PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS. Considerando que: Whereas: ▪ A CONTRATANTE deseja aderir ao Termo de Adesão ao Co-location B3 (“Termo”), tendo por objetivo a hospedagem de seus equipamentos na Área de Co-location; e ▪ The CONTRACTING PARTY wishes to adhere to the Adhesion Term for B3 Co-location in order to host its Equipment in the Co-location Area; and ▪ A B3 visa a oferecer o acesso à sua Área de Co-location à CONTRATANTE, em conformidade com os termos e condições previstos neste Termo, na Política Comercial do Co-location e nos Normativos B3; ▪ B3 seeks to offer access to its Co-location Area to the CONTRACTING PARTY, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Term, in the Co-location Commercial Policy and in the B3 Rules; TENDO EM VISTA as premissas e cláusulas aqui contidas, as Partes acordam o que se segue. IN VIEW OF the premises and clauses set forth herein, the Parties hereby agree to the following:
PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS. Whereas: The CONTRACTING PARTY adhered to the Adhesion Term for B3 Co-location ("Co-location Term") on [date], with the purpose of hosting Equipment in Hosting Units in the Co-location Area of B3; The CONTRACTING PARTY wishes to sublocate its contracted Hosting Units through the Co-location Term to its Clients, thereby acting as a Co-location Managed Services Provider, under the terms of the B3 Co-location Commercial Policy; The CONTRACTING PARTY is aware and agrees that B3 only authorizes the CONTRACTING PARTY, by means of this instrument and pursuant to clause 1.2 of the Co-location Term, to perform the activity of Co-location Managed Services Provider within B3 Co-location environment for Clients who contract, directly with B3, Services B3; NOW THEREFORE the Parties hereby agree to enter into this Authorization Term - Co-location Managed Services Provider ("Authorization Term"), which shall be governed by the following terms and provisions: III - TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Object. By means of this instrument, B3 authorizes, on a non-exclusive basis, the CONTRACTING PARTY to provide services of Co-location Managed Services Provider, as defined in the B3 Co-location Commercial Policy, through sub-allocation of the Hosting Units contracted with B3, which will remain governed by the terms and provisions contained in the Co-location Term, except as expressly provided otherwise in this instrument. 1.1 The CONTRACTING PARTY may use the Hosting Units to host Equipment that will be used by the CONTRACTOR's Clients, provided that they contract, through the signing of the contractual instrument, B3 Services, as set forth in the B3 Co-location Commercial Policy. 1.2 The CONTRACTOR shall not be able to provide Co-location Managed Services Provider services within the B3 Co-location for Clients who have no contractual relationship with B3 relating to B3 Services. 2.