Time of Vacation (a) All vacation earned during one (1) vacation year shall be taken during the next following vacation year at a mutually agreeable time. (i) The Employer shall post the vacation schedule planner by January 1st of each year. At this time, the Employer shall provide guidance as to the reasonable number of Employees for each unit, program, or site (whichever are applicable) who can be granted vacation at the same time. An Employee shall submit their vacation preference for at least 75% of their annual vacation entitlement by March 15th of that year. Where an Employee submits their vacation preference by March 15th of that year, the Employer shall indicate approval or disapproval of that vacation request and shall post the resulting vacation schedule by April 30th of the same year. Where the number of Employees indicating a preference for a specific period exceeds the number of Employees as determined by the Employer that can be allocated vacation during that period, seniority relative to other Employees in the unit, program or site (whichever are applicable) shall be the deciding factor. (ii) When an Employee submits a request in writing after April 30th for vacation, the Employer shall indicate approval or disapproval in writing of the vacation request within 14 days of the request. (c) Notwithstanding Article 17.03(a), an Employee may be permitted to carry forward a portion of unused vacation to the next vacation year. Requests to carry forward vacation shall be made in writing and shall not be unreasonably denied. (d) Notwithstanding Article 17.03 (a) a Full-time or Part-time Employee shall have the right to utilize vacation credits during the vacation year in which they are earned provided the following conditions are met: (i) the utilization does not exceed the total vacation earned by the Employee at the time of taking the vacation; and (ii) such vacation can be taken at a mutually agreeable time. (e) (i) Subject to Article 17.03(e)(ii), the Employer shall grant the annual vacation to which the Employee is entitled in one (1) unbroken period.
Cancellation of Vacation Leave When the Employer cancels or alters a period of vacation leave which it has previously approved in writing, the Employer shall reimburse the employee for the non-returnable portion of vacation contracts and reservations made by the employee in respect of that period, subject to the presentation of such documentation as the Employer may require. The employee must make every reasonable attempt to mitigate any losses incurred and will provide proof of such action, when available, to the Employer.
Length of Vacation Annual vacations with pay shall be granted to employees as follows:
Accumulation of Vacation Leave For each month of a fiscal year in which an employee receives ten (10) days pay, he shall earn vacation leave at the following rates:
Use of Vacation Academic staff members may use vacation at times approved by the Xxxx which shall not interfere with the operation of the unit. Except under unusual circumstances, members shall not be permitted to use vacation during a period of time when they are engaged in the instructional process, including the supervision and grading of exams. Notwithstanding the aforementioned provision, a member may use the maximum entitlement at any one time. Upon written request to the Xxxx, an academic staff member may carry over unused vacation entitlement earned in one academic year to the next academic year, provided it will not interfere with the operation of the unit. All carried over vacation must then be used in the year into which it is carried over. Academic staff members must use vacation (four, five or six weeks, or pro-rata) yearly according to the provisions of this clause and no arrangements may be made for payment in lieu during the course of employment. With confirmation of the Xxxx, where all vacation credits were not used in advance of termination, the balance will be paid to the academic staff member. The maximum amount of payout shall be limited to the current year’s entitlement.
