DEFINITIONS/APPLICATIONS. (1) Longevity a. Longevity is defined as total semesters (excluding any winter intercession and summer sessions) of non-contract service in a discipline. Disciplines shall be defined in Appendix L, which shall be the current version of the “Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges.” b. Non-contract faculty will be credited with five (5) semesters of longevity upon the completion of their fifth semester of service at a particular college. If the faculty member works at two (2) or more colleges within the VCCCD, he/she will be credited with the corresponding longevity at each college upon successful completion of his/her fifth (5th) semester district-wide provided that his/her last evaluation was “Satisfactory” or “Excellent” at each college, and he/she has served a minimum of two (2) semesters at each college. c. A faculty member may hold different longevity in different disciplines. Faculty may be assigned in different disciplines at one (1) campus or at a combination of campuses, within the same semester. d. If a faculty member holds longevity in a discipline and begins teaching in the same discipline at another college, longevity will be transferred upon the successful completion (“Satisfactory” or better evaluation rating) of the semester at the “new” college. If the “new college” fails to evaluate in the first semester, successful completion means a “Satisfactory” or better rating on the most recent evaluation on file. The faculty member will continue to accrue longevity only at the college(s) where s(he) is teaching. e. A faculty member will be removed from the longevity list upon receiving two (2) consecutive performance evaluations with summary ratings of “Unsatisfactory” or three (3) consecutive evaluations with overall summary ratings of any combination of “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory.” (See Section 12.5.B.(2).) If the faculty member is subsequently rehired within eight (8) semesters of removal from the longevity list, his/her longevity will be restored upon completion of the fifth (5th) semester provided the performance evaluation rating is “Satisfactory” or better. f. Accumulated longevity is held by a faculty member for life unless longevity is lost because he/she has not received assignments for the previous eight (8) semesters (except as provided by law), the faculty member resigns, or has been removed from the longevity list in accordance with Section 5.4.B.(1)(e). (2) The District will...
DEFINITIONS/APPLICATIONS. A. Does not apply to Per Diem Nurse Clinician who were Per Diem Nurse Clinicians on 7/1/97 Transition to Public Authority: Effective July 1, 1997, bargaining unit employees who were employed by the Employer by July 1, 1997 (including those on LOA, who are subsequently recalled or rehired under § 2(B) below, or those who come into the bargaining unit by that day), shall retain the calculations of seniority they had as of July 1, 1997: UWHCA seniority shall include prior State seniority, and Bargaining Unit seniority shall include prior State and or UWHCA seniority. B. Effective July 2, 1997, for the purpose of this Agreement, subject to § 1(A) above, there are three types of seniority: 1. State Seniority: State seniority is the cumulative length of time an employee has been employed in a position during which the employee actively participated in the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) pursuant to Chapter 40, Wis. Stats. This would also include cumulative time the employee has been employed by the Employer (UWHCA seniority). State seniority shall apply wherever applicable for determining Chapter 40 benefits. State seniority applies to Per Diem Nurse Clinicians per Chapter 40, Wis. Stats. and
DEFINITIONS/APPLICATIONS. Apprenticeship Eligibility Requirements Credit for Previous Experience Term of Apprenticeship ProbationaryPeriod Hours of Work Ratios Discipline Wages Related Instruction and School Attendance Joint Apprenticeship Committee Coordination of Apprentices Consultants Seniority Apprenticeship Agreement Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship Modification of Standards Tool Allowance Schedule of Work Processes Approval Revised and Updated May The following standards of apprenticeship covering the em- ployment and training of apprentices in the trades included in these standards have been agreed to by Yale Suspension Division and the Union, United Auto- mobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, and its Local No. PURPOSE The purpose of these standards is to make certain that proper care is exercised in the selection of apprentices and that the methods of training are uniform and sound, with the result that they will be equippedfor profitable employment, and to further the assurance to the Company of proficient journeymen at the conclusion of the training period. Representing the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Skilled Trades Department. THESE STANDARDS OF APPRENTICESHIP ARE TO BE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A JOINT APPRENTICESHIP COMMITTEE. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxx Xxx Xxxxxx FOR THE COMPANY Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxx Xxxx CONSULTANTS: Representing the Ministry of Colleges and Universities Representingthe Union, Aero- space and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Trades Department. ARTICLE DEFINITIONS


  • Definitions of General Application For purposes of this Agreement, unless otherwise specified: Agreement means the Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Peru; Commission means the Free Trade Commission established under Article 170 (Free Trade Commission) of Chapter 14 (Administration of the Agreement);

  • Definitions and Construction 1 1.1 Definitions.....................................................................................1 1.2

  • Definitions and Rules of Construction 1.1 Unless otherwise defined herein, the following capitalized terms shall have the following meanings:

  • Definitions Rules of Construction In addition to terms otherwise defined herein, the following terms are used herein as defined below:

  • Definitions and General Provisions The following words and terms as hereinafter used in this Agreement shall have the following meanings unless otherwise herein provided and unless the context or use clearly indicates an other or different meaning or intent.

  • Definitions and References Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein have the meanings assigned in the Credit Agreement. All references to the Credit Agreement contained in the Collateral Documents and the other Loan Documents, as amended or amended and restated, shall, upon the execution of this Amendment, mean the Credit Agreement as amended by this Amendment.

  • Other Definitional Provisions and Rules of Construction A. Any of the terms defined herein may, unless the context otherwise requires, be used in the singular or the plural, depending on the reference.

  • Definitions and Scope 1.1 Employees shall have the right to present grievances in accordance with the procedures prescribed in this Article. 1.2 For purposes of this Agreement, a grievance is a dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the terms or provisions of this Agreement. It is intended that this shall not mean administrative matters under the Retirement System and the Group Health Insurance Program.

  • Definitions Principles of Construction Section 1.1. Definitions 1 Section 1.2. Principles of Construction 16

  • Definitions and Principles of Construction Section 1.1 Defined Terms 1 Section 1.2 Principles of Constructions 1