Category I Sample Clauses
Category I. An Employee in this category will normally hold a degree from a recognized university at the Bachelor’s level, or a combination of university, college or other training and work experience deemed to be equivalent to four (4) years of study at the college/university level.
Category I. Teachers who are in their first, second or third year of teaching and are new to the profession.
Category I. (i) Loading Passengers, or their baggage, at any location other than the TNC Loading Zones;
(ii) Displaying, to a Ground Transportation Agent, a waybill in an altered or fictitious form;
(iii) Failing to comply with posted speed limits and traffic control signs; and
(iv) Engaging in Unauthorized Presence.
Category I. For Category I undertakings, implementation shall proceed with a determination of ‘no potential to cause effects’ in accordance with 36 CFR Part 800.3(a)1. Implementation shall proceed once the NRCS State CRS has returned a signed copy of the NRCS Utah Cultural Resources Review Form to the Conservation Planner. Conservation Planners will maintain a signed copy of the form with the conservation plan for the undertaking.
Category I. Category I undertakings are defined by NRCS Utah as those undertakings comprised entirely of conservation activities, enhancements, and practices with little or no potential to affect historic properties as defined in Table 1 of Appendix A of the NRCS Utah SPPA. Other conservation activities, enhancements, and practices can be included in this category if, through the planning process, conservation planners determine that a conservation activity, enhancement, or practice meets the criteria for one of the five exceptions listed in Part III of Appendix A. Use of any exception shall require approval from the NRCS State CRS. Category I status is limited to those undertakings that meet the criteria listed above, and are limited to undertakings where NRCS Utah has been determined to be the lead Federal agency for the purposes of Section 106 and where the undertakings occur exclusively on privately- owned lands.
Category I. NRCS Utah will synthesize information for all Category I undertakings and shall include the information within the annual summary report that is to be provided to all consulting parties, the general public, and the NRCS Federal Preservation Officer (FPO) in accordance with Stipulation X of the NRCS Utah SPPA.
Category I. Teacher Experience
i. Two (2) points for each year of full-time employment in the Cape Henlopen School District. A full-time Professional Employee is defined as one who works in accordance with the work day set in the board policy.
ii. One (1) point for each year of half-time employment in the Cape Henlopen School District. A half-time Professional Employee is defined as one who works for the Cape Henlopen School District for a minimum of one-half of the day as described by Board Policy, but not working full-time.
iii. No points for each year of part-time employment in the Cape Henlopen School District for Professional Employees working less than one-half of the defined day.
iv. One-half (1/2) of a point for each year of full-time teaching experience outside the Cape Henlopen School District.
v. Two tenths (2/10) of a point will be given for each month of service within the district for segments of a year. Five one-hundredths (5/100) of a point will be given for each month of service outside the district for segments of a year. Half-time and part-time professional personnel employed by Cape prior to and during the 1981- 82 school year shall receive full credit. Persons employed subsequently shall be subject to the half-time provisions of this policy.
Category I subject to the provisions of this Section, the lands described in Sections 5 and 7, under the complete and exclusive control of the Crees and the Inuit and for the exclusive use of the Crees and the Inuit.
Category I. A Bank shall be in Category I if it (a) has an Average Net Composite Score of 50.0 or more, but less than 60.0, for the most recent calendar quarter for which an Average Net Composite Score is available, (b) has a Net Composite Score of 45.0 or more, but less than 60.0, for the most recent calendar quarter for which a Net Composite Score is available, (c) has a Net Collateral Ratio of 103.00% or more, but less than the greater of: (i) 104.00%, or (ii) 50 basis points above the minimum set by FCA for the last day of the most recent month or (d) has a Permanent Capital Ratio of 7.00% or more, but less than 8.00%, for the period ending on the last day of the most recent month.
Category I. (a) Teachers included in this category are: teachers in their first year of employment; teachers eligible for contract renewal; and teachers eligible for a continuing contract.
(b) Minimum of two formal observations The first formal observation (Appendix B) will be preceded by an advanced notice of at least three (3) school days notice of intent to observe prior to said observation. The second formal observation will be made at the discretion of the evaluator. Each formal observation shall be for the duration of a minimum of 30 consecutive minutes. If the class period is shorter, the observation shall last for the class period. One additional observation (formal or informal) may be made at the discretion of the evaluator. However, a teacher may request one additional formal observation.
(c) The formal observations and the teacher's ability to perform his/her duties based on the Code of Professional Conduct shall be incorporated into the final evaluation report (Appendix B) by May 10. A conference shall be held with the teacher to review the final evaluation report.