CATEGORY DEFINITIONS. 3 years of experience, not new to district Category 1A 0 – 3 years of experience, new to district Category 2A 4 or more years of experience, new to district Category 2B 4 or more years of experience, not new to district, who need 2 evaluations Annual Evaluation Report For Teachers Nassau County School District Version 2018-19 Name: School Year:
CATEGORY DEFINITIONS. Teacher Evaluation (added to base) Teachers who score in the top two categories (Highly Effective or Effective) on the evaluation instrument. 6 units.
CATEGORY DEFINITIONS. A regular part-time employee is an employee who makes a commitment to be available for work on some predetermined basis and in respect of whom there is a predetermined schedule. shift.
CATEGORY DEFINITIONS. 11.01 A Teacher shall have the Teacher's qualifications for category placement determined under the current OSSTF certification chart and shall be paid accordingly.
11.02 A Teacher teaching with a Letter of Standing or a Letter of Permission will be placed in a category on the salary grid according to the Teacher’s OSSTF Letter of Evaluation.
11.03 No qualifications shall receive duplicate recognition in the determination of a Teacher's salary.
(a) A Teacher who submits an OSSTF Certification Rating Statement shall have the Teacher's category placement recognized for salary proposes as of September 1, provided that:
(i) the qualifications were completed before August 31 of that year.
(ii) the new Certification Rating Statement and proof of the completion of the additional qualifications are registered with the Board within four (4) weeks of the date on the new OSSTF Certification Rating Statement, and
(iii) the Rating Statement is registered with the Board before December 31 of that year.
CATEGORY DEFINITIONS. 5.01 (a) Each teacher's category definition shall be in accordance with the Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario, Program 5.
(a) Category definitions shall be those established by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation Certification Policy in the current year minus one (1) year.
(b) For the purpose of salary categorization, the Board recognizes the statement of certification or qualification issued by the OSSTF. In case of dispute on category standing, the ruling of the OSSTF shall be final. Deviations from this policy which may be applicable to the local Federation are contained in Clauses 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 of this Agreement.
(c) It shall be incumbent upon the teacher to provide the Board with documented proof of Category in the form of the statement of certification or qualification issued by the OSSTF.
CATEGORY DEFINITIONS. 6.01 Category definitions shall be those outlined by the Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario - Teachers' Qualifications Evaluation Programme 5. No teacher shall be adversely affected having been evaluated under a previous QECO programme.
6.02 a) A teacher who qualifies for a change in category by reason of improved qualifications shall receive the appropriate differential amount in addition to the increment where applicable.
CATEGORY DEFINITIONS. 6.01 Subject to the following provisions of this clause, the placement of teachers in their respective categories shall be determined by the Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario (QECO) Program 5. In cases where QECO will not issue an evaluation statement, the placement of a teacher for the purpose of salary shall be in the lowest category of the salary schedule.
CATEGORY DEFINITIONS. 1. Teacher Evaluation Five units shall be earned if the teacher earned a rating of Highly Effective or
2. Experience (Year of Effective Teaching) One unit shall be earned after a teacher successfully completes one year of experience (effective teaching) as defined by INPRS (120 paid days).
CATEGORY DEFINITIONS. 11.01 A Teacher shall have the Teacher's qualifications for category placement determined under the current OSSTF certification chart and shall be paid accordingly.
11.02 A Teacher teaching with a Letter of Standing or a Letter of Permission will be placed in a category on the salary grid according to the Teacher’s OSSTF Letter of Evaluation.
11.03 No qualifications shall receive duplicate recognition in the determination of a Teacher's salary.
(a) A Teacher who submits an OSSTF Certification Rating Statement shall have the Teacher's category placement recognized for salary proposes as of September 1, provided that:
(i) the qualifications were completed before August 31 of that year.
(ii) the Teacher has notified the Manager of Employee Relations before September 30 of that year that the Teacher intends to submit improved qualifications.
(iii) the Rating Statement and the new qualifications are registered with the Board within two (2) weeks of the Teacher's receiving the statement, and
(iv) the Rating Statement is registered with the Board before December 31 of that year.
(b) A Teacher who submits an OSSTF Certification Rating Statement shall have the Teacher’s category placement recognized for salary proposes on the first pay following the completion of the qualifications provided:
(i) the Teacher has notified the Manager of Employee Relations within thirty (30) calendar days of the completion of the qualifications that the Teacher intends to submit improved qualifications.
(ii) the Rating Statement and the new qualifications are registered with the Board within two (2) weeks of the Teacher's receiving the statement, and