Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance Sample Clauses
Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance on an occurrence basis in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and at least $2,000,000 in the annual aggregate, including but not limited to: premises/operations (including off-site operations), blanket contractual liability and broad form property damage.
Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance. The CGL insurance policy shall cover the liability of the PROFESSIONAL or Subconsultant for bodily injury, property damage, and personal/advertising injury arising from performance of the work or operations or presence at or in the vicinity of the Site of the Contract for PROFESSIONAL Services. The limits under such policy shall not be less than the following: the limit for each occurrence shall be at least $2,000,000; the general aggregate limit shall be at least $4,000,000; the personal and advertising injury limit shall be at least $1,000,000; the Fire Damage Legal Liability shall be at least $1,000,000; and the Products Completed Operations limit shall be at least $4,000,000. The limits may be provided through a combination of primary and umbrella and/or excess liability policies. Coverage shall provide and encompass at least the following:
1. If the PROFESSIONAL or Subconsultant proposes the use of a policy other than the ISO form CG 00 01 12 07, the PROFESSIONAL or Subconsultant shall provide the proposed policy to the OWNER which, in its sole and exclusive discretion, will determine whether the proposed policy provides equivalent coverage. The PROFESSIONAL or Subconsultant shall pay OWNER any attorney fees and other costs incurred by OWNER in determining whether the proposed policy provides equivalent coverage. OWNER will select the attorney providing advice on the proposed policy.
2. ISO Endorsement Forms CG 20 10 04 13 and CG 20 37 04 13, or their equivalents, specifically naming as additional insureds the Dormitory Authority, Client(s), any other entities as required by the PROFESSIONAL Contract Documents, and if applicable, the Construction Manager (if applicable) and for form CG 20 37 04 13 or its equivalent, specifically listing the Project location. In the event said endorsements or equivalents are not able to be provided, the OWNER may accept, at the OWNER’s sole discretion, CG 20 38 04 13 or its equivalent or other manuscript endorsements providing equivalent coverage.
3. If the PROFESSIONAL or Subconsultant proposes the use of an endorsement or endorsements other than the ISO Endorsement Forms CG 20 10 04 13 and CG 20 37 04 13, the PROFESSIONAL or Subconsultant shall provide the proposed endorsement(s) to the OWNER or the OWNER’s designee which, in its sole and exclusive discretion, will determine whether the proposed endorsements provide equivalent coverage. PROFESSIONAL and Subconsultant shall pay OWNER any attorney fees and other
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Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance. Consultant shall keep in full force and effect, during any and all work performed in accordance with this Agreement, all applicable CGL insurance to cover personal injury, bodily injury and property damage, providing coverage to a combined single limit of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence, subject to an annual aggregate of two million dollars ($2,000,000) for general liability, completed operations, and personal injury other than bodily injury. Contractual liability shall include coverage of tort liability of another party to pay for bodily injury or property damage to a third person or organization. Contractual liability limitation endorsement is not acceptable.
Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance a. The policy will provide a minimum of $5,000,000 per occurrence and an aggregate limit of at least $10,000,000 but in no event will the coverage be in an amount less than the amount otherwise carried by Licensee. Coverage must be purchased on a post 2004 ISO occurrence form or equivalent and include coverage for, but not limited to, the following: Bodily Injury and Property Damage Personal Injury and Advertising Injury Fire legal liability Products and completed operations Contractual Liability for an “Insured Contract” consistent with the definition under the standard ISO general liability policy form.
b. This policy will include the following endorsements or language, which shall be indicated on or attached to the certificate of insurance: The definition of “Insured Contract” will be amended to remove any exclusion or other limitation for any work being done within 50 feet of Licensor’s property; Waiver of subrogation in favor of and acceptable to Licensor; Additional insured endorsement in favor of and acceptable to Licensor and Xxxxx Xxxx LaSalle Brokerage, Inc. to include coverage for ongoing and completed operations; Separation of insureds; The policy shall be primary and non-contributing with respect to any insurance carried by Licensor.
c. The parties agree that the workers’ compensation and employers’ liability related exclusions in the CGL policy(s) are intended to apply to employees of the policyholder and will not apply to Licensor’s employees.
d. No other endorsements that limit coverage with respect to Licensee’s obligations under this agreement may be included on the policy.
Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance. During the Lease Term, the Lessee shall keep in full force and effect a policy or policies of Commercial General Liability insurance against liability for bodily injury to or death of any person or property damage arising out of an occurrence on or about the Project. The limits of such insurance shall be not less than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage.
Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance. With respect to all operations performed by the Contractor and any Subcontractors, the Contractor shall carry Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance affording all major divisions of coverage including, but not limited to: Premises Operations Independent Contractors' Protective Products and Completed Operations Personal Injury Liability Contractual Liability Broad Form Property Damage Explosion, Collapse and Underground (XCU) Coverage Fire Legal Liability State may require additional specific liability coverage(s) when applicable. Limits of Coverage shall be not less than: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $2,000,000 General Aggregate Applying, In Total To This Project Only $1,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000 Personal Injury and Advertising Liability $ 50,000 Fire Legal Liability $ 5,000 Medical Expense Aggregate Limits of Insurance (Per Project) Form must be included (or as excepted in (f) below) with the Commercial General Liability Policy. Umbrella Excess Liability Policies may be used in conjunction with primary policies to comply with any of the limit requirements specified above. "Claims-made" coverage forms are not acceptable without the express written prior consent of the State. Each policy furnished shall contain a rider or non-cancellation clause reading in substance as follows: “Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, notice of any cancellation, termination or alteration to the insurance contracts must be delivered by registered mail to the Commissioner, Department of Buildings and General Services, State of Vermont, Montpelier, Vermont, at least sixty (60) days before effective cancellation, termination or alteration date unless all work required to be performed under the terms of the Contract is satisfactorily completed as evidenced by the formal acceptance by the State of Vermont.”
Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance. Maintain Commercial General Liability Insurance, including contractual liability, in adequate quantity to protect against legal liability arising out of Contract activity in the amount of $2,000,000 per occurrence and $4,000,000 for a general aggregate limit. Additionally, the Contractor is responsible for ensuring that any subcontractors provide adequate insurance coverage for the activities arising out of subcontracts. All insurance shall cover liability arising out of premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract (including the tort liability of another assumed in a business contract), and contain separation of insured’s (cross liability) conditions.
Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance. Contractor shall maintain general liability (CGL) insurance covering claims for bodily injury, personal injury, or property damage arising on the property and/or out of Contractor’s operations and, if necessary, commercial umbrella insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per each occurrence. If such CGL insurance contains aggregate limits, the General Aggregate limit shall be at least twice the “each occurrence” limit. CGL insurance shall have products-completed operations aggregate limit of at least two times the “each occurrence” limit.
Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance. The Contractor must provide an original XXXXX Form with the Commercial General Liability (CGL) or Business Owners Policy (BOP), showing the broker of record, insurance limits, renewal dates, deductible that is less than or equal to $5,000, and $1,000,000 of annually renewing occurrence based coverage. A “Claims-Made Policy” is not acceptable. In the case where the underlying insurance policy is expended due to excessive defense and/or indemnity claims, before renewal, the Contractor warrants and guarantees the coverage limits, to include indemnity and defense up to the listed limit, from its own resources regardless of coverage status due to cancellation, reservation of rights, or any other no-coverage-in-force reason. Coverage shall not contain any endorsements excluding nor limiting product/completed operations, contractual liability or cross liability. In all cases, the Contractor’s policy is primary and they waive their right of subrogation.
Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance. Commercial general liability insurance coverage including premises; operations; blanket contractual liability coverage assumed under the Agreement and all contracts relative to the Project, including independent contractor’s liability; products and completed operations; and extended to include explosion, collapse, and underground hazards, with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence for coverages A, B, & C, and a general aggregate of $2,000,000. The policy shall include ISO endorsement CG2503, Amendment of Aggregate Limits of Insurance (per Project), or its equivalent.