Behavior Management. The Grantee shall provide a child/youth -centered, evidence-based, and Trauma-Informed Care treatment approach. Behavior management treatment approaches shall be provided with a focus on reinforcement and prevention methods while using the least restrictive procedures likely to be effective. The Grantee shall use evidence-based practices to prevent, reduce or eliminate the use of punishment procedures, seclusion, and restraint.
Behavior Management. The principles of progressive discipline shall be applied except when the severity of the offense merits moving to a higher level of discipline. Prior to the imposition of a suspension or higher discipline, the affected teacher may have the right to an informal hearing before the Superintendent or his/her designee. The levels of discipline include: • Verbal Reprimand • Written Reprimand • Suspension without pay up to three (3) workdays Dismissal
Behavior Management. Within 18 months of the effective date, and annually thereafter, all security staff and teaching staff will receive competency-based training in non-physical, verbal interventions to de-escalate potential aggression from youth. This training will include conflict management, crisis intervention, and appropriate communication with youth.
Behavior Management. The County shall provide a facility-wide behavior management system that is implemented throughout the day, including during school time. The behavior management system shall encourage meaningful rewards for positive behavior. Discipline and sanctions shall not be arbitrary. The County shall continue to develop the behavior management program in consultation with the Monitoring Team.
a. The County shall implement the behavior management system in accordance with the following schedule and based on the effective date of this Amendment:
(i) Within 30 days, the County shall complete detailed, written guidance for its behavior management system.
(ii) Within 60 days, the County shall provide staff with competency- based training on the behavior management system.
(iii) Within 60 days, the County shall introduce the behavior management system to youth, including by providing youth with orientation and written guidance on the system and initiating the system in all Probation Camps. The written guidance shall be made available to youth in the dorm and at orientation thereafter.
b. The County shall ensure that its behavior management system includes specific, consistent requirements and behavioral expectations for each part of the day during which youth can earn points. The County shall ensure that each segment of each day is consistently rated for all youth, every day, in every Probation Camp.
c. The County shall provide a comprehensive array of short- and long-term incentives at each Probation Camp and shall ensure that youth have access to all rewards and privileges to which they are entitled. The ability to purchase items from a store on a weekly basis may be part of this array, but it shall not be the only incentive offered.
d. The County shall use a continuum of individualized consequences in response to non-compliant behavior or rule violations at each Probation Camp. The County shall ensure that isolation may be used only as a last resort on this continuum, and only in response to violent or aggressive behavior; to prevent violent or aggressive or criminal behavior, including extreme and chronic disruptive behavior; or for the minor’s own protection.
i. The County, with input from the Monitors, shall draft and implement a policy that enumerates the types of behaviors that could result in a referral to isolation and requires detailed written justification for sending a youth to isolation, maintaining the youth in isolation, and removing the youth from isolat...
Behavior Management. Establishes clear expectations and appropriate consequences for classroom behavior Encourages appropriate behavior through positive reinforcement Applies consequences for inappropriate behavior Encourages students to realize that the consequences are a result of their decisions Holds students accountable for the consequences of their decisions Maintains control Score Score
Behavior Management. It is the responsibility of the Employer, through its leadership team and appropriate personnel to design and implement a consistent, comprehensive plan for managing the support of student behavior. In creating inclusive, comprehensive approaches to student discipline and behavior management, the leadership team, in consultation with faculty and support professionals engaged in the day-to-day education of the students, will make decisions informed by effective, strategic decision-making practices. The scope of these decisions will include but are not limited to: school-wide and classroom positive behavior supports, mental wellness approaches, social skills development, multi-tiered systems of support, fostering positive school climate, restorative practices that target the needs of individual students, and collaboration between leadership team and student support professionals in designing school specific student discipline and behavior management plans. MSD bargaining unit employees will be offered professional development on the particulars of the plan and effective behavior and classroom management that fosters a positive student climate and learning. The plan will include the response levels and interventions as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. The professional development will be offered on a yearly basis along with any updates. After receiving professional development, the unit members are expected to utilize appropriate positive behavior management skills. Unit members who are in need of additional support with implementing positive behavior management strategies shall receive assistance and support from appropriate personnel.
Behavior Management. Provides assistance to the teacher with planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating complex individualized student behavior management programs. Assists with behavioral data collection, identifying problem behaviors and planned strategies to change behaviors according to students IEP's. May participate in social skills training activities through individual/group counseling sessions with students, role-playing activities, and structured behavioral programming assistance (proximity control, prompting, and contingencies, coaching, cuing and planned ignoring). Under supervision of certificated staff, and after completing appropriate training, may provide physical crisis intervention assistance to prevent students from hurting themselves, others, or destroying property.
Behavior Management. The behavior management provisions below are designed to encourage Youth compliance with facility rules by providing positive incentives, and to provide staff with a variety of disciplinary options in lieu of Isolation.
Behavior Management. To provide a safe, pleasant and effective learning environment, teachers will be responsible for supervision of students throughout the school day as assigned by the Employer. Behavior management programs are in effect during lunchtime, on field trips, at physical education, careers and during class time. In a crisis, when a student requires special attention and removal from the class, the Employer will take reasonable steps to provide the teacher with support to manage either the class or the student in crisis. Teachers will participate in the process of information transferal from and to the students, school clinicians and parents. They will identify concerns which affect the student's performance and facilitate the information flow between the education and clinical program.