April 2004 Sample Clauses
April 2004. The employer may pay a retiring gratuity to staff retiring who have had no less than 10 years' service with the employer, and any Area Health Board and with one or more of the following services: the Public Service, or any university in New Zealand. Notwithstanding the above, employees of an area health board employed prior to 24 April 1991 shall continue to have all periods of service recognised prior to that date credited for the purpose of calculating retirement gratuities. Notwithstanding the above, for employees who commenced employment with the Otago Area Health Board after 9 November 1992 service shall be deemed to comprise all periods of employment with the Otago Area Health Board and HealthCare Otago. For the purposes of the scale for calculation of gratuities, a “day” is the equivalent to the number of hours worked a fortnight divided by 10. The parties acknowledge that, in terms of Section 30A of the Human Rights Xxx 0000, HealthCare Otago took into consideration the employee’s age in determined the eligibility of entitlement for a retiring gratuity. The parties further acknowledge that clause 12 (Retiring Gratuities) was a term of the HealthCare Otago MRT CEC in force on 01 February 1999.
April 2004. Under a deliberation of the Extraordinary General Meeting dated 8 April 2004, the share capital came to the amount of € 103,725 after a cash contribution of an amount of € 3,725. Under a deliberation of the Extraordinary General Meeting dated 7 June 2004, the share capital came to the amount of € 137,500 after a cash contribution of an amount of € 33,775. In a deliberation dated 14 February 2005, the Combined General Meeting of shareholders, it was decided to increase the share capital by a nominal amount of € 116,666.67 by issuing, at the price of € 0.60 each (premium included), of 11,666,667 ordinary (category C) shares of a par value of € 0.01 each, accounting for a subscription of a total amount of € 7,000,000.20, to each of which is attached a warrant for ordinary shares. Under a deliberation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders dated 15 December 2005, it was decided to convert the category B privileged shares and the ordinary category C shares, into category B and C preferred shares. By a resolution dated 30 June 2006, the Board of Directors certified the issue of 12,500 ordinary shares (known as “category A” shares) for a price of €0.40 each (including the issue premium) pursuant to the subscription of 12,500 stock options issued in accordance with the 2004-1 stock option plan and pursuant to the authorisation granted by the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held on 10 September 2004. Said issue increased the share capital by a nominal amount of €125, i.e. a subscription for a total amount of €5,000. By a resolution dated 17 July 2006, the combined general meeting of shareholders voted to increase the share capital by a nominal amount of €139,917.73 by issuing 13,991,773 category D preferred shares with a par value of €0.01 each, for a price of €1.215 each (including the issue premium), to each of which a stock warrant for category D preferred shares, known as a “BSA06-2006” was attached, representing a subscription for a total amount of €17,000,004.20. By a resolution dated 17 November 2006, the combined general meeting of shareholders voted to increase the share capital by a nominal amount of €24,691.36 by issuing 2,469,136 category D preferred shares with a par value of €0.01 each, for a price of €1.215 each (including the issue premium), to each of which stock warrant for category D preferred shares, known as a “BSA06-2006” was attached, representing a subscription for a total amount of €3,000,000.24. By a resolution ...
