Personnel Records and Files. [Reference DUSD Policy GBJ]
a. The District shall maintain a complete and current official personnel file for each employee. Teachers in the District will be required to supply the District office with current and complete transcripts of credit. It is the duty and responsibility of each teacher to be certificated and to keep such certification current. Teachers must record their certificates with the Maricopa County School Superintendent’s office.
b. An employee's confidential file will be available only to authorized individuals and to the employee.
c. The employee’s own personnel file may be reviewed by making a written request to the Executive Director of Human Resources. The employee shall be allowed to review his/her personnel file within two (2) working days of the request to do so. All materials placed in the teacher’s personnel file and originating within the School District shall be available to the teacher at his/her request for inspection.
d. Material originating within the School District and which is derogatory to a teacher's conduct, service, character or personality shall not be placed in a teacher's personnel file located in the Human Resources Office unless the teacher has had an opportunity to read the material. The teacher shall acknowledge that he/she has read such material by affixing his/her signature on the actual copy to be filed.
e. The teacher shall have right to rebut any material filed, and the response shall be attached to all file copies.
f. All reference and information originating outside the School District on the basis of confidentiality and information obtained within the School District in the process of recommending the teacher for employment shall not be subject to the Memorandum of Understanding and therefore shall not be available for inspection by teachers.
g. The teacher shall have the right to place pertinent material in her/her file. This material shall be submitted to the principal and to the Human Resources Office for placement in the teacher's file.
h. All references and information obtained within the school system in the process of recommending the teacher for employment or promotion shall not be available for inspection by any teachers except by written agreement from the person on whom the file is being kept.
Personnel Records and Files. 3.9.1 The employee's official personnel file may be examined by that employee, subject to Colorado open records law.
3.9.2 Material originating within the School District and which is derogatory to an employee's conduct, service, character or personality shall not be placed in the file unless the employee has had an opportunity to read the material. The employee shall acknowledge that such material has been read by signing on the actual copy to be filed. Such signature does not indicate agreement with the content of such material.
Personnel Records and Files. 3.6.1 The Employee's official personnel file may be examined by that Employee, subject to the Colorado Open Records Act.
3.6.2 Material originating within the School District and which is derogatory to an Employee's conduct, service, character or personality shall not be placed in the file unless the Employee has had an opportunity to read the material. The Employee shall acknowledge that such material has been read by signing on the actual copy to be filed. Such signature does not indicate agreement with the content of such material.
3.6.3 Supervisory personnel desiring to place a letter of reprimand or other derogatory material in an Employee's file may first issue a letter of warning that such alleged behavior or action is inappropriate. However, when the supervisor justifiably determines that the behavior or actions of the Employee are of such a serious nature as to warrant a letter of reprimand, such letter of reprimand may be issued by the supervisor in the absence of a letter of warning. No such letters of reprimand shall be forwarded unless the allegations contained therein are established by evidence.
Personnel Records and Files. 3.9.1 The employee's official personnel file may be examined by that employee, subject to Colorado open records law.
3.9.2 Material originating within the School District and which is derogatory to an employee's conduct, service, character or personality shall not be placed in the file unless the employee has had an opportunity to read the material. The employee shall acknowledge that such material has been read by signing on the actual copy to be filed. Such signature does not indicate agreement with the content of such material.
3.9.3 Supervising administrators desiring to place a letter of reprimand or other derogatory material in an employee's file shall, except in unusual circumstances, first issue a letter of warning that such alleged behavior or action is inappropriate. Such a letter of warning may be placed either in the employee's personnel file or at the supervisor’s desk file. However, when the supervising administrator justifiably determines that the behavior or actions of the employee are of such a serious nature as to warrant a letter of reprimand, such letter of reprimand may be issued by the supervising administrator in the absence of a letter of warning. No such letters of reprimand shall be forwarded unless the allegations contained therein are supportable by evidence. In addition to having the right to rebut as in Article 3.9.4, the employee shall, upon request, be allowed a hearing before the senior Human Resources administrator with the employee and supervising administrator present. The nature of such letter or material and its appropriateness are subject to the grievance procedure.
3.9.4 The employee shall have the right to answer any material filed and the employee's answer shall be reviewed by the senior Human Resources administrator and attached to the file copy.
3.9.5 Upon written request by an employee, specified material contained in the central office file for more than eighteen (18) months will be reviewed and eliminated as long as such material does not interfere with the safety, physical, and moral well being of children or other employees. The District shall have the responsibility to determine whether the material should be retained.
3.9.6 All written and printed materials dealing with the processing of a grievance will be filed separately from the central office personnel files of the participants.
Personnel Records and Files. 1. The contents of employee personnel files are the property of CES and contain confidential information related to an employee’s employment relationship with CES. Additionally, employee personnel files shall contain any documents required by law, statute, and/or regulation, and sound personnel practices. It shall be CES’ responsibility to safeguard the information contained within employee personnel files from unauthorized access.
2. Information in personnel files may be accessed by any member of CES’ management or Executive Committee with a legitimate interest in reviewing its contents. Disclosure to any other entity shall occur only when CES is served with a duly executed subpoena/warrant, or otherwise required by law.
3. Employee personnel records are available for inspection and review by active employees of CES under the following guidelines:
a. An employee must submit to the Executive Director a written request to review his/her personnel file at least five (5) days prior to the review. Anyone reviewing their file will be accompanied by a member of CES’ Director Staff.
b. An employee may not review pre-employment documents of a confidential nature such as references.
c. Employees may request copies of documents in their file that are not confidential pre-employment documents.
Personnel Records and Files. 1. The Human Resources Department shall establish and maintain a personnel records system, which are the County’s official records for each employee. Reporting procedures and forms are established by the Director or designee. Information complied and retained in the central personnel file consists of records and reports deemed pertinent which shall include, but is not limited to:
Personnel Records and Files. A. The District will maintain an official personnel file for each District employee. All documents within a personnel file are confidential, and the District may create such sub-files within a personnel file as are appropriate to ensure confidentiality and efficient use of the file.
B. It is the employee’s responsibility to provide the District with any and all information required for employment, including but not limited to, form I-9, employment eligibility verification, licensing, verification of earned degrees, verification of previous employment, and required background checks.
C. Employees are required to supply the Human Resources Department with complete official transcripts of all college credits. It is the duty and responsibility of each licensed employee to keep his/her licensures current. All copies of licenses and certifications (state/national issued) shall be on file with the Human Resources Department.
D. The District maintains that all District employees have the right to review their personnel files. Employees may review their personnel files by submitting a written request 24 hours in advance, pending availability of authorized human resources staff (form available on First Class). Employees may request copies of information contained in their file, or their entire personnel file, by following District procedures. All requests for copies must be made in writing; upon request, one copy will be provided annually, without charge. The District may charge a reasonable fee for subsequent copies in accordance with current Board policy.
E. The right to inspect/copy does not apply to confidential information obtained prior to an employee’s employment, including but not limited to, recommendations and reference checks.
F. Access to personnel files will be limited to authorized District officials, authorized representatives of the District, and employees.
G. Documents of a derogatory nature (e.g., letters, memos, emails, reprimands) which are to be placed in the employee’s personnel file will require the signature of the employee to acknowledge disclosure or the signature of another party acknowledging refusal of the employee to sign. The employee may prepare a written reply to such documents within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the document in question. The reply shall be appended to the original document and placed in the personnel file.
Personnel Records and Files. The information in an employee file is available to the employee at any time. The file itself (paper records) is the property of the City. Should the employee wish to have a copy of the contents of their file, they shall make an appointment with Human Resources to receive a copy. The employee is free to verify the completeness of the record under the supervision of a staff member from Human Resources.
(1) No written material concerning an employee’s conduct, service, character, personality or fitness for employment shall be placed in the employee’s file unless the employee first has the opportunity to examine and/or copy such material.
(2) Employees shall acknowledge that they have had an opportunity to examine such material by affixing their signature on the actual document to be placed in their personnel file. Such signature shall not be deemed to signify the employee’s agreement with any of the material in the document but merely an indication that they had an opportunity to read and inspect it.
(3) Employees have the right to see and/or reproduce the contents of their personnel file at any time during working hours.
(4) Letters of reprimand, warning or written records of relief from duty which are more than one (1) year old and have not resulted in any further discipline against the employee shall be removed from the employee’s personnel file and destroyed.
Personnel Records and Files. (A) There shall be only one (1) file for each teacher maintained by the Superintendent, which file shall contain data relevant to the work performance of the teacher.
(B) Upon written request, the teacher shall be furnished a reproduction of any material in his/her file, provided that said teacher shall bear the expense of the reproduction.
(C) Upon written request, the Superintendent will make available the cards and records of a teacher to said teacher and h/she will be permitted to make copies of said cards and records, at his/her expense. A teacher will be entitled to have a representative of the ASSOCIATION accompany him/her during such review.
(D) No material derogatory to a teacher’s conduct, service, character or personality will be placed in the file unless the teacher has had the opportunity to review such material by affixing his/her signature to the copy to be filed with the express understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. The teacher will also have the right to submit a written answer to such material and his/her answer shall be reviewed by the Superintendent and attached to the file copy.
(E) Materials in a teacher’s file shall be available only to the teacher, or his/her designated representative, the Superintendent, or his/her designee, or the COMMITTEE. (In grievances involving reductions-in- force, the ASSOCIATION has the right to review relevant evaluation reports of teachers other than the grievant as per the Arbitrator’s Award dated January 31, 1979.)
(F) It is recommended that teachers request permission to review their files at least once per year to see that their records and evaluations are up to date.
(G) At a teacher’s request, any items more than five years old shall be removed from his or her personnel file except:
1. Evaluations, including teacher responses, if any.
2. Any documents, with attachments thereto, from any School Department administrator or supervisor to the teacher or from the teacher to the Wayland Public Schools. Any items so removed which, pursuant to public document statutes, are not destroyed shall not be used in any personnel action involving the teacher.
Personnel Records and Files. 1. The contents of employee personnel files are the property of CES and contain confidential information related to an employee’s employment relationship with CES. Additionally, employee personnel files shall contain any documents required by law, statute, and/or regulation, and sound personnel practices. It shall be CES’ responsibility to safeguard the information contained within employee personnel files from unauthorized access.
2. Information in personnel files may be accessed by any member of CES’ management or Executive Committee with a legitimate interest in reviewing its contents. Disclosure to any other entity shall occur only when CES is served with a duly executed subpoena/warrant, or otherwise required by law.
3. Employee personnel records are available for inspection and review by active employees of CES under the following guidelines:
a. An employee must submit to the Executive Director a written request to review his/her personnel file at least five