HEALTH APPOINTMENTS. A. At the reasonable discretion of the department head, upon written notice at least three (3) working days in advance, an employee shall be entitled to reasonable time off without loss of pay not to exceed six (6) hours annually to attend Medical Appointments for the employee (excluding dental appointments), which cannot, with reasonable practicality, be scheduled outside of the normal workday. Employees shall attempt to schedule such appointments at either the beginning or end of the workday. For purposes of this Article Medical Appointments are defined as specified in Article 11 (I). In addition to the six (6) hours described above to attend Medical Appointments, an employee shall be entitled to reasonable time off without loss of pay at the beginning or the end of the normal workday to attend the annual preventative medical checkup mandated by the health insurer described in Article 14 provided the employee provides written notice at least three (3) working days in advance with the employee’s department head.
B. Effective with the beginning of the fiscal year following the employee completing twelve consecutive months of full-time work, a full-time employee shall be eligible for a biennial reimbursement of the cost of prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00). Effective July 1, 2017, the biennial reimbursement for the cost of prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses available to such full-time employees shall be increased to Four Hundred ($400) Dollars. A request for reimbursement shall be submitted to the Department of Human Resources within sixty (60) days of the date of purchase on the appropriate form and shall include the original receipt of purchase. In the event multiple requests for reimbursement are made, the total of all such reimbursements shall not exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00) in any biennial fiscal year period, or Four Hundred ($400) Dollars following the increase effective July 1, 2017.
HEALTH APPOINTMENTS. A. Employees may be excused from work without loss of pay or charge to accrued leave for reasonable time off necessary to attend pre-scheduled medical (excluding dental appointments), which cannot, with reasonable practicality, be scheduled outside of the normal workday. The granting of such time off shall be at the discretion of the department head and shall require the employee to submit a written request to be excused from work to the department head or designee at least three
HEALTH APPOINTMENTS. A. Employees shall be entitled to reasonable time off with pay for necessary medical appointments (excluding dental appointments), which cannot, with reasonable practicality, be scheduled outside of the normal workday. The granting of such time off shall be at the discretion of the department head and except in the case of an emergency shall require a written application at least three (3) working days in advance. Employees shall attempt to schedule such appointments at either the beginning or end of the workday. For purposes of this Article medical appointments are defined as pre-scheduled appointments with the employee’s physician not otherwise requiring the employee to be absent from work due to illness or disability.
B. Effective with the beginning of the fiscal year following the employee completing twelve consecutive months of full-time work, a full-time employee shall be eligible for a biennial reimbursement of the cost of prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00). A request for reimbursement shall be submitted to the Department of Human Resources within sixty (60) days of the date of purchase on the appropriate form and shall include the original receipt of purchase. In the event multiple requests for reimbursement are made, the total of all such reimbursements shall not exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00) in any biennial fiscal year period.
HEALTH APPOINTMENTS. 55.1 If an employee requires time off for the purpose of attending a dental, physiotherapy, optical or medical appointment, wherever possible she will provide eight (8) days notice and receive prior authorization by CLS. Such absence will be neither charged against her accumulated sick leave, nor will she suffer any loss of income provided such absence does not exceed two (2) hours during one work day. If the absence is longer than two (2) hours, the time in excess of two (2) hours of such absence will be charged against her accumulated sick leave. Employees may be required to submit satisfactory proof of appointments.
55.2 Approval for time off pursuant to Article 55.1 shall not be unreasonably denied.
HEALTH APPOINTMENTS. A. At the reasonable discretion of the department head, upon written notice at least three (3) working days in advance, an employee shall be entitled to reasonable time off without loss of pay not to exceed six (6) hours annually to attend Medical Appointments for the employee (excluding dental appointments), which cannot, with reasonable practicality, be scheduled outside of the normal workday. Employees shall attempt to schedule such appointments at either the beginning or end of the workday. For purposes of this Article "Medical Appointments" are defined as specified in Article 1 I.I. In addition to the six (6) hours described above to attend Medical Appointments, an employee shall be entitled to reasonable time off, not to exceed two and one-half (2.5) hours, without loss of pay at the beginning or the end of the normal workday to attend the annual preventative medical checkup mandated by the health insurer described in Article 14 provided the employee provides written notice at least three (3) working days in advance with the employee's department head.
B. Effective with the beginning of the fiscal year following the employee completing twelve consecutive months of full-time work, a full-time employee shall be eligible for a biennial reimbursement of the cost of prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses not to exceed four hundred ($400.00) dollars. A request for reimbursement shall be submitted to the Department of Human Resources within sixty (60) days of the date of purchase on the appropriate form and shall include the original receipt of purchase. In the event multiple requests for reimbursement are made, the total of all such reimbursements shall not exceed four hundred ($400.00) dollars in any biennial fiscal year period.
HEALTH APPOINTMENTS. 55.1 If an employee requires time off for the purpose of attending a dental, physiotherapy, optical or medical appointment, provided she has been given prior authorization by CLS, such absence will be neither charged against her accumulated sick leave, nor will she suffer any loss of income provided such absence does not exceed two (2) hours during one work day. If the absence is longer than two (2) hours, the whole period of absence will be charged against her accumulated sick leave. Employees may be required to submit satisfactory proof of appointments.
HEALTH APPOINTMENTS. A. Employees may be excused from work without loss of pay or charge to accrued leave for reasonable time off necessary to attend pre-scheduled medical (excluding LIUNA CBA 20169 - 201923 dental appointments), which cannot, with reasonable practicality, be scheduled outside of the normal workday. The granting of such time off shall be at the discretion of the department head and shall require the employee to submit a written request to be excused from work to the department head or designee at least three (3) working days in advance and may require the employee to provide written confirmation from the treating physician confirming the date and time of the appointment. The Town may require that employees schedule such appointments at either the beginning or end of the workday and excused time off from work without loss of pay or charge to accrued leave shall not exceed two hours. For purposes of this Article, medical appointments are defined as appointments with the employee’s physician scheduled in advance at the beginning or end of the employee’s workday. An employee, who schedules an appointment with his or her physician other than at the beginning or end of the workday, or requires in excess of two hours of work time, may be excused from work subject to the terms of this Article with such time off charged to accrued sick leave.
HEALTH APPOINTMENTS. An employee shall be entitled to reasonable time off with pay, not to exceed two hours, for necessary medical appointments (excluding dental) which cannot, with reasonable practicality, be scheduled outside of the normal workday. In the event an employee must schedule a medical appointment during the workday it should be scheduled contiguous to the beginning or the end of the workday. Except in the case of an emergency, an employee shall inform his immediate supervisor, in writing, of any such appointment with five work days advanced notice, and time off shall be granted or denied (with reasons specified) in writing. The scheduling of such time off shall be subject to the reasonable needs of the Town, but approval of any request shall not be unreasonably withheld.
HEALTH APPOINTMENTS. Employees shall be entitled to reasonable time off with pay, not to exceed seven (7) hours per contract year, for necessary medical appointments, which cannot, with reasonable practicality, be scheduled outside of the normal workday. Employees should attempt to schedule such appointments to coincide with the end of the normal workday. The scheduling of such time off shall be subject to the reasonable needs of the Town/BOE as determined by the Director of Family Health/School Health Supervisor and shall require three (3) days advanced notice in writing to the Director of Family Health/School Health Supervisor, except in an emergency, or for non-routine appointments. Time taken for medical appointments in excess of twelve (12) hours per contract year, shall be charged to the employee’s accrued sick time.