Types of Seniority Sample Clauses
Types of Seniority. 1. County hire date: For the purposes of this agreement, the employee's county hire date shall be deemed to begin on the actual most recent date of continuous full time paid employment with Broward County.
Types of Seniority. Different types of seniority shall exist in the bargaining unit as described below.
Types of Seniority. District Seniority is defined as the length of continuous employment as a regular employee with the school district from the last date of hire. This shall include all regular employment in or outside of the bargaining unit, except substitute or temporary employment.
Types of Seniority. It is agreed that past length of service is properly reflected in the current seniority standings of the employees as of the effective date of this Working Agreement. Subsequent to the effective date of this Working Agreement there shall be two types of seniority: unit seniority or unit and section seniority.
Types of Seniority. There shall be three types of seniority established by the Agreement.
6.2.1 Service Seniority is the total length of continuous service with the County.
6.2.2 Department Seniority is the total length of service within a specific department or division of County service.
6.2.3 Classification Seniority is the total length service within a work classification.
Types of Seniority. (a) Length of service within a line of progression shall be deemed line of progression seniority.
(b) Length of continuous service in the "Xxxxxxxx Plant" shall be deemed "Plant Seniority" for "Xxxxxxxx Plant" employees.
Types of Seniority. Seniority shall be attained retroactively after completion of the probationary period and shall thereafter be established as the employee’s length of continuous service in the employee’s job classification (Classification Seniority) and in the Sheriff’s Office (Office Seniority). However, if an employee is promoted from one classification to another before completing probation, the time spent in the classification from which the employee was promoted shall count as both classification and Sheriff’s Office seniority for all purposes thereafter. Utilization of assignment seniority. Solely for purposes of shift and vacation bidding for Deputy Sheriffs an employee’s "assignment seniority" shall be utilized. Employees’ assignment seniority will be utilized for those employees assigned to corrections and those employees assigned to "operations." If a Deputy Sheriff who is assigned to corrections volunteers to work and is accepted to work in operations, then a Deputy Sheriff will begin to accrue assignment seniority for the operations division. However, if a Deputy Sheriff is involuntarily assigned to operations that Deputy Sheriff shall continue to use classifications seniority for shift and vacation bidding. The converse applies to Deputy Sheriffs who are in operations and end up either voluntarily or being assigned to corrections. If it is a voluntary assignment, the Deputy Sheriffs will then utilize assignment seniority for their time in corrections, and if there is an involuntary transfer they will continue to use operational seniority. However, if for instance a Deputy Sheriff initially assigned to corrections volunteers to work in operations, but then is returned to corrections a Deputy Sheriff will use classification as opposed to assignment seniority. Exhibit C attached to this agreement is a listing of all current employees within the bargaining unit, their current classifications, their Classification Seniority order, and their Office Seniority. The County shall provide the Association with an updated seniority list in January of each year. For purposes of this Agreement, all Clerks, whether their job title is Booking Clerk or Police Clerk, shall have the same classification for purposes of Classification Seniority. All Technicians shall have the same classification for purposes of Classification Seniority. All Deputies shall have the same Classification Seniority for purposes of this Agreement.
Types of Seniority. Seniority as defined above in Section 3.01 is further broken down as follows:
A. Company Service - Prior service credits earned with the Company at other work locations.
B. Office Seniority - Service credits earned in the office at Xxxxxx Energy Center.
Types of Seniority. Seniority shall be of the kinds and determined and maintained as hereinafter set forth.
Types of Seniority. There shall be three types of seniority established by the Agreement.