Disconnections Sample Clauses
Disconnections. 24.1 The Company will not be liable for any network disconnections on the User's computer or any other external networks. In case of any disruption of services while a Game is in progress, the Company will cancel the Game and refund the points / cash irrespective of the status of the Game.
Disconnections. If you have advised us (or we are otherwise aware) that you or a person residing at the premises is dependent on life support equipment, then we cannot arrange to disconnect your electricity supply because you fail to pay us a xxxx by the due date while the person requiring life support equipment continues to reside at the premises.
Disconnections. You must not disconnect the 9-1-1 emergency call until told to do so by the dispatcher, as the dispatcher may not have your number or contact information. If you are inadvertently disconnected, you must call back immediately.
Disconnections. Individual Each disconnection of a Connection must be completed within one Business Day of receipt by the LFC of a properly completed order from the Service Provider (or such later date as agreed between the Service Provider and the relevant End User).
Disconnections. 11.1. We can temporarily disconnect your supply of water services to a property, but only in line with the disconnections document, if:
11.1.1. You do not pay an amount properly due for water services (we must issue you with a disconnection warning notice);
11.1.2. You do not allow us access to a water meter (we must issue you with a disconnection warning notice);
11.1.3. You refuse to provide a refundable deposit (we must issue you with a disconnection warning notice);
11.1.4. You do not keep to water regulations; or
11.1.5. You ask us to disconnect your supply on a temporary basis, for example if the property refurbished. If we do disconnect your supply temporarily, you must pay the appropriate disconnection charge.
11.2. We can temporarily disconnect your supply of Trade Effluent services, if you have one, at a property only in line with the disconnections document if:
11.2.1. You do not pay an amount properly due for sewerage services (we must issue you with a disconnection warning notice);
11.2.2. You refuse to provide a deposit (we must issue you with a disconnection warning notice);
11.2.3. You do not keep to any consent needed for Trade Effluent;
11.2.4. You do not keep o water regulations; or
11.2.5. You ask us to disconnect your supply on a temporary basis, for example if the property is being refurbished. If we do temporarily disconnect your supply of Trade Effluent services, you must pay the appropriate disconnection charge.
11.3. We can permanently disconnect your supply to a property, only if line with the disconnections document if:
11.3.1. You illegally use water or sewerage services (if the illegal use is of water services, we will disconnect your supply of water services, and if the illegal use is of sewerage services, we will disconnect your supply of Trade Effluent services (if you have one))
11.3.2. You ask us to disconnect you on a permanent basis, for example, if the property is being demolished; or
11.3.3. We have disconnected you on a temporary basis (whether your water or Trade Effluent services) for three months or more, in which case the disconnection automatically becomes permanent. If we permanently disconnect a property, our agreement with you for that property will end at the date of disconnections, apart from charges and responsibilities due at that time, including the appropriate disconnection charge.
11.4. If we have disconnected your supply of water services to a property or if they apply, Trade Effluent services:
Disconnections. If you are deemed by NTL to have breached the conditions of these Terms and Conditions, NTL may serve you with a notice setting out the nature of the breach, and the steps that must be taken to remedy the situation. If you have not complied or taken appropriate steps within five (5) working days, NTL will disconnect you from the Network without further notice.
Disconnections. The Concessionaire may disconnect any Connection for the supply of water services or sewerage services in the Service Area if charges billed to the Customer therefor remain unpaid for a period of sixty (60) days after their due date. The Concessionaire shall provide the Customer with not less than seven (7) days prior written notice of any such disconnection. Upon the payment in full of all outstanding charges (including late payment penalties and reconnection charges), the Concessionaire shall reconnect any Customer whose services have previously been disconnected within five (5) days following receipt of a request for reconnection.
Disconnections. 26.1 We will not disconnect your retail service for non-payment of a bill or bills. However, we may restrict your retail service in accordance with clause 24.
26.2 Subject to any applicable regulatory instruments that prohibit disconnection, we may only arrange for the disconnection of your retail service if you have:
(a) requested the disconnection ;
(b) used the retail service illegally; or
(c) refused entry to a water industry officer appointed under the Act for a purpose consistent with carrying out duties in accordance with applicable regulatory instruments.
26.3 If you request us to arrange for the preparation and issue of a final bill, or the disconnection of, your supply address, we will use our best endeavours to arrange for that final bill (in circumstances where final bills can be issued) or, subject to any applicable regulatory instruments that prohibit disconnection, arrange the disconnection in accordance with your request.
Disconnections. 24.1 The Company will not be liable for any network disconnections on the User’s computer or any other external networks. In case of any disruption of services while a Game is in progress, the Company will cancel the Game and refund the points/ cash irrespective of the status of the Game.
24.2 While participating in a Real Chip Game, a User takes full responsibility for the risk of internet disconnection or communication interferences between their computer and the Company’s servers, any lag or freezing of the game or Software, and any problems attributable to their own computer or network connection. Other than a crash of the Company’s servers, the Company does not take any responsibility for any of the player's disconnections from the server.
24.3 As the Company is aware that internet disconnections or other disruptions may occur, players will remain on the table and can continue to play the Game once the connection is back online, until they are eliminated.
Disconnections. 15.1 You can make a request to us for either a permanent or temporary disconnection see our website for more details xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/help- advice/your-account/disconnections/
15.2 You can make a request to us to disconnect a particular Supply Point on either a permanent or temporary basis. We will organise this in conjunction with the relevant Wholesaler. You shall give us 20 Working Days notice, confirming:
(a) the Supply Point to be terminated (full address and Supply Point Identification number (SPID))
(b) type of disconnection required (temporary or permanent)
(c) whether the property has a Meter and if so, the Meter serial number
(d) whether you own the property or have consent from the Owner to disconnect the property
(e) when you would like the work to take place (either during normal business hours or out of hours)
15.3 If you fail to provide an accurate final Meter reading, you will be liable for the difference between the Meter reading (or estimate) used to prepare the final bill and the next Meter reading.
15.4 We are entitled to make a request to disconnect your Eligible Premises in the circumstances set out in section 61(1ZB) of the Water Industry Act.
15.5 We may also request that the relevant Wholesaler disconnect a water supply where you have:
(a) failed to pay an amount properly due for water and/or sewerage services;
(b) denied access to or tampered with a Meter;
(c) refused to provide a refundable deposit in accordance with the terms set out in this Scheme;
(d) breached any water bye-laws or trade effluent consent or any other relevant agreement or authorisation;
(e) made a request for either a permanent or temporary disconnection; and/or
(f) illegally used or there is suspected illegal use of water and/or sewerage services.
15.6 Charges in relation to disconnection for non-payment may apply in accordance with Wholesaler policies. Any such charges will be passed on to you.
15.7 We cannot request a disconnection in respect of premises of the type specified in Schedule 4A of the Water Industry Act.
15.8 If you move to another Eligible Premises and wish to continue to be supplied by us, then this Interim Supply Contract can remain in place for the supply of Services at the new Eligible Premises as long as there is no valid supply contract already in place relating to that Eligible Premises. You should contact us not less than 14 days before you move to notify us of your relocation.