District Superintendent. 2 FTE; Jr-Sr High School Principal .8 FTE; Teaching to Standards Administrator and such other duties as may be assigned by the District for which the Certified Personnel is properly certified and endorsed.
District Superintendent. The grievant may appeal the decision from Level I to the District Superintendent within five (5) working days after receiving it, and request and hearing. The request for a hearing shall be directed to the District Superintendent and shall include a copy of the original grievance and appeal; the decision rendered at Level I; the name of the grievant’s conferee, and shall contain a clear concise statement of the reasons for the appeal from the decisions. The District Superintendent shall communicate his or her decision to the grievant in writing within ten (10) working days after the hearing. Copies shall be sent to the immediate supervisor, Director of Human Resources, and to the President of CSEA.
District Superintendent. Within ten (10) days after the District issued its determination above, the Association may submit a written statement to the Superintendent setting forth the specific (and amended if necessary) nature of the grievance, and why the determination of Level 2 was unsatisfactory. The Superintendent or his/her designee will meet with the the Association within eight (8) days of receipt of the written statement. Within eight (8) days after the hearing, the Superintendent or his/her designee will answer the grievance in writing. Stage 4 – Arbitration If the grievance remains unresolved after the Superintendent's answer, the Association may submit said grievance in writing to the American Arbitration Association within ten (10) days following receipt of the Level 3 answer. The Association will provide a copy of said arbitration demand to the Superintendent. The Arbitration shall be under the AAA Voluntary Rules. The decision of the arbitrator will be final and binding on all parties. The arbitrator will have no power to add to, subtract from or change any provision of this Agreement, nor to render any decision which conflicts with law. The AAA expenses of the arbitration will be shared equally by the ITPA and the BOCES.
District Superintendent a. The District Superintendent or his/her designated representative shall, upon request, confer with the aggrieved party with respect to the grievance and shall deliver to the aggrieved party, a written statement of his/her position with respect to it no later than fourteen (14) work days after is it received by him/her.
District Superintendent. Xxx Xxxxxx
District Superintendent. President shall have full signature authority to carry out the recommendations of the Board effective July 01, 2023.
District Superintendent. President shall perform all of the powers and duties of the position of District Superintendent/President, Chief Executive Officer, and Secretary to the Board of Trustees. She shall further efficiently and effectively manage the programs and operations of the District, and perform such other duties and assume such other responsibilities as are assigned to her from time to time by the Board of Trustees. District Superintendent/President shall have the primary responsibility for recommendations and execution of Board Policy.
District Superintendent. President shall receive six (6) days of administrative leave per year to be used for the conduct of personal business that cannot be accomplished other than during regular business hours. Administrative leave shall not accumulate from year to year, nor shall District Superintendent/President receive compensation for administrative leave that has not been used upon the expiration of this agreement.
District Superintendent. The District shall pay District Superintendent an annual salary of One Hundred Twenty-Six Thousand, One Hundred and Thirty-Six dollars ($126,136.00) O n e H u n d r e d a n d T h i r t y F o u r T x x x x x x x , O n e H u n d r e d a n d S e v e n t y d o l l a r s ( $ 1 3 4 , 1 7 0 ) for the term of this Agreement, excluding employer paid benefits, i.e. Worker's Compensation, State Unemployment Insurance, OASDI and Medicare for the term of this Agreement. Said salary shall be payable in twelve ( 12) equal monthly payments payable on the last working day of each calendar month, with the first payment on September 30, 2019 July 31, 2023. When only a portion of any school year or month is served, the District Superintendent's annual salary shall be prorated to reflect such service. The District Superintendent's daily rate shall be computed by dividing the annual salary by 185. The District Governing Board reserves the right to modify the annual salary of the District Superintendent with the mutual agreement of the District Superintendent. Any adjustment in salary made during the term of this Agreement shall be in the form of an amendment to this Agreement and shall not be viewed as extending the term of this Agreement unless it so specifically states.
District Superintendent. W ith in ten (10 ) sch o o l days after a d e te rm in a tio n has b een m ad e by the D ire c to r , the a g g r ie v e d p a rty m ay s u b m it th e g r ie x x x x x to th e D is tr ic t S u p e r in t e n d e n t by g iv in g w r i t te n n o t ic e th e r e o f , to g e th e r w i th an y determ ination previously rendered, all other docum ents affecting the grievance and a request for a hearing, if desired. If a hearing is requested, the D istrict S u p e r in t e n d e n t s h a l l h o ld a h e a r in g w i th in te n ( 1 0 ) s c h o o l d a y s o f h i s / h e r re c e ip t o f su ch g xxx x x x x x and g iv e at le a s t th re e (3 ) sch o o l d a y ’s n o tic e o f such h e a r in g to th e a g g r ie v e d party and to all p a r tie s in in te re s t. T h e D is tric t Superintendent shall render his/her determ ination in w riting stating the facts, reasons and conclusions within ten (10) school days from the date on w hich the case is fully submitted for his/her consideration.