Vacation Bidding 1. Vacations will be bid by shifts in a Bid Area, except that in any Bid Area having less than 50 employees, vacations shall be bid by Bid Area. When mutually agreed between the Company and the local Union Business Agent/Chief Stewards/Coordinator vacations may be bid by groupings other than those listed herein. Provided that the Company will not unreasonably withhold agreement to such grouping as the local Business Agent advocates. It shall not be unreasonable for the Company to withhold agreement if the proposed grouping can reasonably be expected to materially affect the operation or any portion thereof. 2. In each vacation bidding group, the Department Head or Designee, will determine the total number of vacation weeks to be taken including regular earned vacation and deferred Holidays. For determining weeks to be bid, two (2) or less days will not be considered as a week. 3. If the total number of weeks to be taken is fifty (50) weeks or less, only one (1) person will be awarded a vacation in any given week (considered as a column). 4. If the total number is greater than fifty (50) weeks, a full column will be available for bidding each fifty (50) weeks, and if necessary, a partial column will be available for any remaining weeks in the last column. This method is used to avoid scheduling more people than necessary to be on vacation in any specific week. 5. Once a year, generally in early November, employees will bid for available vacation in the succeeding year based on adjusted Company Service Date. The Company will post notice of where and when employees will bid their initial and subsequent rounds of vacation. Employees will at that specific time, have three (3) ways to notify management of their bid preferences. They may show up in person, or telephone in their preference, or submit a written pre-bid to the designated management representative prior to any particular vacation bid round. Written confirmation will be provided to employees submitting written pre-bids. Once the entire vacation biding process is completed the vacation listings will be posted no later than December 15th. 6. Employees may bid one (1) continuous vacation period, which may include all or any portion of the vacation to which he is entitled. However if the employee is eligible for less than ten (10) working days the employee may not split the available vacation. Once an employee is eligible for ten (10) working days or more, the employee may split the employee’s vacation into separate periods of complete weeks and if a partial week remains, it will be taken in conjunction with one (1) of the employee’s complete weeks. 7. Once each employee has had the opportunity to bid, additional rounds of bidding will be permitted following the same procedure used on the initial round. 8. If an employee does not bid at all, during any given round, the employee will not be given the opportunity to bid until the next round. However if an employee misses his bid time but calls or shows up to bid before that particular round is complete, he will be allowed to bid at that time from the remaining available weeks. 9. If an employee is a member of the Military Reserve and will attend a two
Callback from Vacation (a) Employees who have commenced their annual vacation shall not be called back to work, except in cases of extreme emergency. (b) When, during any vacation period, an employee is recalled to duty, he/she shall be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses incurred by himself/herself, in proceeding to his/her place of duty and in returning to the place from which he/she was recalled upon resumption of vacation, upon submission of receipts to the Employer. (c) Time necessary for travel in returning to his/her place of duty and returning again to the place from which he/she was recalled shall not be counted against his/her remaining vacation time.
Supplementary Vacation The supplementary vacations as set out below are to be banked on the outlined supplementary vacation employment anniversary date and taken at a mutually agreeable time subsequent to the current supplementary vacation employment anniversary date but prior to the next supplementary vacation employment anniversary date: (i) upon reaching the employment anniversary of twenty-five (25) years of continuous service, employees shall have earned an additional five (5) work days’ vacation with pay; (ii) upon reaching the employment anniversary of thirty (30) years of continuous service, employees shall have earned an additional five
Accrued Vacation It is further agreed by the parties hereto that, upon sale or transfer of ownership of any store or upon dissolution of business, vacation pay for all months worked for which no vacation pay has been given shall be immediately paid to all employees coming under this Agreement, regardless of length of time said employee has been with the Employer.
Scheduling of Vacation A) The Employer shall permit annual vacations to be taken during the entire year. B) The scheduling of vacations shall be subject to the operational requirements of the Employer. C) The selection of vacation and the posting of the approved vacation schedule shall be completed by December 31st of the preceding calendar year or any other date mutually agreed at the local level. Such local agreements shall be filed with the Union and Employer. D) Once the approved vacation schedule has been posted, it shall only be changed by mutual consent. E) Vacation entitlement accrued to June 30 (inclusive) shall be taken prior to January 1 in the following year unless otherwise required by operational necessity. Despite the above, where an employee’s vacation is cancelled by the Employer due to operational requirements, the employee may elect to carry over up to seven (7) days to be used no later than June 30 in the following year. Unused vacation shall be paid out at straight time rates by the last pay period of February of the following year. Payout shall not include any carryover of vacation pursuant to the above. F) Employees may, prior to the scheduling of vacations, request to have their vacations scheduled in accordance with either the principle of seniority or on a rotating basis. Where a consensus of employees cannot be reached as above, vacations shall be scheduled according to seniority on the basis that the employees with the most seniority shall have the first choice of vacation times. Employees failing to exercise their rights within the vacation selection time posted by the Employer shall forfeit their seniority rights in respect to choice of vacation time. G) Vacation time may be divided and shall be scheduled at a time mutually agreeable to the employee and the Employer, however, an employee who splits her vacation shall not receive her choice of when she wishes to take the subsequent portion of her vacation until all other employees in the unit or xxxx have made their first choice of vacation time.