POSITION ABOLISHMENT. 23.01 The Employer will make a reasonable effort to effect reductions in the work force through attrition prior to and during the position abolishment process.
23.02 Where two (2) or more permanent Employees who are performing the same or similar functions in the same job classification within a single work location have their positions abolished they shall be abolished in reverse order of seniority provided those retained are qualified and able to perform the available work.
23.03 The Employer shall give a permanent Employee and the Union at least ninety (90) calendar days prior written notice that the Employee's position is to be abolished.
23.04 The Employee may resign in writing and receive pay at the Employee’s regular rate in lieu of part of the notice specified in Clause 23.03 to a maximum of two (2) months’ pay. If eligible, the Employee may retire pursuant to the Public Service Pension Plans Act with such retirement to be effective on or after the date notice pursuant to Clause 23.03 expires, however, if the Employee resigns and retires before the end of the notice period, the Employee shall not receive pay in lieu of notice.
23.05 A permanent Employee who has more than one (1) year of continuous employment immediately preceding the notice of position abolishment, and who has not resigned in writing or retired, pursuant to Clause 23.03, shall be entitled to the rights set out in the following clauses.
23.06 An Employee whose position is declared abolished and for whom the Employer has not arranged ongoing employment within AGLC or with any successor employer, shall be eligible for:
(a) during the first two (2) weeks of the written notice period, the division shall fill all available comparable positions in the division and work unit through competitions limited exclusively to those Employees whose positions have been declared abolished. The Employer shall undertake to notify those Employees of all such available positions;
(b) where no alternative position is available to the Employee of each abolished position under (a), the Employer shall fill all available comparable positions throughout AGLC by operating competitions limited exclusively to such Employees;
(c) where no alternate position is found for one (1) or more Employees under paragraph (b), and the written notice period has expired for such Employee(s), said Employee(s) may be released from AGLC;
(d) Employee(s) released from AGLC under paragraph (c) shall be vested with the right to be a...
POSITION ABOLISHMENT. When a position becomes vacant due to the promotion, demotion, separation, death, resignation, transfer; reassignment of the incumbent, or for any reason, the Fire Chief shall have full discretion to determine whether the position is to be filled or to be abolished within thirty (30) business days of the vacancy. In the event that the Fire Chief determines to fill the position, the procedures regarding Filling of Positions as set forth in this agreement in Section 1 shall be followed. In the event that the Fire Chief determines to abolish a vacant position, the position shall be abolished and deleted from the Fire Department Listing (Table of Organization). In any such abolishment, neither the City nor the Civil Service Commission shall be required to hold an examination where no list of eligible candidates is in existence for such position. When a list of eligible candidates is in existence and the position to be abolished is vacant, promotion shall be effected according to this agreement from such list immediately prior to the abolishment of the position and recall rights shall ensue according to law. The employee promoted to the position to be abolished shall be demoted to the position occupied immediately prior to the promotion. Such promotion and abolishment shall not create any vacancy at any lower ranks that would require any other related promotions or examinations. When the abolishment of a vacant position occurs and there is no eligible list, no related demotions and/or layoffs are required. When the abolishment of a vacant position occurs, and there is a list, demotions back to positions occupied immediately prior to promotion shall occur according to law, but no related layoff shall be required. The Fire Chief shall also have full discretion in accord with the terms of this agreement to abolish any position that is filled. In the event the Fire Chief determines that a filled position should be abolished for managerial reasons including, without limit, reorganization for efficiency or economy or for lack of work or funds, he may do so upon Thirty (30) days written notice to the incumbent and the bargaining representative. When such an abolishment occurs, it shall be within the managerial discretion of the Fire Chief to determine whether related demotions and/or layoffs down through the ranks are required. It is expressly agreed that the contractual provisions contained in this section are intended to modify or replace the application of the stat...
POSITION ABOLISHMENT. 23.01 Position Abolishment occurs when the Employer eliminates a position, occupied by a salaried Employee, that it does not intend to reestablish in the foreseeable future.
23.02 For purposes of this article, the following definitions shall apply:
(a) “similar Employees” - two or more Employees having a common status performing the same or similar functions within a classification, and in the same work unit. Following consultation with the Union, the Employer may combine, but may not subdivide, work units for the purpose of administering this article.
POSITION ABOLISHMENT. (a) In the event that any position in the bargaining unit is abolished, the University shall provide to the Employee a payment for all vacation benefits accrued and a payment in respect of loss of employment of three (3) weeks of salary for each year of completed service, calculated to the nearest month, to a maximum payment of 52 weeks of salary. A partial month worked shall be counted as a full month for the purposes of determining completed service. For clarification, a week’s salary is calculated based on hours per week x hourly rate. Each month or partial month worked shall be calculated as 1/12. For example, an Employee who has completed 5 years, 4 months and 3 weeks of service shall be paid as follows:
POSITION ABOLISHMENT. 33.01 If a Full-time or Part-time Employee's position is abolished, two (2) weeks’ notice of termination of employment for each completed year of service to a maximum of forty-three (43) weeks or payment of regular salary in lieu thereof, or a combination of both, will be given to the Employee by the Employer.
33.02 The Employer agrees that in the event it becomes necessary to abolish an existing position, an effort will be made to place the Employee into another position covered by this Agreement. If an Employee is placed in another position, notice of position abolishment and severance pay noted above is not required.
33.03 During the period of notice of position abolishment, the Employer will allow the affected Employee a reasonable amount of time off with pay to be interviewed by prospective Employers.
POSITION ABOLISHMENT. 15.01 The Employer will make a reasonable effort to effect reduction in the work force through attrition prior to and during the position abolishment process.
15.02 For purposes of this Article the following definitions shall apply:
POSITION ABOLISHMENT. In the event of the abolition of a permanent position within the scope of this agreement, the parties shall meet to discuss the implications of such reduction. The parties to this Collective Agreement shall negotiate, on behalf of affected employees, relocation, retraining or redeployment, or any combination of these that the parties may mutually agree upon, in order to maintain employment. Should none of the mutually agreeable options maintain employment, the employee may pursue the bumping, or severance options, as provided by this Collective Agreement.
POSITION ABOLISHMENT. Position abolishment occurs when the Board eliminates a Position occupied by a Regular, Sessional Employee, or Recurring Part-time Employee which it does not intend to re-establish in the foreseeable future. Position abolishment may occur for reasons that may include but are not limited to technological change, automation, contracting out, merger or dissolution of Departments and budgetary constraints. However, this Article shall not apply in the event of a support staff reduction caused by fire, flood, earthquake, or other natural disasters, work stoppage or similar circumstance, requiring immediate closure of all or part of the University.
POSITION ABOLISHMENT. Refer to Article OP40 in PART B (Operating Provisions) or Article FT40 in PART C (Fixed-term Provisions) as appropriate.
POSITION ABOLISHMENT. 13.01 Employees may have their positions abolished as a result of a decrease in enrollment in the academic staff member’s area of instruction or the discontinuation or cancellation of a course or program.
13.02 Prior to any position abolishment, the Employer shall notify the President of the Association at least 10 days prior to any notice to impacted employees covered under this collective agreement. During this time frame, a consultation process will convene and the Association President will be provided with the specific school, number of impacted positions, reason for abolishment and rationale for abolishment.
13.03 Corporate Training, continuing education and other such instruction may be used, with mutual agreement, to reduce the number of permanent, full time or part time positions declared redundant if:
a) The combination of such instruction can be combined to create an annual workload comparable to those found in Section 36.01
b) The impacted Instructor has the qualifications and the demonstrated ability to instruct these classes.
13.04 Except in circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the instructional unit, the following shall be considered prior to any permanent positions in the program being impacted:
a) The Employer will release Casual, Temporary and Probationary employees;
b) The use of a Voluntary process:
i. An academic staff member may volunteer for position abolishment. If the Parties agree, the academic staff member shall enter into an agreement to resign or retire with the provisions as outlined in Section 13.05.
ii. If more volunteers than positions for abolishment occur, in conjunction with skills, abilities and operational teaching requirements the final factor for consideration shall be years of service.
c) Permanent full and part time instructors.
13.05 The Employer shall give a permanent academic staff member three (3) months’ working notice or pay in lieu of notice that the academic staff member's position is to be abolished effective immediately. In addition to such working notice or pay in lieu, the academic staff member shall receive severance pay in the amount of one (1) month pay for each full year of service to a maximum of twelve (12) months.
13.06 The rights as set out in Sub-sections 13.06 through 13.13 will be accrued by a permanent academic staff member who:
(a) has more than two (2) years of continuous employment immediately preceding the notice of position abolishment; and
(b) has not elected, in writing, to ...