Study Hall Sample Clauses
Study Hall. 1. Where a school uses study hall to cover teacher absence, a teacher assigned to a study hall period shall not be required to supervise more than 58 students in a period.
2. Supervision in study hall is limited to taking attendance, distributing handouts to students, and maintaining order. Teachers will not be expected to deliver the curriculum instruction for the lesson.
Study Hall. Study hall classes shall not exceed fifty-five (55) students.
Study Hall. There will be a Study Hall offered for student use. Study Hall is a revocable privilege, not a right. Students are required to come prepared for study hall just as if it were a class. Parents are required to ensure that their children come prepared to use study hall for its intended purpose. Students of any age who are capable of sitting still and working independently for the duration of the class period are welcome to sit in Study Hall. Students who are not able to work independently are not permitted in the Study Hall and are encouraged to work under their parent’s direction. Students may not spend more than two consecutive class periods (which includes the lunch period) in Study Hall without the prior consent of the Director. Attendance will be taken by an adult monitor who will preside over each Study Hall. HTS administration reserves the right to ask parents to pick up their student from Study Hall if the student does not demonstrate the ability to work quietly and independently in Study Hall. With the exception of chess (played according to “silent rule”), no games or hand-held electronic games are permitted in Study Hall. Cell phones must be put on silent mode AND used in the office for emergency purposes only. Laptops may be used after returning a parent- and student-signed permission slip for school work only. Electronic devices may be used ONLY in Study Hall by students who have a parent-signed permission form on file. The intent of this option is to allow students to use audio books or foreign language audio, and for students whose study is enhanced by the use of classical music. The content of the audio device is the responsibility of the parent and will not be policed by the study hall monitor or HTS staff. Use of electronic devices without a signed permission form, and the sharing of headphones or a device with others is not allowed and will be reason for confiscation in or out of Study Hall. We recognize that internet access may be needed by high school students while they are in Study Hall. Any student needing to access the internet for research or to submit a paper must have a Student Network Use Agreement signed in advance by a parent and the student. (4/6/2021): The foyer (blue-tiled area as you enter the building) is unavailable for eating—except for the class held in the Sanctuary immediately prior to the lunch period. No unsupervised children of any age are permitted outside the HPCA building without express permission from an HTS ad...
Study Hall. The study period is a rostered class. Students report to the auditorium and sit every other seat, every other row. Any student not in her seat at the bell is late. The following procedures apply for all study periods, first through eighth periods: • Silence is to be observed in study hall. • Students will be assigned places every other seat, every other row; assigned seats can be changed only by the moderator. • Students may leave study hall only with permission of the moderator. • Students who must make up tests during study period must present a note from the classroom teacher requesting that they be excused. • If a student is going to report to the library or the computer lab during study she must do so by the second bell. The sign-in sheet validates the absence from study and serves as permission to use the library or computer lab.
Study Hall. 50 students per adult with no more than 125 total.
Study Hall. Scheduled study halls shall be taught by certified teachers.
Study Hall a. Team study hall will be held every Wednesday from 3:15-4:15PM. All students must text Coach Xxxxx a screen capture/picture of their standing grades in all subjects the Monday before each study hall. This will allow coaches to check on progress and assist with any gaps in assignments or provide extra assistance in areas that need it.
b. On study hall days, practice will occur after study hall from 4:15-5:45PM. SEPTA 8:00PM stickers will be provided to extend all transpasses.
c. If students do not have class work for study hall, they will participate in journal activities the program has set up this year.
Study Hall. The study period is a rostered class. Students report to the auditorium and sit according to the instructions of the moderator.. Any student not in her seat at the bell is late. The following procedures apply for all study periods, first through eighth periods: • Silence is to be observed in study hall. • Students will be assigned seats; assigned seats can be changed only by the moderator. • Students may leave study hall only with permission of the moderator. • If a student is going to make up a test during Study Hall, she must first report to Study Hall for attendance, present a note from the subject teachers, and go directly to the classroom with the permission of the moderator. • If a student is going to report to the library or the computer lab during study hall , she must first report to Study Hall for attendance and then sign out with the permission of the moderator. She must also sign in when she reaches the library or computer lab. If a student fails to follow these procedures she will be considered cutting class and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
Study Hall. Physical Education and related games 9.3.3 Band 9.3.4 Chorus
Study Hall. Study Hall assignments shall be made to teachers on an equitable basis not to exceed ninety (90) hours per year. Division chairpersons, association president, counselors, student council advisor(s), social worker, psychologist, school nurse, AP teachers, and shall not normally serve in Study Hall/Hall Supervision. The above may be used as Study Hall supervisors in emergencies to fill hours of the day when no teachers are available or to equalize the Study Hall assignments. Preference for assignments shall be solicited and made on the basis of seniority. Teachers with seniority who have not received their preference may request special administrative review.