Doctor’s Appointments. Whenever possible employees will schedule all appointments outside working hours and/or on off days, however, employees, with the permission of their supervisor, may be allowed an early departure or late arrival to attend medical, dental and legal appointments not requiring a half day's absence. These absences will be unpaid. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Doctor’s Appointments. The teacher may use leave days for doctor's appointments with prior permission of that teacher's building principal.
a. The teachers may use leave days (in half-day increments) for doctor’s appointments.
b. The teacher may leave early or arrive late for doctor’s appointments with prior permission of that teacher’s building principal.
Doctor’s Appointments. With management approval, the employee will be able to adjust his/her schedule to accommodate a doctor’s appointment. Employees will try to schedule their doctor appointments on their off time as much as possible.
Doctor’s Appointments. The bargaining unit member may use leave days for doctor’s appointments with prior permission of that bargaining unit member’s immediate supervisor.
Doctor’s Appointments. The employee shall notify the Engineer as soon as possible in advance of a scheduled medical, dental, or optical examination and shall only receive sick pay for the time of the appointment and travel time to and from the medical facility. Employees will be required to report to work after the examination, in order to complete their regularly assigned shift, provided sufficient time remains for such employee to properly report for duty and two (2) hours of work remain. Further, depending on the time/location the examination is scheduled, an employee shall be required to report to work and assume his duties prior to leaving for the appointment.
Doctor’s Appointments. Teachers may use one-half sick day leave for the purpose of health appointments. Any absence of more than three and one-half hours will be deducted as a full day’s leave from the teacher’s available sick leave.
Doctor’s Appointments. Periods of time not to exceed two (2) consecutive class periods any one day will be allowed each teacher for doctor’s appointments. Other than in case of emergency, these absences will be requested at least one week in advance. Supervision of classes missed for this reason, will be arranged for by the teacher, and students will not be sent to study hall. A list of teachers who will be taking the classes will be submitted to the office prior to the teacher’s absence and teachers involved in covering the classes understand that there will be no compensation for these arrangements. All arrangements must be cleared with the Principal. If the classes cannot be covered as outlined, then the teacher asking to be absence must take a minimum of one-half (1/2) sick day.
Doctor’s Appointments. Time off may be granted to outpatient treatment by a physician or examination by a physician, chiropractor or dentist. Time off for such appointments shall be deducted from the STD plan. Decem b er 31, 2011
Doctor’s Appointments. 25.01 Employees needing a doctor's appointment shall do everything possible to obtain the appointment at a time which will not interfere with the scheduled hours of work.
25.02 Employees unable to meet the request as outlined in 25.01 shall with permission of their Department Head:
(a) Make up for the time used for said appointment.
(b) Take the time off with permission of the Department Head on a without pay basis.
Doctor’s Appointments. 25.01 Employees needing a doctor's appointment shall do everything possible to obtain the appointment at a time which will not interfere with the scheduled hours of work.
25.02 Employees unable to meet the request as outlined in 25.01 shall with permission of their Manager/Supervisor:
(a) Make up for the time used for said appointment if work can be rescheduled.
(b) Take the time off with permission of the Department Head utilizing vacation time, float time, or unpaid time, at the employee’s choice.
(c) Employees will endeavor to provide as much notice as possible, to assist with scheduling.