CONTRIBUTIONS Clauses Exemplaires

CONTRIBUTIONS. Le preneur acquittera pendant toute la durée du bail, en sus du prix du bail ci-après stipulé, les impôts, contributions, taxes et redevances de toute nature auxquels le terrain loué et les constructions qui seront édifiées par ses soins peuvent et pourront être assujetties.
CONTRIBUTIONS. A cash contribution was made at the time of incorporation by the sole shareholder for an amount of TEN THOUSAND (10,000) euro.
CONTRIBUTIONS. It is contributed in cash:
CONTRIBUTIONS. It is contributed in cash: 1°) By Mrs. Xxxxx XXXXXXX, the sum of nine hundred and ninety euros, …………………………………..………………..…i. e. € 990.00 2°) By Mrs. Xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXX, the sum of ten euros…….,… i. e. € 10.00 OVERALL TOTAL OF CONTRIBUTION €1,000.00 These contributions will be paid up, depending on the Company's asset acquisition needs, upon the management's first call. No contribution in kind is made.
CONTRIBUTIONS. Jusqu’à la date d’échéance, le rentier ou le conjoint cotisant le cas échéant (si le rentier déclare sur la demande que son conjoint verse la totalité des contributions au régime), peut, en sus de la contribution initiale d’au moins 2 500 $ effectuée par le rentier ou le conjoint cotisant le cas échéant, lors de la demande, verser des contributions, d’au moins 100 $ par fonds, au régime au moment qu’il pourra déterminer en autant que les contributions respectent certains minimums, lesquels sont déterminés de temps à autre par le fiduciaire. Le rentier, et le conjoint cotisant le cas échéant, sont seuls responsables de voir à ce que ces contributions ne soient pas supérieures aux limites prescrites par les lois fiscales, ainsi que pour déterminer, le cas échéant, les années d’impositions à l’égard desquelles des contributions peuvent être déduites aux fins de l’impôt sur le revenu.
CONTRIBUTIONS. Le PRENEUR acquittera pendant toute la durée du bail, en sus du loyer du bail ci- avant stipulé, les impôts, et notamment la taxe foncière, contributions, taxes et redevances de toute nature auxquels l’immeuble loué et les constructions et installations qui seront édifiées par ses soins seront assujetties.
CONTRIBUTIONS. Les institutions et les organismes à vocation communautaire concernés versent chaque mois, sur les comptes du Régime commun d'assurance maladie, au plus tard huit jours après le paiement des rémunérations, indemnités et allocations assujetties à la contribution au présent régime, leurs propres contributions ainsi que celles des affiliés.
CONTRIBUTIONS. The share capital is made up of the following contributions: It is provided in cash: by the company PROMAT EQUIPEMENT, the sum of 3,500.00 euros by the company Uni-corp (Singapore) Pte Ltd., the sum of 6,500.00 euros In total, the sum of ten thousand (10,000 euros), deposited in full in an account opened in the name of the company being formed at the Banque Populaire, N°20483910995, as attested by a certificate from the said bank. By decision of the General Meeting dated September 25, 2009, the share capital was increased by a sum of €90,000 by cash contribution. By deliberation of an extraordinary general meeting dated June 28, 2013, the partners increased the capital by an amount of 115,000 euros to bring it to 215,000 euros by incorporation of reserves. By deliberation of an extraordinary general meeting dated June 30, 2014, the partners increased the capital by an amount of 35,000 euros to bring it to 250,000 euros by incorporation of reserves. Pursuant to a deliberation of the Extraordinary General Meeting dated June 30, 2016, the share capital was increased by a sum of 50,000 euros by incorporation of reserves. Pursuant to a deliberation of the Extraordinary General Meeting dated December 31, 2016, the share capital was increased by a sum of 160,000 euros by cash contribution. Under the terms of a unanimous decision of the partners dated December 16, 2021, the share capital was increased by a sum of 530,000.00 euros by cash contribution
CONTRIBUTIONS. The undersigned contributed the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND FRANCS (F. 50,000) to the Company on incorporation. Which sum has been deposited by the sole shareholder to the credit of an account opened in the name of the Company in formation, in accordance with the law, with the following bank: CREDIT LYONNAIS, 78000 VERSAILLES. In a resolution dated March 9, 1993, the sole shareholder approved the merger agreement signed on February 1, 1993, under the terms of which APPLIED MATERIALS contributed all its assets and liabilities to the Company, i.e. assets of FRF 49,248,701 and liabilities of FRF 20,137,840, giving net assets of FRF 29,110,861. In consideration of this contribution, 289,726 fully paid-up shares of FRF 100 each were issued to APPLIED MATERIALS INC, the sole shareholder of APPLIED MATERIALS, along with a merger premium of FRF 138,261. By deed dated March 31, 1993, APPLIED MATERIALS INC. transferred its 289,726 shares to APPLIED MATERIALS EUROPE B.V., which thus became the sole shareholder. By resolution dated October 10, 2001, the sole shareholder decided to convert the share capital into euros and to increase the share capital by FRF 3,497.23 from "Other reserves", bringing it to FRF 4,425,000. By Xxxx Recording the Completion of a Contribution of Securities dated September 24, 2012, Applied Materials Europe BV contributed all the shares it held in the Company to Applied Materials Netherlands B.V..