Funding and Payment A. Tuition and fee payments in the amounts set forth in Section 6 are due from students at registration. A payment plan is available upon request. Payment is required by the stated due date; all tuition and fees must be collected and remitted to the College prior to the beginning of classes. Failure to pay by the due date will result in the student being dropped from classes. B. Financial Aid is not available to dual credit students. The Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1987 (P.L. 100-50) states, “A student who is enrolled in an elementary or secondary school is not eligible for Title IV assistance for any courses taken at the post- secondary level for the same period” [Compilation of Federal Regulations (CFR) 668.7(a)(2)]. C. The state funding for dual credit courses will be available to both the District and the College based on the current funding rules of TEA and the THECB. The College may only claim funding for students receiving college credit in core curriculum, career and technical education, foreign language dual credit courses, and classes in a Field of Study or Program of Study. D. If a student requests to take a class more than twice, he or she will be responsible for the tuition for that course and $ 50.00 per semester hour for the course. Technical courses are exempt from this fee. (see Xxxxx College Catalog – College Expenses) E. The College is not responsible for the transportation of dual credit students.
Billing and Payment The Price will be itemized and included on your bill from the DSP and is due and payable to the DSP on the same day your DSP bill is due. You will continue to be billed by your DSP taxes and other charges consistent with filed tariffs at the Illinois Commerce Commission to transmit and distribute the Retail Power supplied to you per this Agreement. You should continue to follow any bill payment procedures set forth between you and the DSP. You agree to accept the measurements as determined by the DSP for purposes of accounting for the amount of Retail Power services provided by Homefield Energy under this Agreement. If the DSP is unable to read your meter, the DSP will estimate your usage and your charges will be calculated accordingly and adjusted on a future bill. Homefield Energy’s ability to supply you under this Agreement is conditioned on the DSP accepting Homefield Energy’s enrollment of your account for consolidated billing and purchase of receivables by the DSP. If you are not eligible for your DSP’s consolidated billing and purchase of receivables, you will need to secure eligibility with your DSP before Homefield Energy can serve you. Should the DSP cease providing consolidated billing and purchase of receivables for your account and/or commence billing Homefield Energy for any charges relating to you, Homefield Energy will bill you directly and you will pay Homefield Energy for all such charges pursuant to the payment provisions specified in Homefield Energy’s bill.
Billing and Payments Transmission Provider shall bill the Interconnection Customer for the Costs associated with the facilities contemplated by this ISA, estimates of which are set forth in the Specifications to this ISA, and the Interconnection Customer shall pay such Costs, in accordance with Section 11 of Appendix 2 to this ISA and the applicable Interconnection Construction Service Agreement. Upon receipt of each of Interconnection Customer’s payments of such bills, Transmission Provider shall reimburse the applicable Interconnected Transmission Owner. Pursuant to Section 212.4 of the Tariff, Interconnection Customer requests that Transmission Provider provide a quarterly cost reconciliation:
Pricing and Payment Prices for each Product and any terms and conditions for invoicing and payment will be established by Customer’s Reseller.
Pricing and Payments 5.1 In exchange for the Deliverables, the Supplier must invoice the Buyer for the charges in the Order Form. 5.2 All Charges: 5.2.1 exclude VAT, which is payable on provision of a valid VAT invoice; and 5.2.2 include all costs and expenses connected with the supply of Deliverables. 5.3 The Buyer must pay the Supplier the charges within 30 days of receipt by the Buyer of a valid, undisputed invoice, in cleared funds to the Supplier's account stated in the invoice or in the Order Form. 5.4 A Supplier invoice is only valid if it: 5.4.1 includes all appropriate references including the Purchase Order Number and other details reasonably requested by the Buyer; and 5.4.2 includes a detailed breakdown of Deliverables which have been delivered. 5.5 If there is a dispute between the Parties as to the amount invoiced, the Buyer shall pay the undisputed amount. The Supplier shall not suspend the provision of the Deliverables unless the Supplier is entitled to terminate the Contract for a failure to pay undisputed sums in accordance with clause 11.6. Any disputed amounts shall be resolved through the dispute resolution procedure detailed in clause 36. 5.6 The Buyer may retain or set-off payment of any amount owed to it by the Supplier under this Contract or any other agreement between the Supplier and the Buyer if notice and reasons are provided. 5.7 The Supplier must ensure that all Subcontractors are paid, in full, within 30 days of receipt of a valid, undisputed invoice. If this doesn't happen, the Buyer can publish the details of the late payment or non-payment.
Invoicing and Payment All work performed by the Contractor must be approved in advance by the State. Once work has been completed, delivered and accepted by the State, invoicing can occur. The State’s payment terms are net 30 days. SOW-RFP PROJECT NAME: PRICE PROPOSAL: $ _ COMPLETION DATE: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDUMS (IF APPLICABLE) 1.
Invoicing and Payments II.4.1 Pre-financing:
Invoices and Payments 5.5.1 The Contractor shall invoice the County only for providing the tasks, deliverables, goods, services, and other work specified in this Contract and in Exhibit A - Statement of Work. The Contractor shall prepare invoices which shall include the charges owed to the Contractor by the County under the terms of this Contract. The Contractor’s payments shall be as provided in Exhibit B (Payment Schedule) and the Contractor shall be paid only for the tasks, deliverables, goods, services, and other work approved in writing by the County. If the County does not approve work in writing no payment shall be due to the Contractor for that work. 5.5.2 The Contractor’s invoices shall be priced in accordance with Exhibit B (Payment Schedule). 5.5.3 The Contractor’s invoices shall contain the information set forth in Exhibit A (Statement of Work) describing the tasks, deliverables, goods, services, work hours, and facility and/or other work for which payment is claimed. 5.5.4 The Contractor shall submit the monthly invoices to the County by the 15th calendar day of the month following the month of service. 5.5.5 All invoices under this Contract shall be submitted in two copies to the following address: 5.5.6 County Approval of Invoices
Rates and Payments Room and board fees are approved by the Board of Trustees during the spring semester for the following academic year; however, the University reserves the right to make adjustments as deemed necessary and appropriate in the sole discretion of the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee, at any time during the term of this agreement in accordance with Section 11.
Costs and Payments During the period that Sprint PCS is curing a breach or operating the Service Area Network under this Section 11.6.3, Sprint PCS and Manager will continue to make any and all payments due to the other party and to third parties under this agreement, the Services Agreement and any other agreements to which such party is bound, except that Sprint PCS may deduct from its payments to Manager all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by Sprint PCS in connection with the exercise of its right under this Section 11.6.3. Sprint PCS' operation of the Service Area Network pursuant to this Section 11.6.3 is not a substitution for Manager's performance of its obligations under this agreement and does not relieve Manager of its other obligations under this agreement.