DIVISION OF WORK. 29.01 In the event of lack of work, the Company will, insofar as the efficient and orderly operation of the Plant will permit, share the available work as equally as is practicable among the full time employees covered by this Agreement and/or participate in any government sponsored work sharing program that may be available. The decision to share the available work or proceed directly to a lay-off shall be at sole discretion of the Company.
DIVISION OF WORK. Make recommendations to the Owner and the Architect regarding the division of the Work in the plans and specifications to facilitate the bidding and awarding of subcontractors and to allow for phased construction, taking into consideration such factors as time of performance, availability of labor, overlapping trade jurisdictions, provisions for temporary facilities, and other matters.
DIVISION OF WORK. The MUNICIPALITY shall provide by its own Contractors and/or Subcontractors all necessary labor materials, equipment and other services to construct said PROJECT pursuant with any and all applicable SPECIFICATIONS, local, state and federal laws or regulations in accordance with the attached Scope of Work (EXHIBIT A), and the Preliminary Estimate Form (EXHIBIT B). The Contractor to be eligible to bid on said projects shall be approved in accordance with to MassDOT’s prequalification process, where the application forms are located on xxxx.xxx, under Prequalification of Horizontal Construction Firms. In addition, any and all construction activities or related work required for the construction of said PROJECT shall be in conformance with any and all policies and procedures of MassDOT. The MUNICIPALITY shall obtain any and all permits and easements required to complete the work for said PROJECT.
DIVISION OF WORK. 23.01 Subject to the seniority clause, in slack time, when there is not sufficient work for all employees in the factory, the available work therein shall be divided as equally as possible among the employees in their respective classifications, until such time as the employer considers it advisable to make a layoff.
23.02 However, after ten (10) days of slack time there shall be a meeting between the Union and the Employer to discuss whether slack time shall continue or alternatively that there should be a lay-off.
DIVISION OF WORK. (a) The Employer agrees that, as far as practicable, the work shall be divided equally among all employees.
(b) There shall be no individual agreements between the Em ployer and any employee contrary to the provisions of this agreement, nor providing fixed wages which deprive workers of extra pay for overtime. Any such agreement or arrangement shall be considered a material breach hy the employer going to the essence of this contract.
(c) Employees who have worked for the employer for over thirty days shall not be discharged except for just cause. If the Union dis putes the justice of the discharge, the issue shall be arbitrated as hereafter provided. No employee shall leave his employer before the end of the week. If an employee shall become sick, the Employer shall re-employ him as soon as he shall recover from his sickness; provided that, when requested by the employer, the employee shall furnish the employer with a physician’s certificate that he is fit to resume his employment.
DIVISION OF WORK. The MUNICIPALITY shall provide by its own Contractors and/or Subcontractors all necessary labor materials, equipment and other services to construct said PROJECT pursuant with any and all applicable SPECIFICATIONS, local, state and federal laws or regulations in accordance with the attached Scope of Work (“Exhibit A”), and the Preliminary Estimate Form (“Exhibit B”). The Contractor to be eligible to bid on said projects shall be approved in accordance with to MassDOT’s prequalification process, where the application forms are located on MassDOT’s Highway Division Web Site, under Construction Prequalification. The MUNICIPALITY shall follow the same guideline as if the said Projects were under the Chapter 90 Program. In addition, any and all construction activities or related work required for the construction of said PROJECT shall be in conformance with any and all policies and procedures of MASSDOT. The MUNICIPALITY shall obtain any and all permits and easements required to complete the work for said PROJECT.
DIVISION OF WORK. A. Management shall have the right to increase or reduce the work hours of any employee in any building or position at management’s discretion. It is recognized that a pro rata reduction among all employees is desirable if economically feasible.
DIVISION OF WORK. 20.01 During any slack periods, it is agreed, that where there is insufficient work to ensure full employment, to all employees, in any department, such work shall be divided as equally as is economically feasible and practical, among all the employees performing operations in such department of the plant.
DIVISION OF WORK. The building Principal will divide the staff workload in as equitable a manner as possible.
DIVISION OF WORK. 6.01 In the event of a reduction in hours of the normal work week to less than thirty-four