Final provisions Clauses Exemplaires

Final provisions. 6.1 This warranty is governed by internal French substantive law, to the exclusion of all international provisions, particularly the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
Final provisions. (1) Changes or additions to this contractual relationship must be made in writing. Amendments or supplements that do not satisfy this requirement shall be void. This also applies to changes in the written form requirement.
Final provisions. 12.1 This collective agreement shall enter into effect upon the date of its signature and shall terminate five (5) years following the date of signature. The date of the first performance shall determine the minimum applicable tariffs. Contracts signed prior to the effective date of the agreement shall not be subject to this provision. 12.2 Annexes form an integral part of this collective agreement. This also applies to any letters of intent which precede the date of signature hereof. 12.3 At the demand of either party, negotiation for renewal of this agreement can be undertaken one-hundred and twenty (120) days before the expiry of the collective agreement. 12.4 All the conditions of the collective agreement remain in effect until the signing of a new agreement, or until a strike or lockout.
Final provisions. 11.1. Le client s’interdit de céder à des tiers des droits résultant du contrat conclu entre lui et Formel D sans autorisation préalable et écrite de Formel D. 11.1. The customer will refrain from transferring the rights arising from the contract drawn up between itself and Formel D to third parties without the prior authorisation of Formel D in writing.
Final provisions. 22.1 Any communication under this contract must be submitted to the Programme MA in writing, in English or French, and must state the project number and title. In accordance with Article 122.3 of Regulation (EU) No. 1303/2013 and the procedures mapped out in the Programme audit trail, information between the LP and MA is exchanged digitally via the Programme's monitoring tool and, if appropriate, by e-mail.
Final provisions. 17.1. Le fournisseur ne peut avoir recours à des sous-traitants sans autorisation écrite préalable de Formel D. 17.1. The supplier may not have recourse to subcontractors without the prior written agreement of Formel D.
Final provisions. 28.1 We reserve the right to amend the Terms at any time. We will inform you about any amendments in advance via a message to your email address ("amendment notice"). You may object to an amendment within four weeks after receipt of the amendment notice ("objection period"). In the event that you object to the amendment notice, we are entitled to terminate the user agreement with a two weeks' notice period starting from the end of the objection period. We will inform you about your right to object and the legal consequences separately within the amendment notice.
Final provisions. 1. The present Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date of the last written notification through diplomatic channels of the completion by the Parties of their internal procedures necessary for its entry into force. At the signing of the present Agreement, the Competent Authorities shall exchange Xxxxxxx X and II mentioned in Article 3 of the present Agreement.
Final provisions. 1. The domain registration service may be provided only to a Client who uses the Client Panel according to the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions. The condition for the provision of the service by to the Client is that the Client accepts the General Terms and Conditions.