Carried to Final Summary R. Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES AND GENERAL Bill No. 1 PRELIMINARIES No SECTION 2 BILL NO.1 EARTHWORKS (PROVISIONAL) SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Specifications of materials and methods to be used - PW 371" SITE CLEARANCE 1 Digging up and removing rubbish, debris, vegetation, xxxxxx, shrubs,xxxx and trees not exceeding 200mm girth, etc. m2 66 2 Stripping average 100mm thick layer of top soil and stockpiling on site m2 66 EXCAVATION,FILLING, ETC Excavation in earth not exceeding 2m deep: 3 Trenches m3 16 4 Pit m3 23 5 For aprons thickenning m3 4 Extra over trench and hole excavations in earth for excavation: 6 Soft rock m3 43 7 Hard rock m3 43 Extra over all excavations for carting away: 8 Surplus material from excavations and/or stock piles on site to a dumping site to be alocated by the Contractor m3 31 Carried Forward Section No. 2 SFD4 Bill No. 1 EARTHWORKS BVI CONSULTING ENGINEERS R 9 Sides of trench and hole excavation not exceeding 1,5m deep. m2 74 10 Keeping excavations free of water other than subterranean water Item Earth filling obtained from the excavations and/or prescribed stock piles on site compacted to 93% ModAASHTO density: 11 Under floors, steps, pavings, etc. m3 6 12 Backfilling to trenches, holes, etc. m3 9 13 Compaction of ground surface under floors etc including scarifying for a depth of 150mm, breaking down oversize material, adding suitable material where necessary and compacting to 93% Mod AASHTO density m2 21 14 Compaction of ground surface to pits etc including scarifying for a depth of 150mm, breaking down oversize material, adding suitable material where necessary and compacting to 93% Mod AASHTO density m2 18 15 Compaction of ground surface to aprons etc including scarifying for a depth of 150mm, breaking down oversize material, adding suitable material where necessary and compacting to 93% Mod AASHTO density m2 41 16 Modified AASHTO Density tests No 5 Section No. 2 SFD4 Bill No. 1 EARTHWORKS 17 Under floors etc including forming and poisoning shallow furrows against foundation walls etc, filling in furrows and ramming. m2 21 18 To bottom of concrate aprons m2 41 19 To bottoms and sides of trenches, etc. m2 63 SFD4 Bill No. 1 EARTHWORKS
Carried to Final Summary R. Section No. 1 Bill No. 1 Preliminaries & General
Carried to Final Summary R. Section No. 1 The SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES applicable to the same trade in the preceding Sections, apply equally to this BILL This Bill of Quantities must be read in conjunction with the attached specifications and details 1 One brick walls m2 4 Hacking up/off and removing granolithic, screeds, plaster, etc from concrete or brickwork and preparing surfaces for new screed, plaster, tile finishes, etc
Carried to Final Summary R. Section No. 1 Bill No. 1 Preliminaries Tenderers are to refer to the Model Preambles for Trades 2017 as published by the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors and supplementary preambles for further description and amplification of work in this section The descriptions given in the various items below are not necessarily full and complete and reference must be made to the "Standard Preambles To All Trades", "Supplementary Preambles" and "Supplementary Specifications" to this contract for the full requirements of each scheduled item Before submitting his tender the contractor shall visit the site and satisfy himself as to the nature and extent of the work to be done and the value of the materials contained in the buildings or portions of the buildings to be demolished. No claim for any variations of the contract sum in respect of the nature and extent of the work or of inferior or damaged materials will be entertained The contractor shall carry out the whole of the works with as little mess and noise as possible and with a minimum of disturbance to adjoining premises and their tenants. He shall provide proper protection and provide, erect and remove when directed, any temporary tarpaulins that may be necessary during the progress of the works, all to the satisfaction of the principal agent Section No. 2 Bill No. 1 Alterations Water supply pipes and other piping that may be encountered and found necessary to disconnect or cut, shall be effectually stopped off or grubbed up and removed, and any new connections that may be necessary shall be made with proper fittings, to the satisfaction of the principal agent Doors, fanlights, fittings, frames, linings, etc which are to be re-used shall be thoroughly overhauled before re- fixing including taking off, easing and rehanging, cramping up, re-wedging as required and making good cramps, dowels, etc, and easing, oiling, adjusting and repairing ironmongery as necessary, replacing any glass damaged in removal or subsequently and stopping up all nail and screw holes with tinted plastic wood to match timber, unless otherwise described. Re-painting or re-varnishing is given separately. Prices for taking out of doors, windows, etc shall include for removal of all beads, architraves, ironmongery, etc Prices for taking out and removing doors and frames shall include for removing door stops, cabin hooks, etc and making good floor and wall finishes to match existing With regard to building up of openings in existing...
