Bumping Order. Provided the employee has more seniority, one employee shall be allowed to bump another employee with less seniority in the same classification.
Bumping Order. 2 1. The intent of the Bumping Order is to protect employment for the Classified employees with the 3 most seniority.
4 2. Employees in other employee units cannot bump into the Classified Unit in the event of layoff in 5 their current employee units.
6 3. An employee can bump into a position not previously held if the position is in the same Job Family 7 (Section 2) and is equal or lower in salary range to the employee’s present position.
8 4. An employee who is laid off from one position cannot bump into a higher classification with a 9 higher salary range even though the employee held that previous classification.
10 5. After the assignment and transfer process (Article 24: Assignment and Transfer) has been 11 completed, vacancies shall be filled in accordance with the steps below, if the vacancy fits the 12 requirements for that step in the bumping process.
13 6. The bumping proceeds as follows:
14 a. First - A Classified employee laid off or bumped from their present position shall bump the least 15 senior employee in that classification regardless of location or work hours (which may be more 16 or less than the employee’s current work hours). Identical seniority dates are addressed in
Bumping Order. The bumping order is included in Section D.5 above.
Bumping Order. A) The Director of HR shall determine the occupations and permanent part-time positions to which an employee is qualified to bump. Provided an employee is qualified, bumping shall be exercised first within the employee's own work unit. If the employee is not offered a position in their work unit, then bumping rights may be exercised within another work unit. Bumping shall cease when an employee is made an offer at any stage of the bumping, or if the employee fails to bump.
B) Bumping shall be exercised in the following order:
Bumping Order. The intent of the bumping order is to protect employment for the Classified 5 employees with the most seniority.
Bumping Order i) The Employer shall determine the occupations and positions to which an employee is qualified to bump. Upon written request, the employer shall supply written rationale for its decision.
ii) Bumping rights shall be exercised as set out below. Bumping shall cease when an employee is made an offer at the mandatory stage or accepts an offer, or fails to bump.
iii) Bumping shall be exercised in the following order within each stage of the process: • first: A Permanent Full-Time position designated by the Employer as vacant; • second: A Permanent Part-Time encumbering a vacant permanent full-time position; • third: An employee on initial probation in a Permanent Full-Time position with the least service;
Bumping Order. The Head of HR or designate shall determine the occupations and permanent part-time positions to which an employee is qualified to bump. Provided an employee is qualified, bumping shall be exercised first within the employee's own work unit. If the employee is not offered a position in their work unit, then bumping rights may be exercised within another work unit. Bumping shall cease when an employee is made an offer at any stage of the bumping process, or if the employee fails to bump. Bumping shall be exercised in the following order:
Bumping Order. Bumping rights shall be exercised in the following order:
a) to bump laterally to a position for which the employee is qualified.
b) to bump downward into the lower paid position of the employee’s choice for which the employee is qualified. All bumping shall occur to the employee with the least total seniority in the classification. Employees in full-time positions may choose to bump into less-than-full-time positions, but are not required to do so if full time positions are available. Employees in less-than-full- time positions may bump into a less-than-full-time position in which the hours most closely approximate the employee’s current hours.
Bumping Order i) The employer shall determine the occupations and permanent part-time positions to which an employee is qualified to bump. Provided an employee is qualified, bumping shall be exercised first within the employee's own work unit. If the employee is not offered a position in their work unit, then bumping rights may be exercised within the seniority unit. Bumping shall cease when an employee is made an offer at any stage of the bumping, or if the employee fails to bump.
Bumping Order. A) A Permanent employee, providing he is qualified and has more total seniority, shall bump within his own agency in the following order: