Canada Day. Labour Day;
Canada Day. Twenty-four (24) hours (Saturday and Sunday excluded*) from 7:00 a.m. (6:00 a.m.**) of Canada Day to 7:00 a.m. (6:00 a.m.**) of the following day.
Canada Day. The first Monday in August;
Canada Day. Discovery Day
Canada Day and any day proclaimed by the Government of Canada or the Province of Manitoba as a public holiday, and any day appointed by His/Her Worship the Mayor by proclamation as a holiday for the City, and, in addition, any day on which any of the above holidays are observed by the City.
Canada Day. Civic Holiday, the first Monday in August; Labour Day; Thanksgiving Day; Remembrance Day; Christmas Day; and Boxing Day.
(2) At the request of the Employee, and where operational requirements permit, an Employee will not be required to work both Christmas and Boxing Day (December and 26) and New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day and January 1) in the same fiscal year. This Article does not apply to an Employee who fails to report for work on the designated paid holiday having been scheduled by Employer to do so, or who is absent without pay on both the working day immediately preceding and working day following the designated paid holiday, except with approval of or where leave has been granted under Article
(a) For Employees in Dietary, Housekeeping, Laundry and Nursing (including Xxxx Clerks), when a day designated holiday under Clause coincides with an Employee’s day of rest, the Employee shall be granted an alternate day off with regular pay within thirty (30) days, before or after the designated holiday. The Employer shall endeavour to day off combined with an Employee’s days off, or in with Employee request, practical. to For all other Employees, when a day designated as a holiday coincides with an Employee’s day of rest, the holiday shall Employee’s first working day following his day of When a day designated as a holiday for an Employee is moved to day provisions of clause 17.03:
(a) work performed by an Employee on the day from which the holiday was moved shall be considered as work performed on a day of rest and work performed by an Employee on the day to which the holiday was moved, shall be considered as work performed on a holiday. When the Employer requires an Employee to work on a designated paid holiday as part of his regularly scheduled hours of duty or as overtime he shall be paid in addition to the pay that he would have been granted had he not worked on the holiday:
(a) one and one-half times his hourly rate for the first four (4) hours worked, and twice his hourly rate for the hours worked in excess of four (4) hours, or an equivalent combination of cash and a day of leave at a later date convenient to both the Employee and the Employer. Where a day that a designated holiday for an Employee falls within a period of leave with pay, the holiday shall not count as a day of leave.
Canada Day. (July 1) Boxing Day (December 26)
Canada Day. New Brunswick Day; Labour Day; the day fixed by proclamation of the General-in-Council as a general day of Thanks- giving; Remembrance Day; Christmas Day; Boxing Day; and
Canada Day. Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years’ Day will be granted in accordance with the following schedule when working the eight (8) hour shift model: When Christmas occurs on: Plant Normally Closed Paid Holidays New Year’s Day Sunday Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. Mon. Tues Mon. (Jan. 2) Monday Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. Mon. Tues Mon. Tuesday Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. Mon. Tues Tues. Wednesday Wed. Thurs. Wed. Thurs. Wed.
Canada Day. Labour Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day shall be designated as non-production days. However, on a voluntary basis, employees may be canvassed to work on those days.