ContractLoan Agreement • February 15th, 2019
Contract Type FiledFebruary 15th, 2019
거래방식이 수 개로 되어 있는 경우 은행직원의 설명을 듣고 해당되는 ‘ ’ 내에 ‘ V ’ 표시합니다. 포괄한도 내 개별여신의 개수가 3개를 초과하는 경우 본 약정 서의 [별지1] 양식을 이용하여 약정합니다.Loan Agreement • October 25th, 2023
Contract Type FiledOctober 25th, 2023
이 상호저축은행여신거래기본약관(이하 "약관"이라 한다.)은 IBK저축은행(이하 "저축은행"이라 한다)과 거래처(이하 “ 채무자”라 한다)와의 상호신뢰를 바탕으로 여신거래의 원활하고 공정한 처리를 위하여 만들어진 것이다. 저축은행은 이 약관을 모든 영업점 및 전자매체에 비치·게시하고 채무자는 영업시간중 언제든지 열람하거나 그 교부를 청구할 수 있다.<개정 2003. 3. 3>Loan Agreement • October 5th, 2023
Contract Type FiledOctober 5th, 2023
ContractLoan Agreement • March 29th, 2022
Contract Type FiledMarch 29th, 2022
ContractLoan Agreement • December 11th, 2019
Contract Type FiledDecember 11th, 2019
I. 여신거래계약상 당사자의 권리∙의무Loan Agreement • January 22nd, 2020
Contract Type FiledJanuary 22nd, 2020
ContractLoan Agreement • September 25th, 2017
Contract Type FiledSeptember 25th, 2017
대 출 금 액 금원 정 ( \ ) 대 출 기 간 년 대 출 종 류 거 래 구 분 대 출 개 시 일 년 월 일 대출기간만료일 년 월 일 □고정금리여신(은행 여신거래기본약관((가 계용)(제3조제2항제1호 □ 대출기간 만료일까지 연 % 선택) □변동금리여신(은행 여신거래기본약관(가 계용)(제3조제2항제2호 선택) □은행내부기준 금리부여신 은행내부기준금리+ ( )% 금리변동주기 대 출 이 자 율 □대출개시일로부터 매( )개월,□최초 이자납입일로부터 매...Loan Agreement • May 11th, 2017
Contract Type FiledMay 11th, 2017
ContractLoan Agreement • December 27th, 2021
Contract Type FiledDecember 27th, 2021
ContractLoan Agreement • August 26th, 2021
Contract Type FiledAugust 26th, 2021
여신088, A4, 모조80g/㎡, 2023. 10 개정)Loan Agreement • September 15th, 2023
Contract Type FiledSeptember 15th, 2023
목 차 ]--------------- 1. 정 의 2. 대 출 3. 대출의 목적 4. 인 출 5. 이 자 6. 연체이자 7. 상 환 8. 지 급 9. 제세금 10. 표시와 보증 11. 약정사항 12. 인출선행 조건 13. 채무불이행 14. 적용법률의 변경 15. 계약기간 16. 기 타 17. 준거법 18. 주권면책특권의 포기 19. 재판관할 20. 통 지 서 명 첨부 A - 인출통지서 첨부 B - 약속어음첨부 C - 인출조건 이행확인서Loan Agreement • September 14th, 2004
Contract Type FiledSeptember 14th, 2004
이자계산방법 예시 : [(대부잔액 X 연 이자율 ÷ 365(윤년의 경❹ 366)] X 이용일 수 / (대부잔액 X 연 이자율 ÷ 12) X 이용개월 수Loan Agreement • December 11th, 2019
Contract Type FiledDecember 11th, 2019
ContractLoan Agreement • July 22nd, 2016
Contract Type FiledJuly 22nd, 2016
거래방식이 수 개로 되어 있는 경우 은행직원의 설명을 듣고 해당되는 “□”내에 “V”표시합니다.)Loan Agreement • July 3rd, 2019
Contract Type FiledJuly 3rd, 2019
여신088, A4, 모조80g/㎡, 2021. 11 개정)Loan Agreement • October 25th, 2021
Contract Type FiledOctober 25th, 2021
ContractLoan Agreement • January 29th, 2019
Contract Type FiledJanuary 29th, 2019
ContractLoan Agreement • April 27th, 2018
Contract Type FiledApril 27th, 2018
NOTICE REGARDING KOREAN TRANSLATIONLoan Agreement • February 7th, 2023
Contract Type FiledFebruary 7th, 2023This Korean translation is not a binding legal document, is being provided solely for the Borrower's convenience, and will not in any way be construed as a contract or any part of the English loan document. While Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have attempted to ensure that this is an accurate Korean translation of the loan document, neither Fannie Mae nor Freddie Mac is liable for any inaccuracies in this Korean translation or for any misunderstandings due to differences in language usage or dialect. In the event of any inconsistencies between the English loan document and this Korean translation, the executed English loan document will govern. The Borrower assumes the responsibility for fully understanding the nature and terms of the Borrower's obligations as set forth in the English loan documents they sign at loan closing. The Borrower shall not sign this translation. In addition, the Borrower may have received this loan document solely as an example of a typical loan document, and not
