Use of Vacation Sample Clauses

Use of Vacation. Academic staff members may use vacation at times approved by the Xxxx which shall not interfere with the operation of the unit. Except under unusual circumstances, members shall not be permitted to use vacation during a period of time when they are engaged in the instructional process, including the supervision and grading of exams. Notwithstanding the aforementioned provision, a member may use the maximum entitlement at any one time. Upon written request to the Xxxx, an academic staff member may carry over unused vacation entitlement earned in one academic year to the next academic year, provided it will not interfere with the operation of the unit. All carried over vacation must then be used in the year into which it is carried over. Academic staff members must use vacation (four, five or six weeks, or pro-rata) yearly according to the provisions of this clause and no arrangements may be made for payment in lieu during the course of employment. With confirmation of the Xxxx, where all vacation credits were not used in advance of termination, the balance will be paid to the academic staff member. The maximum amount of payout shall be limited to the current year’s entitlement.
Use of Vacation. It is County policy that employees take their accrued vacation each year at such time or times as may be approved by the department head, provided, however, that for reasons deemed sufficient by the department head, an employee may take less than the accrued vacation one year and a correspondingly longer vacation the following year. No employee shall be allowed paid vacation time off in excess of that accrued.
Use of Vacation. A vacation leave eligible supervisor may use vacation leave as soon as the supervisor has accumulated or has been advanced such leave hours. Should a supervisor become ill or disabled while on vacation, vacation leave shall be changed to sick leave, effective the date of illness or disability, upon notice to the supervisor's superior. Upon such notice, supervisors may be requested by the Appointing Authority to furnish a medical statement from a medical practitioner. If requested by the Appointing Authority, such statement shall be provided as soon as possible after the illness or disability occurs. Supervisor vacation accruals earned while on a paid leave may be used by the supervisor with the approval of the immediate superior without returning to work prior to the use of the accrued vacation leave.
Use of Vacation. Your Annual Paid Vacation Allowance may be used at any time, subject to the Company’s policies regarding vacations. Vacation days will not carry over from one year to the next, and no compensation will be paid for unused vacation (except as may be required by law upon separation from employment).
Use of Vacation. (A) All vacation leaves shall be taken at such times as may be approved by the Appointing Authority. (B) For new hires or rehires, no vacation leave may be granted until the member has accrued thirteen (13) pay periods of vacation hours in continuous active City service at the rate of vacation accrual appropriate for that member. (C) Vacation leave may be taken in increments of one-tenth (1/10) of an hour with the approval of the Appointing Authority.
Use of Vacation. An employee in a paid status immediately prior to retirement, may remain on the payroll and use accumulated vacation time until such accruals are exhausted. An employee using vacation time prior to retirement shall not accrue additional leave balances while exhausting existing vacation.‌
Use of Vacation. A vacation leave eligible supervisor may use vacation leave as soon as the supervisor has accumulated or has been advanced such leave hours and the supervisor is not required to wait until being employed six (6) months in State service. Should a supervisor become ill or disabled while on vacation, vacation leave shall be changed to sick leave, effective the date of illness or disability, upon notice to the supervisor's superior. Upon such notice, supervisors may be requested by the Appointing Authority to furnish a medical statement from a medical practitioner. If requested by the Appointing Authority, such statement shall be provided as soon as possible after the illness or disability occurs. Supervisor vacation accruals earned while on a paid leave may be used by the supervisor with the approval of the immediate superior without returning to work prior to the use of the accrued vacation leave.
Use of Vacation. (A) Vacation shall be taken at a time that is mutually agreeable to the Employer and the crew member. All vacations and leaves of absence must be approved by the Employer in advance of their commencement. Such approval will not be unreasonably withheld. (B) During periods of lay-up of vessels, crew members with greater amounts of vacation may be required, upon request from the Union, to utilize this time in order to permit other members to remain working.
Use of Vacation. 1. Employees are encouraged to use vacation leave during work periods when the work load could reasonably be expected to be lighter. A minimum of five (5) consecutive working days must be taken each year. 2. Vacation leave can be taken only to the extent it is actually earned. 3. Vacation leave will be charged on a working day basis. The charging of absence time for the purposes of vacation for a full-time employee shall be treated as if the employee worked the same number of hours each workday and must be taken in one-half (1/2) day or full day increments. The charging of absence time for a part-time employee will be in accordance with his/her established work schedule. 4. Vacation leave must be taken in half-day or full day increments. 5. Vacation leave must be recorded on the employee's payroll report. 6. An introductory employee will accumulate vacation leave during the introductory period. Vacation leave, however, will not be paid if introductory period is not completed, nor can it be used during the Introductory period. 7. Vacation leave will not accumulate while an employee is on a leave of absence, short-term disability or long-term disability. 8. An employee absent the working day before or following a vacation period will be requested to submit an acceptable written reason for the absence with his/her payroll time report or absence report form along with the specific approval of his/her supervisor to be absent for the day or days in question. Failure to provide such evidence will result in loss of pay for the day or days of absence.
Use of Vacation a. Vacation shall be scheduled with due regard for seniority, employee preference and needs of the service. After May 1 of each year, an employee who has not used their seniority to select a vacation period shall not be permitted to use their seniority to require another employee to give up their previously scheduled vacation period. b. The use of accrued vacation shall be charged to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an hour. c. Employees shall be allowed to maintain a maximum accumulation of fifty (50) days of vacation from one calendar year to another. Any earned vacation in excess of fifty (50) days shall be considered void. As an exception, an employee may maintain a balance of up to sixty-eight (68) days between the period of January 1st and November 30th of each calendar year. d. A general paid holiday which occurs during a vacation period may be added thereto or to accrued vacation days. e. Combining of vacation and compensatory time off shall be allowed on approval of the employee's Department or Division Head. f. Cash payment in lieu of unused vacation shall be made only upon termination of employment. Upon termination, the employee shall be paid in full for all unused vacation up to a maximum of forty (40) workdays (eight [8] work weeks) or a maximum of sixty-eight (68) days if paid off between January 1, and November 30, provided that in the event termination is caused by the death of the employee, the maximum payment limitation shall not apply. In addition, an employee will be paid in full for those hours accrued but not yet credited to their vacation leave bank upon termination of employment. g. One (1) vacation day may be used at the employee’s discretion on the day of occurrence of the employee’s birthday or thirty (30) days following the occurrence if the needs of service allow in order to observe the birthday as a full day off. Needs of the service for the purpose of this article shall be defined as an action taken for objective and reasonable needs.