April 2004. Kardulias, P. N. 1992. ‘Estimating population at ancient military sites: the use of historical and contemporary analogy’. AmerAnt 57: 276-287. Kardulias, P. N. – Shutes, M. T. (eds.) 1997. Aegean Strategies: Studies of Culture and Environment on the European Fringe. Rowman Littlefield Publishers, Lanham. Kenny, E.J.A. 1935. ‘The Ancient Drainage of the Copais’. Kirsten, E. 1951 ‘Beiträge zur historischen Landeskunde des östlichen Mittelgriechenlands und Euboeas’, in A. Philippson, Die griechische Landschaften, I: Der Nordosten der griechischen Halbinsel. Frankfurt am Main: 645-729 Kirsten, E. 1956. Die Griechische Polis als historisch- geographisches Problem des Mittelmeerraumes. Bonn. Klápštĕ, J. 1991. ‘Studies of structural change in medieval settlement in Bohemia’. Antiquity 65: 396-405 Knapp, A. B. (ed.) 1992. Archaeology, Annales, and Ethnohistory. CUP, Cambridge. Knapp, A.B. - Ashmore, W. 1999. ‘Archaeological Landscapes: Constructed, Conceptualized, Ideational’, in A. B. Knapp - W. Ashmore (eds.) Archaeologies of Landscape. Contemporary Perspectives. Blackwell: 1-30 Knauss, J. 1987. ‘Munich Kopais expedition, topographical surveys of October 1986 and May 1987: progress report’. Teiresias 17: 1-5 Knauss, J. 1988. ‘Der Damm im Takka-See beim alten Tegea (Arkadien, Peloponnes)’. AM 103: 25-36 Knauss, J. 1992. ‘Purpose and function of the ancient hydraulic structures at Thisbe’, in J.M. Fossey – J. Morin (eds.) Boeotia Antiqua II: Recent Papers in Boiotian Archaeology and Epigraphy, Amsterdam: 35-45 Knauss, J. 1995. ‘NE Kopais: Technical and Historical Aspects of the unfinished ancient drainage Tunnel at the outmost Northeast Corner of the Kopais Basin’, in A.Ch. Christodoulou (ed.) B’ diethnes synedrio Boiotikon Meleton: 83-95 Knauss, J. 2000. ‘Praehistorische Landgewinnung beim boeotischen Medeon am Fuss des Sphinxberges’, in G’ diethnes synedrio Boiotikon Meleton: 242-252 (English version in ArchDelt 50 1995 (2000) B1: 242-252 ‘Prehistoric drainage of Medeon polder’). Knauss, J. 2001. Späthelladische Wasserbauten: Erkundungen zu wasserwirtschaftlichen Infrastrukturen der mykenischen Welt: Zusammenfassung aller bisherigen Untersuchungsergebnisse. Lehrstuhl für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft, Institut für Wasserwesen, München. Knauss, J. et al. Kopais 1 1984. Die Wasserbauten der Mynier in der Kopais – die alteste Flussregulierung Europas. Munchen-Obernach. Knauss, J. Kopais 2 1987. Die Melioration des Kopaisbeckens durch die Minver im 2. Jt.v.Chr.: Ko...
April 2004. Verhagen, P. - Gazenbeek, M. 2006. ‘The use of predictive modeling for guiding the archaeological survey of roman pottery kilns in the Argonne region (Northeast France)’, in N.W. Mehrer – K.L. Wescott (eds.) Gis and Archaeological Site Location Modeling: 447-460
April 2004. Award in the Arbitration Regarding the Iron Rhine (‘Ijzeren Rijn’) Railway Between the Kingdom of Belguim and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Decision of 24 May 2005. <xxxx://xxxxx.xx.xxx/riaa/cases/vol_XXVII/35-125.pdf>.
April 2004. Xxxxxx, X. 1912. ‘Die Besiedlung Böotiens bis in frühgriechische Zeit’. NJbb 29: 521-541 Xxxxxxxx, X. X. (ed.) 1976 The Early Mesoamerican Village. Academic Press, New York. Xxxxxxx, X. 1990. ‘Landscape archaeology, prehistory and rural studies’. Rural History I.1: 5-15 Xxxxx, X. 1981. ‘Off-site archaeology: an alternative approach for the shortsided’, in X.Xxxxxx - G.Iaasc - X. Xxxxxxx (eds.) Patterns of the Past. Cambridge: 157- 183 Xxxxxx, X. 1989. ‘Of grandfathers and grand theories: the hierarchised ordering of responses to hazard in a Greek rural community’, in X.Xxxxxxxx - X.X’Xxxx (eds.) Bad Year Economics. Cultural Responses to Risk and Uncertainty, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 87-97 Xxxxxx, H. 1995. ‘The identification of pastoralist sites within the context of estate-based agriculture in ancient Greece: beyond the ‘transhumance versus agro- pastoralist’ debate’. BSA 90: 325-338 Xxxxxx X. 1996. “The Uses of the uncultivated Landscape in Modern Greece: a Pointer to the Value of the Wilderness in Antiquity?”, in X. Xxxxxxx – X. Xxxxxx (eds.) Human Landscapes in Classical Antiquity. Environment and Culture. London-New York: 68-97
April 2004. 4,788,962.40 March 2007........... 2.31
April 2004. This is a copy of the original document; signatures on file.]
April 2004. Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 2.1 above either party may on giving prior written notice reduce the term of the Appointment with effect from 31 December 2000 or 31 December in any subsequent year ("the Variation Date"").
April 2004. Victoria Day Monday 24 May 2004 (For) Canada Day Friday 2 July 2004 Simcoe Day Monday 2 August 2004 Labour Day Monday 6 September 2004 Thanksgiving Day Monday 11 O ctober 2004