Carried to Final Summary R. Section No. 4 Bill No. 1 Refurbishment of Guard House The Model Preambles for Trades 2008 published by the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors is designed to support and extend the abbreviated bills of quantities descriptions by inter alia referring to SANS construction standards. Where such model preambles are not applicable (eg where BS or Euro construction standards are applicable or the design consultants provide other preambles/specifications for insertion), users are to ensure that the abbreviated descriptions when read in conjunction with the applicable measuring system, represents the full description by extending the abbreviated bills of quantities descriptions and/or by inserting appropriate preambles or specifications Before submitting his tender the tenderer shall visit the site and satisfy himself as to the nature and extent of the work to be done and the value of the materials salvageable from the alterations. No claim for any variations of the contract sum in respect of the nature and extent of the work or of inferior or damaged materials will be entertained No explosives whatsoever may be used for alteration purposes unless otherwise stated Section No. 5 Bill No. 1 Refurbishment of School Hall
Carried to Final Summary R. Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 500 000.00 500 000.00 BILL No. 1 : EARTHWORKS (PROVISIONAL) The tenderer is referred to the "Model Preambles for Trades 2008" for supplementary and comprehensive expansion of descriptions, appropriate provision for which shall be deemed to have been included in all relevant rates Proprietary products shall be used as specified. Substitute products of similar quality and specification may only be used with prior approval by the Principal Agent. The material to be excavated is assumed to be predominantly of a composition that will allow excavation in "earth" as specified, but including a percentage of excavation in "soft rock" and "hard rock". Descriptions of carting away of excavated material shall be deemed to include loading excavated material onto trucks directly from the excavations, or alternatively, from stock piles situated on the building site.
Carried to Final Summary R. Section No. 1
Carried to Final Summary R. Section No. 1 Bill No. 1 Preliminaries Attention is directed to the relevant sections of the Model Preambles for Trades (2008 edition) as published by the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors, which form part of this Bill of Quantities and must be read in conjunction therewith. Before submitting his tender the contractor shall visit the site and satisfy himself as to the nature and extent of the work to be done and the value of the materials contained in the buildings or portions of the buildings to be demolished. No claim for any variations of the contract sum in respect of the nature and extent of the work or of inferior or damaged materials will be entertained. No explosives whatsoever may be used in demolitions. Section No. 2 Bill No. 1 Alterations
Carried to Final Summary R. Section No. 1 Preliminaries Bill No. 1 PRELIMINARIES For preambles see "Model Preambles for Trades (2008 Edition)" and Supplementary preambles as specified in the Trades Tenderers are advised to visit the site and to satisfy themselves as to the nature and extent of the work to be done and provide in their tenders for any items not specifically mentioned which they may deem necessary for the proper completion of the work. Tenderers are advised that the existing buildings will not be in occupation during the progress of the work but that nearby new buildings will be in occupation and due allowance must be made for the work being carried out at such times and in such a manner as will least interfere with the routine of the occupants and as may be directed by the architect.
Carried to Final Summary R. Section No. 2 Bill No. 1 Demolition Taking out and removing doors, windows, etc from brickwork to remain 1 Timber doors and frames not exceeding 2,5m² No 42 2 Mortice lockset from timber door No 42 3 Glass from steel windows, including cleaning out rebates and preparing for new glass m2 28 Taking out and removing sanitary fittings, tanks, geysers, etc, including disconnecting from pipes, traps, etc and making good floor and wall finishes (making good tiling and paintwork elsewhere)