County Vehicles Sample Clauses

County Vehicles. Vehicles should be checked and tested for safe operating conditions at least once every six (6) months.
County Vehicles. (a) Employees shall not be permanently assigned County vehicles. At the discretion of the Unit Head, Employees may be required to either utilize County vehicles or their own personal vehicles during working hours. (b) Based on County policy, the Unit Head may temporarily assign County vehicles to specific Employees. Such assignment will not represent an entitlement to any Employee. Unassigned County vehicles shall be left on County premises during non- working hours. (c) In the discretion of the Unit Head, Employees who are regularly assigned to be on-call may be temporarily assigned a County vehicle for use during the on-call period.
County Vehicles. A pool of cars (# to be determined by Health Officer and County Administrator/Controller on a yearly basis) will be provided to the Health Department for use by employees that are required to transport (bulky or dirty) equipment for direct service to the public. Vehicle usage will be dictated by Calhoun County Board of Commissioners policy as well as Health Department policy.
County Vehicles. You are permitted to drive the county vehicles if you have a valid Driver's License, and once you have been instructed in the proper use and maintenance. You must first receive permission from the on-site Program Administrator at your office location before signing out a county vehicle. Equipment such as fax machines, copy machines, PC's, E-MAIL, and telephones, including long-distance dialing privileges, should be considered public property and not to be used for personal business. If any emergency situation should arise, please clear the use of these items with a supervisor.
County Vehicles. 1. It is recognized that County Fleet and Risk Control policies may limit the removal of County-owned vehicles from Kitsap County. 2. County-owned vehicles may not be used to commute to homes outside of Kitsap County. Departments may arrange for or authorize employees to park their personal and county-owned vehicles at County road sheds as part of their commute or use of vehicles for County business. 3. Non-exempt employees who are required, at the discretion of the Elected Official or Department Director to drive County-owned vehicles to commute home so that the vehicle will be available for emergency call out situations will be paid for time spent driving their assigned vehicle to respond to an emergency call out at a location other than their normal work site. Such paid travel time will be part of the minimum period of pay that may be due for a call-out under the Agreement. Employees who are permitted, but not required by the Elected Official or Department Director, to use County-owned vehicles for commuting so that the vehicle will be available for emergency call out situations, will not have their commute time considered as hours worked for pay purposes. Employees will be provided parking at the work site or another County facility (e.g. a road shop) for assigned vehicles if they do not use the vehicle for commuting. 4. The use of a County-owned vehicle by an employee to commute to or from the employee’s home so that the vehicle will be available for emergency call out situations, and any requirement that the employee commute in the County- owned vehicle, is subject to the discretion of the Elected Official or Department Director. Such authorization and or direction must be exercised in writing. Authorization for commuting in a County-owned vehicle does not constitute authorization for other personal use of the vehicle. At the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners, the County may from time to time establish or amend policies that regulate, prohibit, limit, or otherwise govern the personal use of County-owned vehicles.
County Vehicles. The County agrees to permit the District’s use of County-owned vehicles, such as the Parks and Rec van for official Library or county functions. Any passengers driven in county vehicles must complete a waiver of liability as required by the County. A. This Agreement is entered into on the date set forth below by the final signatory. Xxxxxx County Library District Xxxxxx County Colorado President Chair, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Attest: Attest: Secretary Deputy County Clerk, Xxxxxx Xxxx REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY
County Vehicles. A. Anyone driving a County vehicle will be responsible for that vehicle in case of an accident. A breathalyzer test will be required and refusal will result in automatic dismissal of the County employee. Anyone driving a County vehicle must stay in good standing with the Department of Transportation and further maintain a valid operator's license. Any accident, traffic citation, or driving arrest of an employee in a County vehicle must be reported immediately to the supervisor or office holder. B. Any employee found to be under the influence of alcoholic beverages or unauthorized drugs or controlled substances while operating a County vehicle or equipment shall be the subject of immediate dismissal from employment.
County Vehicles. For those employees first assigned a County vehicle on or after March 18, 1983, the County expressly reserves the right to determine when these employees may have twenty-four (24) hour use of a vehicle, and shall have the right to unilaterally discontinue at any time any practice that permits these employees to drive a County vehicle to and from work. This provision shall in no way limit the County's right to terminate for just cause the twenty-four (24) hour use of a County vehicle by any employee who abuses or misuses a County vehicle regardless of when that employee was first assigned a vehicle.
County Vehicles. County vehicles shall be provided to and from the work site from the reporting station in the employee’s usual designated work area.
County Vehicles. All employees who are presently assigned a County vehicle, on a permanent basis, for use on official County business shall have such continued as long as they remain in their present job title. County employees assigned vehicles must notify their supervisor upon conviction of a moving violation or alcohol or drug driving related offense occurring subsequent to ratification. Failure to timely notify the County may result in the loss of the employee's right to a County vehicle in the discretion of the County. Should an employee who is assigned a County vehicle be convicted of a DWI, DWAI or leaving the scene of an automotive accident, he/she may suffer the loss of the assigned vehicle at the discretion of the County. Effective March 1, 2012, all employees who are assigned County vehicles or who use County vehicles, shall be subject to the terms of the Fleet Management Policy incorporated herein as Addendum VIIII.