Absenteeism Sample Clauses
Absenteeism. No employee may absent himself from his work during the hours in which the establishment is open without the express permission of his employer except on account of illness and/or injuries or for causes beyond the control of such employee. An employee shall, within 24 hours of his failure to report for work, cause his employer to be notified thereof in the most expeditious manner available.
Absenteeism. 1. If an employee repeatedly fails to report for duty without just cause his/her employment may be terminated. However, such termination will not occur until the employee has been given a warning in writing regarding the repeated absence and has failed to respond to such warning.
Absenteeism. It shall be the responsibility of the teacher to report their absence due to illness and/or authorized leave to the proper designee of the Administration, giving that person notice no later than sixty (60) minutes prior to the start of the school day, or 6:45 a.m. whichever is later.
Absenteeism. The parties to this Collective Agreement agree to work together to eliminate any possible abuse of the Employee Benefits Plans, particularly in regard to time lost from work. The revision of seniority dates for special cases of extended absenteeism will be jointly determined by the Company and the Union.
Absenteeism. Section 7-1. The Employers and the Unions agree that chronic and/or unexcused absenteeism is undesirable and must be controlled. Employees that develop a record of such absenteeism shall be identified by the Employer to the appropriate referral facility and the Employer shall support such action with the work record of the involved employee. Any employee terminated for such absenteeism shall not be eligible for rehire on that project for a period of no less than ninety (90) days.
Absenteeism. 31.01 The Employer and the Union mutually recognize the importance of orderly and systematic scheduling of employees for work and that the regular attendance by employees for their scheduled shifts is the responsibility of each employee. In addition to the provisions of Article11.01(v), the following progressive discipline provisions shall apply where employee(s) are absent, without the prior written consent of their supervisor, without a bona fide reason acceptable to the Employer acting reasonably, or without a medical certificate from their treating physician indicating that the employee was unable to attend work due to illness or injury. Any employee who misses more than five (5) shifts within an initial six (6) consecutive calendar month period, will be subject to progressive discipline commencing with a written warning. In the immediately subsequent six (6) consecutive calendar month period, the employee will be subject to progressive discipline up to a three (3) day suspension if the employee misses more than three (3) shifts. Any further absence in the immediately subsequent six (6) consecutive calendar month period will result in progressive discipline up to and including termination of the employee’s employment. The initial six (6) month period commences on the date of the first absence in the calendar year. If an employee does not exceed the absence levels set out herein, such employee’s record for the purposes of applying progressive discipline for any subsequent absence, will begin again at an initial six (6) consecutive calendar month period, commencing on the first day absent in the calendar year.
31.02 In order to return to work, where an employee has been absent for three (3) or more consecutive shifts, in the case of an employee who has not had any discipline for reasons of absence as set out above, or two (2) or more consecutive shifts, in the case of an employee who has been subject to discipline for absence as set out above, the employee must provide the Employer with a medical certificate from the employee’s treating physician diagnosing the nature of the illness or injury that prevented the employee from attending work, any restrictions of the employee’s work for medical reasons and the duration of such restrictions, and any further treatment required. The Employer shall provide a copy of all discipline with respect to an employee’s unauthorized absence to the employee, and the Secretary of the Union.
Absenteeism. Wentzville School District and Local 4894 agree that consistent employee attendance is vital to the daily operation of the District. To this end, casual absenteeism is a significant concern due to the impact it has on work schedules, operational considerations and the cost to the District. It is always the intention of the District to provide positive support to employees who are experiencing difficulties. When an employee has reach eight (8) absences or a pattern of absence has been identified* within the school year (July 1– June 30), the immediate supervisor shall have a coaching conversation with the employee. This conversation shall be considered non-disciplinary. Excessive absenteeism is defined by the following:
Absenteeism. Should a Weekend Shift employee experience absenteeism appreciably above the norm for Weekend Shift employees, the Company reserves the right to transfer such employee off the Weekend Shift Schedule. Such transfer will only be made after the employee has been given an opportunity to correct his/her attendance (meeting with Manager and Xxxxxxx) to improve to the norm.
Absenteeism. An occurrence of absenteeism is defined as: • Call outs or absences greater than two-thirds of a scheduled shift that were not authorized or previously scheduled and approved. • Absences that are not sanctioned under the auspices of jury duty, flex time, bereavement, military leave, FMLA, the New Jersey Paid Sick Leave Act and/or other approved leaves, or leaves under the instruction/advice of Occupational Medicine Services • During normal weekdays and non-Holiday time:
Absenteeism. No employee shall be absent from regular duties for causes other than those set forth herein without first obtaining permission therefore. Absences must be reported at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the employee's scheduled starting time whenever possible.