Domestic Abuse Sample Clauses

Domestic Abuse. Beginning in 2024, if you are a victim of domestic abuse you may withdrawal up to $10,000 (subject to possible cost-of-living adjustments each year beginning in 2025) or 50% of your Xxxx XXX balance, whichever is less, within one year of the abuse without incurring the 10 percent early distribution penalty tax. 14)
Domestic Abuse. 3.4.1 You or anyone who lives in your home must not use or threaten to use violence or abuse (including physical, psychological, sexual, emotional abuse, or restricting financial control), or intimidate any person (including children) living with you. 3.4.2 If you do, and that person or their children have to leave your home because of your behaviour, we may take legal action against you; this could result in us evicting you from your home.
Domestic Abuse. The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 received Royal Assent on 29th April 2021. The Act introduced a Domestic Abuse Commissioner for England and Wales with an amendment to the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act (2004), requiring CSPs to send completed DHR reports to the DA Commissioner. In addition, the DA Commissioner’s office has developed plans in line with their powers regarding greater oversight of DHRs (particularly the learning and recommendations), as well as other reviews which incorporate DA (such as Safeguarding Adult Reviews). The DA Commissioner has powers to compel public bodies to cooperate with their office and make recommendations for public bodies to respond to within 56 days. The Act gives Tier 1 authorities with support from Tier 2 authorities, statutory requirements linked to support within safe accommodation services, sanctuary, and move-on accommodation. The Act also requires Tier 1 authorities to; create a Local Partnership Board with responsibility for conducting a needs assessment (available here); b) complete a Domestic Abuse Strategy on safe accommodation (available here); c) undertake commissioning activity in relation to accommodation-based services for both adult survivors and their children; and d) monitor delivery against the strategy. In March 2022 the Home Office published the Tackling Domestic Abuse Action Plan which sets out how various aspects of the Domestic Abuse Act will be delivered and will complement the Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy. In July 2022 the Home Office published statutory guidance on Domestic Abuse to assist with the implementation of the Act including guidance and support to frontline professionals and sharing of best practice. In March 2024 a Kent and Medway cross Partnership Domestic Abuse strategy was launched, developed by working with those with lived experience, and those who support them. This strategy includes clear commitments which will be monitored though the Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Executive Board.
Domestic Abuse. In 2013 the Home Office defined domestic abuse as: ‘Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over, who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. This can encompass, but is not limited to, the following types of abuse: psychological; physical; sexual; financial; emotional. Family members are defined as: mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister and grandparents, whether directly related, in-laws or step-family.’ Effective safeguarding is achieved when agencies share information to obtain an accurate picture of the risk and then work together to ensure that the safety of the adult at risk is prioritised. In high-risk situations it may be relevant to use the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) process. A MARAC is a meeting where information is shared on the highest risk domestic abuse cases between representatives of the local police, probation, health, children and Adults Safeguarding bodies, housing practitioners, substance misuse services, Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (IDVAs) and other specialists from the statutory and voluntary sectors. The four aims of a MARAC are as follows: • to safeguard adult victims who are at high risk of future domestic abuse; • to make links with other public protection arrangements in relation to children, people causing harm and vulnerable adults; • to safeguard agency staff, and; • to work towards addressing and managing the behaviour of the person causing harm. If the adult meets the criteria to be an adult at risk (section 6 of this Policy; section 14.2 of the Guidance) and the concern is in relation to domestic abuse a safeguarding response may be considered appropriate (14.21).
Domestic Abuse see page 46 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT 5 - Abusive Patron Incident Review Committee – see page 56 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 7 Emergency Evacuation Review Committee – see page 56 This is new language for this agreement and is meant to ensure that within 90 days of ratification, that a committee will be convened to review the current policy and process. Through Labour Management the emergency evacuation plan will be clearly communicated to all workers. OTHER CHANGES
Domestic Abuse. You or anyone who lives in your home must not use or threaten to use violence or abuse (including physical, psychological, sexual, emotional abuse, Weormreasytrtiacktienglefginaal nacitaiol ncoangtaroinl)s,toyroiun,timif iadnaytoenaenlyivpinegrswointh(iynoculuodrinvgiscithinilgdryeonu) who calrirviiensgawcittshoyfoduo. mestic abuse. This could result in us evicting you from your home.
Domestic Abuse.  In 2012/13 the team will have a greater focus on children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse.  To reduce the effects of domestic abuse for a greater number of children and young people Exec Mgr Children & Families March 2013
Domestic Abuse. 5.10.1 You must not commit or threaten, harass or commit mental, emotional, financial or physical abuse against any person who has the legal right to be at the property, any other person in the property, or in the locality or encourage any other person to do so. 5.10.2 You agree not to commit or threaten abuse or use violence which prevents, or is likely to prevent, anyone living in your home (including children) from being able to live there in safety and peacefully. 5.10.3 If there is a breach of this clause, we may seek a possession order against you or an occupier of the property. 5.10.4 We will support any tenant who experiences Domestic Abuse – even if they are not our tenant, we will refer them onto the most appropriate support service.
Domestic Abuse. Positive trends can be seen in relation to percentage of women feeling safer as a result of the Domestic and Sexual Assault Team (DASAT) (100% at quarter 4 2014/15), as well as in relation to percentage of children re-referred to DASAT (continually reducing from 11% in 2012/13 to 7.4% in 2014/15). DASAT provides a wide range of services to adult and child survivors of domestic abuse, rape and sexual assault. The team includes a substance misuse specialist, counsellor for survivors of child sexual abuse, mental health specialist, housing and employability worker, specialist service for women offenders and specialist children’s workers. Whilst DASAT provides a highly successful and acclaimed service, Early Years Collaborative work identified a gap in the identification of the incidence of domestic abuse of young mothers. Pioneer work is being carried out to increase domestic abuse screening to all young mothers supported by the Young Mothers Service, Family Nurse Partnership and the Health Visiting Service and to refer on to relevant services. providing multiple specialist housing support and employability resources to support survivors - far more than just making them safe.
Domestic AbusePerformance Indicator YTD LYTD YTD - % change on same period last year (April-Dec) Context and Actions/Response