Closeout Sample Clauses
Closeout. Closeout of the Award does not alter the record retention or access requirements of this section of this Master Agreement.
Closeout a) Upon termination in whole or in part, the parties hereto remain responsible for compliance with the requirements in 2 C.F.R. Part 200.344 (Closeout) and 2 C.F.R. Part 200.345 (Post-closeout adjustments and continuing responsibilities).
b) This Agreement will not terminate, unless terminated as provided in Section 12, until Closeout is completed consistent with requirements detailed in the Appendices attached hereto, and to the satisfaction of the AGENCY. Such requirements shall include but are not limited to submitting final reports and providing program deliverables and closeout information as requested by AGENCY, County and/or the US Treasury Department or its authorized representatives, and reconciliation of program funding.
c) All invoices and requests for reimbursement shall be submitted within 30 days following the end of the project and budget period.
d) All un-spent funds must be reimbursed to the AGENCY or the County as appropriate, by the GRANTEE BENEFICIARY by the expiration date.
e) This provision shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
Closeout. The Agreement will be closed out after the completion of the Project or project term, receipt and approval of the final invoice and final report, and resolution of any performance or compliance issues.
Closeout. The Subrecipient’s obligation to the City shall not end until all closeout requirements are completed. Activities during the close-out period shall include, but are not limited to, making final payments, submitting final reimbursement request and final activity/accomplishment report to the City, disposing of project assets (including the return of all equipment, and receivable accounts to the City), and determining the custodianship of records. Grant closeout is not considered final until the City is fully satisfied that project objectives have been met, at which point the City will issue a close-out/grant finalization letter to the Subrecipient.
Closeout. SUBRECIPIENT will comply with all closeout procedures of the awards, to include full compliance with the Agreement terms and conditions, ARPA, CSLFRF rule and guidance, and 2 CFR 200. Key tasks will be closeout communications, confirmation for maintenance of records and financial documents, receipt of all final reimbursement requests or payment requests, receipt of all financial reports and performance reports, fulfillment of any requests to reconcile reports and payment requests. The retention period per CSLFRF compliance and reporting is 5 years.
Closeout. The Recipient agrees that closeout of the Award will not alter:
(1) The Recipient’s obligation to return any amounts it owes the Federal Government for later refunds, corrections, or other similar actions; and
(2) The Federal Government’s right to disallow costs and recover federal assistance based on a later audit or other review.
Closeout. The Recipient agrees that closeout of the Award occurs when FTA notifies the Recipient that the Award is closed, and approves the final federal payment, or acknowledges receipt of the proper refund. Closeout of the Award does not alter the Recipient’s audit responsibilities and does not invalidate any continuing requirements of applicable federal law, regulations, or requirements, this Master Agreement or the Underlying Agreement.
Closeout. (A) A determination of project completion, which may include a site inspection and an audit, shall be made by the State after the Grantee has met any match obligations, satisfactorily completed the activities, and provided products and deliverables described in Appendix A.
(B) Upon issuance of final payment from the State, the Grantee releases the State of all claims against the State arising under this Agreement. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement or by State law, final payment under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of the State’s claims against the Grantee.
(C) The Grantee shall immediately refund to the State any payments in excess of the costs allowed by this Agreement.
Closeout a. For purposes of this Agreement, “Date of Completion” means the date when the Agreement expires pursuant to its terms or is terminated in accordance with paragraph B. 3.
Closeout. The State will determine, at its sole discretion, whether a closeout audit is required prior to final payment approval. If a closeout audit is required, final payment will be held until the audit has been completed. Monitoring of any capital assets acquired with grant funds will continue following grant closeout.