Asbestos and Lead Sample Clauses

Asbestos and Lead. To the extent not included in the Pollution exclusion set forth above, the presence or effects of asbestos and asbestos products in any form or substance, and the presence or effect of lead in any form or substance.
Asbestos and Lead clean-up costs, loss or defence costs arising out of or related in any way to asbestos, asbestos fibres, asbestos dust or asbestos-containing materials or lead-based paint installed or applied in on or to any structure or building; provided that this exclusion does not apply to clean-up costs in respect of soil and groundwater.
Asbestos and Lead. Based Paint - Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint may be the exception to the rule that the Government is responsible for removal of hazardous wastes. This Section offers some suggestions as to how the Government and Utility may agree to have the Utility perform the testing, removal or abatement of lead-based paint or asbestos.
Asbestos and Lead. Paint‌ Within ninety (90) days following the Effective Date and with respect to changes in the Premises, the Port will provide Airline with the Port's most recent survey data related to asbestos found in certain areas of the Airport. Management of such materials shall be the responsibility of the Port, pursuant to Exhibit D, and Airline shall not knowingly disturb or otherwise impact any such material without the prior written permission of the Port. Airline acknowledges that if any asbestos or lead-based paint is present in its Premises, and Airline disturbs such material, Airline will be responsible for lawfully handling it. Lead-based paint is not inventoried by the Airport and it is the responsibility of Airline to do its own investigation concerning lead-based paint and, if found, ensure compliance with applicable laws and coordinate with the Port in its abatement or removal, in accordance with Exhibit D.
Asbestos and Lead. The Department has completed all PPA 2000 commitments in lead and asbestos, except for commitments related to revisions to the “Asbestos Management Regulations”. Proposed revisions to this rule were posted to the formal rulemaking process in July 2002 and a public hearing on the change was held on August 15, 2002. The Board of Environmental Protection will adopt the final rule late in 2002, and program staff will then provide workshops to help with implementation of the new rule. Program staff continued to take advantage of education and outreach opportunities beyond those required by the PPA to help prevent the release of asbestos fibers and lead dust into the environment. During the previous PPA the Department combined the asbestos and lead programs and compliance, enforcement and technical assistance in both lead and asbestos. This has given program staff greater flexibility to more efficiently utilize their time as we cover the geographically large area of the entire state from our central Augusta office. In 2002, the Lead and Asbestos Hazard Prevention Program (LAHPP) processed all lead and asbestos licensing applications received from contractors, consultants, and trainers and certification applications from professionals. Staff was actively involved in regional reciprocity efforts, attending and participating in all CONES/CONEST meetings and conference calls, including co-hosting (with the Penobscot Indian Nation) the CONEST annual meeting in May 2002, and participating in NELCC meetings as appropriate to coordinate lead education and outreach efforts in New England. Staff also organized and presented at a regional Lead TSCA Enforcement Training in November 2001, and gave presentations at the Regional CDC Grantees Conference in November 2001 and at the National Asbestos Conference in March 2002. All of these conferences were helpful in providing a larger context to our local efforts. The LAHPP continued to implement the terms of our MOU with the five Native American tribes in Maine. The MOU was entered into in 1998 with the Aroostook Band of Micmacs, the Houlton Band of Maliseets, and the Passamaquoddy at Indian Township, with the Passamaquoddy at Pleasant Point in 1999, and with the Penobscot Indian Nation in 2000. The tribes received funding for training activities as well as technical assistance for lead inspection activities from the LAHPP in 2002. The LAHPP continued its close cooperation with Maine’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program...
Asbestos and Lead. BASED PAINTS When work is in areas suspected of containing asbestos or lead-based paint, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer immediately. If asbestos and/or lead-based paint is unexpectedly encountered during the course of a project, work shall cease immediately and the Contracting Officer shall be notified.
Asbestos and Lead. Based Paint. Any asbestos containing materials discovered at the Property or any suspect asbestos containing materials that were not previously tested and that will be disturbed during the construction of the Project should be tested or assumed to be asbestos containing material and handled accordingly. Bondowner Representative shall have received a certification acceptable to Bondowner Representative from an abatement contractor acceptable to Bondowner Representative that all asbestos containing materials and all lead- based paint or lead containing paint existing on the Property have been removed and disposed of in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. In connection therewith, Bondowner Representative shall have received copies of documentation of the proper removal and disposal of all such substances, including, without limitation, waste manifests, work and disposal logs, worker medical records, air clearance sampling logs and lead dust sampling logs, as applicable. To the extent that any such materials have not been removed and instead shall remain in place at the Property, Bondowner Representative shall have received an operations and maintenance plan acceptable to Bondowner Representative with respect to the maintenance and containment of such materials.
Asbestos and Lead. The following is added to Paragraph 8: To the extent that lead abatement is necessary on the Demised Premises, Ringling shall be responsible for same at its cost. Paragraph 8 includes a provision that School Board will pay for any additional and necessary removal of asbestos up to a limit of Twenty Thousand Dollars after the commencement of the Lease. This $20,000 amount shall apply to asbestos removed from either Historic Sarasota High School Building or to Building 42 as well.
Asbestos and Lead arising from asbestos or any asbestos-containing materials or lead-based paint installed or applied in, on or to any building or other structure.
Asbestos and Lead. Paint Abatement‌‌ Employees assigned to asbestos and/or lead paint abatement shall be compensated one dollar ($1) per hour for each hour engaged in such assignment or work. This premium shall be paid for time worked only.