ARRANGEMENT OF EXHIBITS. Each exhibitor is provided an Official Exhibitor Kit. The Exhibitor Kit describes the type and arrangement of exhibit space and the standard equipment provided by Show Management for booth construction. All booth space must be arranged and constructed in accordance with the guidelines, provisions and limitations contained in the Exhibitor Kit. If, in the sole opinion of Show Management, any exhibit fails to conform to the Exhibitor Kit guidelines, or the provisions set forth herein, such exhibit will be prohibited from functioning at any time during the exposition. 7. EXHIBITS & PUBLIC POLICY. Each exhibitor is charged with knowledge of all laws, ordinances and regulations pertaining to health, fire prevention and public safety, while participating in this exposition. Compliance with such laws is mandatory for all exhibitors and the sole responsibility is that of the exhibitor. Show Management and service contractors have no responsibility pertaining to the compliance with laws as to public policy as far as individual exhibitor’s space, materials and operation is concerned. Should an exhibitor have any questions as to the application of such laws, ordinances and regulations to his exhibit or display, Show Management will endeavor to answer them. All booth decorations must be flame-proofed. Electrical wiring must conform to the National Electrical Code Safety Rules. If inspection indicates any exhibitor has neglected to comply with these regulations, or otherwise incurs fire hazard, the right is reserved to cancel all or such part of his exhibit as may be irregular, and effect the removal of same at exhibitor’s expense. Exhibitors will not be permitted to store behind their booth background any excess material such as cardboard cartons, literature, etc. If unusual equipment or machinery is to be installed or if appliances that might come under fire codes are to be used the exhibitor should communicate with Show Management for information concerning facilities or regulations. Exhibitors must comply with City and State fire regulations. 8.
ARRANGEMENT OF EXHIBITS. Each exhibitor is provided an Official Exhibitor Kit. The Exhibitor Kit describes the type and arrangement of exhibit space and the standard equipment provided by Show Management for booth construction. All booth space must be arranged and constructed in accordance with the guidelines, provisions and limitations contained in the Exhibitor Kit. If, in the sole opinion of Show Management, any exhibit fails to conform to the Exhibitor Kit guidelines, or the provisions set forth herein, such exhibit will be prohibited from functioning at any time during the exposition.
ARRANGEMENT OF EXHIBITS. Each exhibitor is provided an Official Exhibitor Kit. The Exhibitor Kit describes the type and arrangement of exhibit space and the standard equipment provided by Show Management for booth construction. All booth space must be arranged and constructed in accordance with the guidelines, provisions and limitations contained in the Exhibitor Kit. If, in the sole opinion of Show Management, any exhibit fails to conform to the Exhibitor Kit guidelines, or the provisions set forth herein, such exhibit will be prohibited from functioning at any time during the exposition. Exhibitor Plan Review. Booth construction plans and layout arrangements for first-time exhibitors, exhibits in peninsula or island booth spaces, or involving other unusual construction features, must be submitted for approval at least sixty (60) days prior to the opening of the exposition.
ARRANGEMENT OF EXHIBITS. Each exhibitor is provided an Official Exhibitor Kit. The Exhibitor Kit describes the type and arrangement of exhibit space and the standard equipment provided by Show Management for booth construction. All booth space must be arranged and constructed in accordance with the guidelines, provisions and limitations contained in the Exhibitor Kit. If, in the sole opinion of Show Management, any exhibit fails to conform to the Exhibitor Kit guidelines, or the provisions set forth herein, such exhibit will be prohibited from functioning at any time during the exposition. Exhibits not conforming may be dismantled or modified, at cost to the exhibitor, at the sole judgment and discretion of Show Management.
ARRANGEMENT OF EXHIBITS. The exhibitor agrees to arrange his exhibits so as not to obstruct or interfere in any way with the general view or the view of the exhibits of the other exhibitors, or the free passage of spectators. The decision of the Exhibit Committee as to what constitutes such obstruction or interference shall be final.
ARRANGEMENT OF EXHIBITS. Each exhibitor is provided an Official Exhibitor Kit. The Exhibitor Kit describes the type and arrangement of exhibit space and the standard equipment provided by Show Management for booth construction. All booth space must be arranged and constructed in accordance with the guidelines, provisions and limitations contained in the Exhibitor Kit (which can be found on the OEIS website If, in the sole opinion of Show Management, any exhibit fails to conform to the Exhibitor Kit guidelines, or the provisions set forth herein, such exhibit will be prohibited from functioning at any time during the exposition.