ContractLoan Agreement • August 9th, 2018
Contract Type FiledAugust 9th, 2018
ContractLoan Agreement • September 29th, 2011
Contract Type FiledSeptember 29th, 2011
ContractLoan Agreement • September 15th, 2022
Contract Type FiledSeptember 15th, 2022
ContractLoan Agreement • April 1st, 2019
Contract Type FiledApril 1st, 2019
□ MSC, 클레이페다(Klaipeda)항 확장을 위한 대출 계약 추진 2Loan Agreement • January 23rd, 2013
Contract Type FiledJanuary 23rd, 2013
거래방식이 수 개로 되어 있는 경우, 은행직원의 설명을 듣고 해당되는 “□”내에 “V”표시합니다.)Loan Agreement • October 1st, 2021
Contract Type FiledOctober 1st, 2021
ContractLoan Agreement • August 4th, 2021
Contract Type FiledAugust 4th, 2021
ContractLoan Agreement • June 19th, 2015
Contract Type FiledJune 19th, 2015
KB 메디칼론용)Loan Agreement • January 24th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJanuary 24th, 2024
NOTICE REGARDING KOREAN TRANSLATIONLoan Agreement • February 7th, 2023
Contract Type FiledFebruary 7th, 2023This Korean translation is not a binding legal document, is being provided solely for the Borrower's convenience, and will not in any way be construed as a contract or any part of the English loan document. While Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have attempted to ensure that this is an accurate Korean translation of the loan document, neither Fannie Mae nor Freddie Mac is liable for any inaccuracies in this Korean translation or for any misunderstandings due to differences in language usage or dialect. In the event of any inconsistencies between the English loan document and this Korean translation, the executed English loan document will govern. The Borrower assumes the responsibility for fully understanding the nature and terms of the Borrower's obligations as set forth in the English loan documents they sign at loan closing. The Borrower shall not sign this translation. In addition, the Borrower may have received this loan document solely as an example of a typical loan document, and not
NOTICE REGARDING KOREAN TRANSLATIONLoan Agreement • February 7th, 2023
Contract Type FiledFebruary 7th, 2023This Korean translation is not a binding legal document, is being provided solely for the Borrower's convenience, and will not in any way be construed as a contract or any part of the English loan document. While Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have attempted to ensure that this is an accurate Korean translation of the loan document, neither Fannie Mae nor Freddie Mac is liable for any inaccuracies in this Korean translation or for any misunderstandings due to differences in language usage or dialect. In the event of any inconsistencies between the English loan document and this Korean translation, the executed English loan document will govern. The Borrower assumes the responsibility for fully understanding the nature and terms of the Borrower's obligations as set forth in the English loan documents they sign at loan closing. The Borrower shall not sign this translation. In addition, the Borrower may have received this loan document solely as an example of a typical loan document, and not
ContractLoan Agreement • June 9th, 2015
Contract Type FiledJune 9th, 2015