COMMISSIONING SERVICES. The Project Architect shall employ a Commissioning consultant to provide commissioning expertise through the Facility Program, Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Document and Construction Administration Phases. The Commissioning Consultant will provide review input related project objectives, methods and concepts of commissioning. Following selection, the Project Architect shall provide the Owner with a written itemized cost proposal to provide the commissioning services identified in the Commissioning Implementation Program, attached to this Agreement as an Exhibit. The Owner will review the Project Architect’s proposal for commissioning services in accordance with the Professional Services Procurement Act.
COMMISSIONING SERVICES. The PSProvider shall employ a Commissioning consultant to provide commissioning expertise through the Facility Program, Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Document and Construction Administration Phases. The Commissioning Consultant will provide review input related project objectives, methods and concepts of commissioning. If requested, the PSProvider shall provide the Owner with a written itemized cost proposal to provide the commissioning. The Owner will review the PSProvider’s proposal for commissioning services in accordance with the Professional Services Procurement Act. Commissioning fees shall be Supplemental Services.
COMMISSIONING SERVICES. Upon completion of the erection of the equipment: - The Contractor shall develop detailed startup procedures. - The Contractor shall perform a checkout of the complete installation. - The Contractor shall provide for start-up and testing of equipment and systems included in this project. - The Contractor shall complete the as-built drawings. --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ EPC - Exhibit B ------------------------ TENASKA GEORGIA GENERATION PROJECT Page 14 of 132 --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ - The Contractor shall provide the project mechanical engineer and the project electrical/control engineer for a period of two weeks each to support the Owner's classroom training of the Owner's operating personnel in the operation of the plant. The engineer shall cover system overviews, design and control philosophy, system limitations, and performance optimization. - The Contractor shall dispose of flushing, testing, and cleaning media in a manner acceptable to Owner and local authorities.
COMMISSIONING SERVICES. TSA, through the screening equipment OEM and its other TSA contractors, shall be responsible for all labor, materials, equipment, and support services needed to assemble, power up, configure, and install the screening equipment machines into the required operational condition. The screening equipment OEM shall provide technical support, documentation, and installation of the screening equipment units and the associated local Baggage Viewing Stations (BVS) after confirmation that all pre-installation requirements have been met. The screening equipment OEM shall coordinate with the TSA COR, TSA Site Lead Contractor, TSA Acceptance Test Lead, and the AIRPORT SPONSOR to perform system testing.
COMMISSIONING SERVICES. The Design-Build Firm shall employ a formally credentialed (UW, BCA, AEE, ACG, or ASHRAE or other Cx credentials as approved by the Owner) individual to act as the project’s commissioning coordinator to provide commissioning expertise through each project phase required of this Agreement. The commissioning coordinator shall keep the Owner current on all Cx work efforts and will provide review input related to Project objectives, methods, and concepts of commissioning in conformance with the Commissioning Implementation Program and specification 01 91 00 General Commissioning Requirements included as part of this Agreement. COMMISSIONING COORDINATION. In addition to the commissioning responsibilities required of the Design-Build Firm defined elsewhere in this Agreement and its attachments, the Owner may elect to employ a Commissioning Consultant/Agent to provide commissioning expertise during Design and Construction Administration Phases. The Commissioning Consultant/Agent will provide review input related project objectives, methods and concepts of commissioning. The Design-Build Firm shall coordinate with the Owner’s third-party Consultant/Agent throughout each project phase. DAYLIGHTING DESIGN. The Design-Build Firm and its consultants shall take advantage of daylight and views throughout select areas of the building while minimizing glare and heat gain. The design shall be produced by the Project Architect/Engineer and shall include maximizing energy savings, increasing user comfort and productivity, maintaining aesthetics and views, and integrating with other systems for an optimized building. The Project Architect/Engineer shall create a daylight model with sensor locations for study of daylight performance in various areas and levels of the building with dedicated study for private offices, public and educational spaces to examine the effects of any proposed sun shading devices or techniques. The daylighting design study shall be presented to the Owner for review no later than 50% DD and again at 100% DD. VALUE ENGINEERING. The Design-Build Firm and its consultants shall use true Value Engineering (VE) techniques as appropriate to maintain the programmatic and functional integrity of the design while identifying opportunities to drive costs lower, appropriate to the program and current construction technologies. VE decisions which result in lower initial costs or lower maintenance costs shall be documented and maintained in a VE log showing expected ...
COMMISSIONING SERVICES. 9.1 If stipulated in the Order Acknowledgement, Oceanic shall assist the Customer in incorporating the Goods into the products that the Customer intends to make available for sale to End Users (the Commissioning Services).
9.2 Upon the successful completion of the Commissioning Services, Oceanic shall provide the Customer with a certificate of conformance to verify that the Goods have been installed successfully and are operating in accordance with clause 4.1.
COMMISSIONING SERVICES. A/E may be requested to provide Optional commissioning services including the following tasks: • Finalize O&M Manuals based on OCFCD and OCSD review comments and attend meetings (electronic media submittal is required) • Review Final Operations Control Strategies prepared by Designer for as-built conditions. • Forward Contractor’s red-lined drawings to Designer for preparation of Record Drawings for loop diagrams and electrical drawings only. • Attend Commissioning Team Meetings throughout the PROJECT • Facilitate startup and initial operation of constructed facilities.
COMMISSIONING SERVICES. CONTRACTOR shall and be responsible for commissioning activities after pre- commissioning activities have been c ompleted giving due r egard to safety of EQUIPMENT according to sound international practice. OWNER shall provide experienced trained operating and maintenance personnel who shall work under the supervision of CONTRACTOR. The commissioning activities shall include the following:
a) Introduction of raw materials (feedstock), utilities, lining-up of various sections of PGR PLANT leading to production of Hydrogen.
b) Stabilising PGR PLANT and stepping up production to full rated capacity.
c) Conducting a guarantee test to prove the performance guarantees.
d) CONTRACTOR shall provide supervisory engineers as required to supervise and direct the commissioning of PGR PLANT. CONTRACTOR shall be r esponsible for supervision and direction of PGR PLANT operation until the performance guarantees have been fulfilled and\or PGR PLANT has been f inally accepted and taken over by OWNER. During the guarantee test, the range of operating conditions shall be within the limits of the design conditions and s hall meet the requirements of safety and compliance with relevant Codes and Regulations.
COMMISSIONING SERVICES. Chilled Water System) – Project Engineer for Monitoring-based Retro-Commissioning (MBCx) project for the chilled water pumping and distribution system at San Xxxx State University. This project focused on addressing the low delta T issues of the campus chilled water system. The delta T was increased 10 degrees F as a result of this project.