the present Contract. Likewise, they may not be released if the PURCHASER or the SUPPLIER is involved in any administrative or judicial procedure, the causes of which derive from actions or omissions of the SUPPLIER itself or its personnel, until there is a final judgment in which the PURCHASER is released from any responsibility that may have been imputed to it. The PURCHASER may automatically make effective the charges made to the SUPPLIER in this Work for penalties, aids, indemnifications, etc., against the Bank Guarantees, invoices or amounts pending payment for retentions, in this or any other Contract made by the SUPPLIER itself.
WARRANTY. The seller warrants that: