DAMAGE RESPONSIBILITY. User agrees to exercise due care in the use of the Facilities and, at the conclusion of the Event, leave and/or return the Facilities in as good condition as when received, and User hereby accepts full responsibility for any and all damage of any type, caused by anyone in any way, to the Facilities during the Event, The cost of repairing any such damage may be charged by University to User and shall be paid as a Fee by User as provided for herein.
DAMAGE RESPONSIBILITY. A. The General Contractor shall repair, at no cost to the Town, any damage to building elements, site appurtenances, landscaping, utilities, etc. caused during demolition operation and work of this Contract.
DAMAGE RESPONSIBILITY. Ryder agrees that BMC is responsible for loss or damage to the TSP Vehicle during the term of the Short-Term TSP Lease, including responsibility for the required deductible (except to the extent set forth otherwise in this Master Lease and the TSP Documents). In no event shall Ryder be responsible for any loss or damage to the TSP Vehicle or for BMC’s deductible. In the event of a theft of the TSP Vehicle or a total loss for which BMC is responsible, Ryder agrees that BMC will pay to Ryder the TSP Vehicle’s actual cash value and Ryder will pay to LP such proceeds received from BMC. IF THE LP LEASES OR FINANCES THE TSP VEHICLE (WHETHER FROM RYDER TRUCK RENTAL, INC. D/B/A RYDER TRANSPORTATION SERVICES OR FROM A THIRD PARTY), IT IS POSSIBLE THE ACTUAL CASH VALUE OF THE TSP VEHICLE MAY BE LESS THAN ANY “SCHEDULE A” VALUE OR OTHER AMOUNT YOU MAY OWE TO YOUR LESSOR OR FINANCING COMPANY IN THE EVENT OF A THEFT OR A TOTAL LOSS OF THE TSP VEHICLE. IT IS THE LP’S RESPONSIBILITY TO UNDERSTAND THE TERMS OF SUCH TLSA, VEHICLE LEASE OR FINANCING AGREEMENT AND THE IMPACT PARTICIPATION IN THE TSP MAY HAVE ON YOUR OBLIGATIONS TO SUCH LESSOR AND FINACING COMPANY. ANY AMOUNTS LP MAY OWE TO ITS LESSOR OR FINANCING COMPANY IN EXCESS OF THE ACTUAL CASH VALUE ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF LP.
DAMAGE RESPONSIBILITY. If equipment is being rented, Undersigned accept responsibility for any and all damage to equipment, beyond normal wear and tear, and agree to pay all costs of necessary repairs including but not limited to parts, and labor at prevailing shop rates. Evaluation of such damage and repairs needed are at the sole discretion of a shop technician who will inspect the equipment within 24 hours from the time it is returned. Undersigned understand and agree that any adjustment that Participant may make on the equipment is subject to readjustment by the shop technician at Undersigned’s sole expense. Undersigned agree that Participant will return the equipment to rental shop at the agreed upon time and that Undersigned will be responsible for full retail value if Participant returns equipment late.
DAMAGE RESPONSIBILITY. If equipment is being rented, undersigned accepts responsibility for any and all damage to equipment, beyond normal wear and tear, and agrees to pay all costs of necessary repairs including but not limited to parts, and labor at prevailing shop rates. Evaluation of such damage and repairs needed are at the sole discretion of a shop technician who will inspect the equipment within 48 hours from the time it is returned. Undersigned understands and agrees that any adjustment that Participant may make on the equipment is subject to readjustment by the shop technician at Undersigned’s sole expense. Undersigned agree that Participant will return the equipment to rental shop at the agreed upon time and that Undersigned will be responsible for additional charges if Participant returns equipment late. Damage Waiver does not cover loss or theft of bike; Damage Waiver does not cover damage due to bike set-up made by renter without provider’s consent; Damage Waiver does not cover intentional abuse or damage.
DAMAGE RESPONSIBILITY. It is often understood that whoever damages a property is legaly and financialy responsible for covering the cost of repair and/or maintenance. However today’s tenants are getting as savvy as landlords, and you need to specify this. It’s very easy for themto say it’s your property, your cost unless you specify this in your lease terms. Not only do you need to specify what damage they wil be responsible for, but it’s also a good idea to specify what alterations they can and can not make. Can they put in a garden? Paint the wals? Add a security system? Buy a dishwasher? Who is responsible for al of that? It’s your property, you decide that in the lease terms. You also need to specify a time frame on when they can tel you about damage. For example, if a carpet fire ensues and you don’t find out for 6 months because they didn’t want you to find out, you can hold themresponsible for it by including time frame terms in the damage clauses on your rental contract.
DAMAGE RESPONSIBILITY. Lessee shall be responsible for any damage to the equipment or repairs that are needed arising out of Lessee’s negligent or improper use and/or operation of the equipment.
DAMAGE RESPONSIBILITY. A. Resident shall bear the cost of repairs to any utilities or Community property damaged by Resident. Lots contain extensive cables, pipes and high voltage lines. Any digging can be dangerous. Utility locates are required before driving rods or stakes in the ground, digging any holes, planting trees and the like. The Resident is responsible for any damages that occur.
B. If a Resident’s mobile home is damaged, repairs must be made within ninety (90) days. If a Resident’s mobile home is destroyed, it must be removed within thirty (30) days, weather permitting. (Based on completion of an investigation).
DAMAGE RESPONSIBILITY. At the termination of the Rental Period, Renter shall return the aircraft to Journeys in the same condition as when received. Renter acknowledges that renting an aircraft always carries some risk of financial loss due to the cost of the equipment, its complexity, weather and other factors, and the fact that machinery and pilots do fail from time to time.
a. If damage to aircraft occurs for any reason whatsoever during the Rental Period, including damage that occurs through no fault of the Renter, Renter shall be liable to Journeys Aviation for the first $3,000 of damage to any single-engine rented aircraft and for the first $8,000 of damage to any twin-engine rented aircraft, except as provided in paragraph 16 b. wherein liability of Renter is not limited. Damage includes but is not limited to damage caused by pilot error, weather, and loss due to wear, tear, deterioration, freezing, mechanical, structural, hydraulic, pneumatic, or electrical failure or malfunction.
b. The $3,000 limitation and $8,000 limitation of liability on Renter’s part set forth in 15 a. does not apply to any of the following:
i. To cases of Xxxxxx’s gross negligence or willful misconduct;
ii. To any liability Renter assumes;
iii. When the aircraft is:
1. Operated with Xxxxxx’s knowledge and consent for either an unlawful purpose or for a purpose not within Journeys’ approved use.
2. In flight when a special permit or waiver is required by the FAA unless pre- approved by Journeys owners, general manager, or chief instructor;
3. Piloted by anyone other than Renter or a Journeys employee flight instructor whose time during the flight is being billed by Journeys, or a Journeys-approved independent contractor flight instructor.
iv. In flights where aircraft is used for:
1. Aerial advertising, towing, or any other commercial purpose;
2. Hunting, herding, or spotting of animals of any kind including bird and fish;
3. Patrol or surveillance of any kind including power lines, pipelines, traffic or fires;
4. Flight instruction except flight instruction provided by a Journeys employee whose time during the flight is being billed by Journeys, or a Journeys-approved independent contractor flight instructor;
5. Skydiving or parachuting;
6. Closed course racing; or
7. Commercial transportation of persons or property.
v. In flights where Xxxxxx is a Student Pilot and is pilot-in-command:
1. When there is a passenger in aircraft and the passenger is not a Journeys approved certified flight instructo...
DAMAGE RESPONSIBILITY. If damage is incurred to either Company property or the property of others, employees who are involved shall report the facts surrounding the occurrence immediately to a member of Management by verbal communication and in writing within such time as the Company shall designate.