Course Privileges. Subject to the approval of the receiving university, a permanent, full-time or emeritus member, with at least one (1) semester of service, spouse and children under the age of twenty-five (25) may take courses without tuition, or State University fee at any university within Connecticut State University on a space available basis, provided, however that participation in said courses shall not interfere with the member’s employment obligations. This benefit shall also be available to the above-mentioned spouse and dependents surviving a deceased member (death having occurred on or after August 24, 1990, during the member’s active service) who had accumulated ten (10) years of service in the University. Individuals taking courses on this basis may be admitted to a course in which space is not available, at the discretion of the instructor. Admission to a course shall not be counted toward overload credit as described in Article
Course Privileges. 22.2.1 Subject to the approval of the receiving Connecticut State University, administrative faculty members shall be allowed to register for courses on a space available basis provided that such coursework does not interfere with the member's employment obligations. The tuition, University General Fee and State University Fee for courses undertaken shall be waived for all members of the bargaining unit.
22.2.2 Emeritus members, as well as spouses and unmarried children under the age of 25, of bargaining unit members may take courses on a space available basis without paying tuition and the State University Fee at any University within the system.
Course Privileges. In addition to the waiver of tuition and fees permitted under Chapter 185b, Section 10a-77 of the Connecticut General Statutes, the Board may waive tuition and fees for bargaining unit members and their spouses and dependent children at all colleges in the Community College System.
Course Privileges. In addition to the waiver of tuition and fees permitted under Chapter 185b, Section 10a-77 of the Connecticut General Statutes, the Board may waive tuition and fees for part-time and full-time bargaining unit members, emeriti, and their spouses and dependent children at all colleges in the Community College System. Waiver of fees for noncredit course offerings and for extension credit course offerings may be granted on a space-available basis, in the discretion of the employer, to full-time and part-time bargaining unit members, emeriti, and their spouses and dependent children. Waivers may be granted to bargaining unit members only when the course is offered outside of the employee’s regularly scheduled work day, except that when a course is job- related and the employee’s supervisor approves his/her release for this purpose, the course may be taken during the member’s regularly scheduled work day. The parties agree that the employer will determine on a case-by-case basis the courses to which the waiver may apply as well as the administrative processes to be used in the implementation of this benefit. The decision of the employer whether or not to grant a waiver shall be final and not subject to grievance or arbitration. Community College tuition and fee waivers are limited to in-state tuition, the application fee, program enrollment fee, college service fee, and student activity fee. Community College part-time and full-time bargaining unit members, emeriti, and their spouses and dependent children can apply the cash value of their community college in-state tuition and fee waiver to universities throughout the CSCU System with the exception of Charter Oak State College. The cash value of a Community College tuition and fee waiver will equate to the total amount of in-state Community College tuition and college service fee per the number of registered credit hours. The maximum cash value for principal bargaining unit members, emeriti, their spouses, and dependent children per semester will equate to a full-time load of twelve (12) or more credit hours. The maximum cash value for part-time bargaining unit members, their spouses and dependent children will equate to one 3-credit course per semester during the period they are working. The cash value equivalent for Community College tuition and fee waivers will be adjusted to align with changes in community college in-state tuition and fees. The cash value of the Community College tuition and fee waiver can ...
Course Privileges. Subject to the approval of the receiving university, a permanent, full-time or emeritus member, with at least one (1) semester of service, spouse and children under the age of twenty-five (25) may take courses without tuition or State University fee at any university within Connecticut State University on a space available basis, provided, however that participation in said courses shall not interfere with the member’s employment obligations. This benefit shall also be available to the above mentioned spouse and dependents surviving a deceased member (death having occurred on or after August 24, 1990, during the member’s active service) who had accumulated ten (10) years of service in the University. Individuals taking courses on this basis may be admitted to a course in which space is not available, at the discretion of the instructor. Admission to a course shall not be counted toward overload credit as described in Article 10.3 of this Agreement. Cost of this provision shall be absorbed. A part-time member who has been employed for eighteen (18) or more load credits in the University, or spouse or children under the age of twenty five (25) may take courses at any university in the system on a space available basis, provided however that participation in said course shall not interfere with the member’s employment obligations. For each load credit for which the member is compensated, one (1) credit hour’s extension tuition shall be waived or the full-time tuition and State University fee shall be reduced by one twelfth (1/12). The total benefit shall not exceed the member’s current equivalent workload credit and shall only be used during the semester of employment or the semester immediately following. Individuals taking courses on this basis may be admitted to a course in which space is not available at the discretion of the instructor. Admission to a course shall not be counted toward overload credit as described in Article 10.3 of this Agreement.
Course Privileges. Subject to work schedules so permitting and satisfactory arrangements being made in advance for lost work time to be made up, a regular full-time employee may audit courses and/or take up to three credits per semester at UTS without tuition being charged. Approval must be secured in advance from the Department Head, Registrar’s Office and, if taking courses for credit, the appropriate admissions committee.
Course Privileges. Unlimited Golf AFTER 2:00pm – tee time availability permitting from December 1st until March 31st than AFTER 12:00pm April 1st until November 30th.
Course Privileges. Unlimited Green Fees AFTER 2:00pm October-May, and after 12:00pm June-September – tee time availability permitting.