Doctor’s Statement. If requested, the Board shall be provided, at the teacher's expense, a written verification from a doctor (M.D. or D.O.) of the status of the teacher's illness or injury which results in an absence of five (5) consecutive days or more.
Doctor’s Statement. Before returning to work after an injury or injury-related operation, an employee shall present to the Central Office a statement from the doctor stating that the employee has satisfactorily recovered and is able to return to work with or without restrictions. Reinstatement - When an employee is able to return to work without restrictions, he/she shall be reinstated to his/her former position according to his/her seniority.
Doctor’s Statement. An employee who has been off duty for five (5) consecutive days or more for any health reason will be required to provide a doctor's statement as proof of illness, and may be required to undergo examination by the Facility's or County's physician before returning to work. For health-related absences of less than five (5) consecutive days, a doctor's statement or proof of illness will not be required except in individual instances where the facility has sufficient reason tosuspect that the individual did not have a valid health reason for the absence. If indicated by the nature of a health-related absence, examination by a Facility physician may be required to make sure that the employee is physically fit for return to work.
Doctor’s Statement. A doctor’s statement may be required when an employee is absent three consecutive work days or when an employee has used more than five (5) sick leave days during the school year.
Doctor’s Statement. Before returning to their regular work position after a work related injury, the employee’s treating physician must provide to the human resources office a statement indicating that the employee has satisfactorily recovered and is able to return to work with or without restrictions.
Doctor’s Statement. If an employee is absent in excess of three (3) consecutive work days for personal illness, pregnancy, injury or exposure to contagious disease which could be communicated to other employees or children, the employee may be required to provide a doctor's statement setting forth the nature of the illness involved and the need for the absence, and that the employee is now able to perform the duties of the position which he/she is assigned within his/her classification. If the absence is due to the illness or injury of an immediate family member, should a doctor's statement be required it must include an explanation of why the employee's presence was required.
Doctor’s Statement. A statement of medical justification from a doctor must accompany the application for leave and doctor's statement shall be required for reinstatement from leave.
Doctor’s Statement. An employee returning from a leave of absence may be required by the Employer to furnish a doctor's statement as to his/her ability to return to work.
Doctor’s Statement. A request for leave of absence, or renewal thereof, under this section shall be accompanied by a written doctor's statement outlining the condition of health and estimated time at which the employee is expected to be able to assume their normal responsibilities.
Doctor’s Statement a. The Director may make a written request for a Driver/Aide to provide a Doctor's statement regarding the reason(s) for the Driver’s/Aide's absences whenever the period of such absences exceeds the following:
i. Absences on four (4) consecutive days; or
ii. Sets of consecutive absences on eight (8) days during one month; or
iii. Sets of consecutive absences on ten (10) days during one (1) fiscal year;
b. The Director reserves the right to require a Driver/Aide to provide a medical statement from his/her personal doctor, at the District’s expense, to substantiate a request for sick leave that, in the District’s opinion, is excessive (as defined in i, ii, and iii above) or in the event the District questions the Driver’s/Aide’s ability to perform his or her essential job functions. Such statement must be submitted within ten (10) days after the Director’s request, unless the Driver/Aide presents verification from the physician’s office that an appointment with the physician has been made and/or the physician’s statement was not available within this ten (10) day period.