RETIRING GRATUITIES. 28.1 For DHBs where retiring gratuity provisions applied at 1 October 2004 (Auckland, Capital & Coast, Counties Manukau, Hutt Valley, Xxxxxx Marlborough, Otago, Southland and Waikato DHBs), the relevant provisions as listed in Schedule 2 shall be retained.
28.2 For the purposes of establishing eligibility for a gratuity, total service may be aggregated, whether this be part time or whole time, or a combination of both at different periods. Part time service is not to be converted to its whole time equivalent for the purpose of establishing eligibility.
28.3 Where part time service is involved the gratuity should be calculated to reflect this. The number of hours per week employed during the years of service is calculated as a percentage of the number of hours represented by a full week and this percentage is applied to the rate of pay established for gratuity purposes.
28.4 Gratuities may be paid to the spouse or if no surviving spouse, the dependent child(xxx) or the estate of employees who died before retirement or who died after retirement but before receiving a gratuity. Xxxxxx is defined as a person with whom a marriage contract has been made or who is in a de facto relationship.
28.5 The calculation of a gratuity entitlement shall be in accordance with the scale detailed below, provided that the amount of any gratuity previously received in respect of service taken into account in the calculation shall be deducted.
28.6 For the purposes of calculating the amount of gratuity that the employer may pay, the rate of pay on retirement shall be the basic rates of salary or wages.
28.6.1 An employee who is granted leave without pay and who remains in the service of the employer, will, on retirement, have such leave aggregated with other service for gratuity purposes. Period of Total Service Maximum Gratuity Not less than 10 years and less than 11 years 31 days’ pay Not less than 11 years and less than 12 years 35 days’ pay Not less than 12 years and less than 13 years 39 days’ pay Not less than 13 years and less than 14 years 43 days’ pay Not less than 14 years and less than 15 years 47 days’ pay Not less than 15 years and less than 16 years 51 days’ pay Not less than 16 years and less than 17 years 55 days’ pay Not less than 17 years and less than 18 years 59 days’ pay Not less than 18 years and less than 19 years 63 days’ pay Not less than 19 years and less than 20 years 67 days’ pay Not less than 20 years and less than 21 years 71 days’ pay Not less than...
RETIRING GRATUITIES. Employees retiring who have no less than 10 years service with the employer and are no less than 55 years of age may be paid a Retirement Gratuity within the scale given in Fourth Schedule.
RETIRING GRATUITIES. The employer may pay a gratuity to staff retiring, who have had not less than 10 years' qualifying service as provided for in Clause 18 and clause 46.10 in the Tairawhiti DHB previous collective agreement.
RETIRING GRATUITIES. 45.1 The following applies only to employees employed by the relevant DHB below, who have remained continuously employed by that DHB: South Canterbury DHB Xxxxxx Marlborough DHB employed prior to 30 October 1992 Otago DHB employed prior to 1 February 1999 Southland DHB employed prior to 1 July 1995 West Coast DHB employed prior to 1 July 1997
45.2 The employer may pay a retiring gratuity to employees permanently retiring from the workforce who have had no less than 10 years’ current continuous service with the same employer. The status quo criteria used by each individual employer, in determining whether an employee is granted a gratuity as at 17 December 2001 will continue to be used.
45.3 For the purposes of establishing eligibility for a gratuity, total service as above may be aggregated, whether this be part time or whole time, or a combination of both at different periods.
45.4 Where part-time service is involved the gratuity should be calculated to reflect this fact. The number of hours per week employed during the years of service is calculated as a percentage of the number of hours represented by a full week and this percentage is applied to the rate of pay established for gratuity purposes.
45.5 The calculation shall be based on the base rate of salary or wages.
45.6 The gratuity is based on the following scale Current continuous service Maximum Gratuity Not less than 10 years 31 days Not less than 11 years Additional 4 days for each full and up to 26 years year of service in excess of 10 years Not less than 26 years Additional 6 days for each full year and up to 40 years of service in excess of 25 years, to a maximum of 40 years. Note: These are consecutive rather than working days.
RETIRING GRATUITIES. Current grandparented entitlements in affected district health boards shall continue to apply to those eligible employees covered by this Agreement. In those district health boards where the gratuity is not already grandparented, it will be grandparented to those employees employed on 23 December 2004.
RETIRING GRATUITIES. The Employer shall pay a retiring gratuity to staff retiring from the DHB have had not less than ten years’ service with the employing Company, with that board and one or more other boards and with one or more of the following services: the Public Service, the Post Office, New Zealand Railways or any university in New Zealand, provided that for employees engaged after 1.7.92 only service with Area Health Boards and Hospital Boards, CHEs, HHSs and District Health Boards shall be recognised.
RETIRING GRATUITIES. NOTE: This clause shall not apply to employees employed after 30 June 1992.
22.1 The employer may pay a retiring gratuity to staff retiring from the company who have had not less than 10 years' service with the employer, with that employer and one or more other District Health Board, Hospital and Health Service, Crown Health Enterprise Hospital or Area Health Board and with one or more of the following services: the Public Service, the Post Office, New Zealand Railways or any university in New Zealand.
22.2 For the purposes of establishing eligibility for a gratuity, total service with the employer may be aggregated, whether this be part-time or whole-time, or a combination of both at different periods. Part-time service is not to be converted to its whole-time equivalent for the purpose of establishing eligibility.
22.3 Where part-time service is involved the gratuity should be calculated to reflect this. The number of hours per week employed during the years of service is calculated as a percentage of the number of hours represented by a full week and this percentage is applied to the rate of pay established for gratuity purposes.
22.4 Gratuities may be paid to the spouse or if no surviving spouse, the dependent child(xxx) or the estate of employees who died before retirement or who died after retirement but before receiving a gratuity. Xxxxxx is defined as a person with whom a marriage contract has been made or who is in a de facto relationship.
22.5 The calculation of a gratuity entitlement shall be in accordance with the scale detailed below, provided that the amount of any gratuity previously received in respect of service taken into account in the calculation shall be deducted.
22.6 For the purposes of calculating the amount of gratuity which the employer may pay the rate of pay on retirement shall be the basic rates of salary or wages.
22.7 An employee who is granted leave without pay and who remains in the service of the employer, will, on retirement, have such leave aggregated with other service for gratuity purposes. NOTE: These are consecutive rather than working days.
RETIRING GRATUITIES. NOTE: This clause shall not apply to employees employed after 30 June 1992.
RETIRING GRATUITIES. (a) Employees who have no less than 10 years service with the employer may be paid a Retirement Gratuity within the scale given in table below.
(b) The provisions of this clause will also apply where early retirement is taken by an employee as an alternative to redundancy.
RETIRING GRATUITIES. 16.1 Retiring Gratuities are available to employees who are retiring from employers where those provisions existed in Collective Agreements, which were in place prior to or after 30 June 2007. Those employer-specific provisions are attached as Appendix 3 to this MECA. All cut off and implementation dates expressed in those employer-specific provisions will continue to apply with each employer.