ARRANGEMENT OF EXHIBITS. Exhibitor agrees to arrange exhibits so that the general view of the floor will not be obstructed nor hide other exhibits. All materials must be displayed within the above-mentioned space and cannot be adhered to walls.
ARRANGEMENT OF EXHIBITS. Management reserves the right to reject any exhibitor or proposed exhibit. Arrangement of exhibits must be such as not to obstruct the view of other exhibits. All decorations must be flameproof. Sound devices or radio broadcasting facilities cannot be used without specific written permission from Management. For exhibits located in buildings, floor coverings must not be sealed to the concrete floor and must be removed at the close of the event. Partitions or signs placed around or made a part of any exhibit shall not be more than eight feet high and shall not extend beyond the space allotted. When such partitions are used, they must be neatly backed in such a manner as not to detract from the appearance of space occupied by adjoining exhibitors and must be acceptable by Management. Exhibits located adjacent to building perimeters are permitted to extend a partition and/or sign half the depth of exhibit area from an existing wall with no height limitations. The remaining front portion of exhibit area may not extend over four feet in height.
ARRANGEMENT OF EXHIBITS. Standard booth backgrounds and side rails, decorated with fantasy draperies, and uniform two-line signs are provided for inline booths without charge. All exhibits must be confined to the space limits of their respective booth(s) as indicated on the floor plan. All equipment, products, or materials to be displayed or demonstrated must be placed within the exhibit space in order to ensure that the attendee viewing the exhibit will stand within said booth space and not in the aisles. All exposed parts of displays must be finished to present an attractive appearance when viewed from the aisles or from adjoining exhibits. Exhibits that do not conform to these specifications, or are otherwise found objectionable, in ASHP’s sole opinion, will be prohibited. ASHP reserves the right, in the best interest of the exhibit program, to relocate selected space to areas other than that selected by Exhibitor.
ARRANGEMENT OF EXHIBITS. Standard booth backgrounds and side rails, decorated with fantasy draperies, and uniform two-line signs are provided for inline booths without charge. All exhibits must be confined to the space limits of their respective booth(s) as indicated on the floor plan. All equipment, products, or materials to be displayed or demonstrated must be placed within the exhibit space in order to ensure that the attendee viewing the exhibit will stand within said booth space and not in the aisles. All exposed parts of displays must be finished to present an attractive appearance when viewed from the aisles or from adjoining exhibits. Exhibits that do not conform to these specifications, or are otherwise found objectionable, in ASHP’s sole opinion, will be prohibited. ASHP reserves the right, in the best interest of the exhibit program, to relocate selected space to areas other than that selected by Exhibitor. Linear exhibit booths are 100 feet square (10’ x 10’), and consist of 8 feet high back drape and 36 inches high side dividers mounted on aluminum tubular frames. Signs, decorations and equipment may not rise above the 8 foot back wall or be placed outside the booth space. Solid construction over 4 feet high must be a minimum of 5 feet back from the aisle. Exposed unfinished sides of the exhibit must be draped to present an attractive appearance. Hanging signs are not permitted. All booths are identified with a booth number sign affixed on the back wall. The height restriction for linear booths is 8 feet. Linear exhibit booths are 100 feet square (10’ x 10’), and consist of 8 feet high back drape and 36 inches high side dividers mounted on aluminum tubular frames. Hanging signs are not permitted above linear booths. An island exhibit is an open area of exhibit space with aisles on all four sides. Island booths are 20’x20’ or larger. Island exhibits must provide for accessibility from all four aisles. Island exhibits may extend to all outer edges of the booth, but must provide see- through visibility so as not to obstruct the view of, or otherwise interfere with, the displays of other exhibitors. ASHP requires island booth exhibitors to comply with the “See Through Rule”, which means that at least 50% of the exhibit booth must have visibility through it on all sides. The height restriction for island booths is 25 feet for the booth structure(s). Multi-level booths are strictly prohibited. Hanging signs/banners are only available for island booths and may not exceed the...