Election of shop stewards. (1) Members of the Financial Services Union are entitled to elect one or more shop stewards from among their number in the company in accordance with a local agreement or with the rules stated below.
(2) The number of shop stewards, their distribution between the individual units in the company and their term of office may be laid down in a local agreement between the company management and the representatives elected by the employees/the union representative.
(3) In companies without a local agreement, shop stewards may be elected in accordance with the following rules:
(A) Only members of the Financial Services Union are electable as shop stewards.
(B) In companies with at least three members, a shop xxxxxxx can be elected.
(C) In companies made up of several units (offices/branches/departments), a shop xxxxxxx may be elected in accordance with the following rules: Geographically distinct units with at least ten members: one shop xxxxxxx. Geographically distinct units each with fewer than ten members may, together with other units in the same company, elect a shop xxxxxxx when a total of at least ten members of the Financial Services Union are employed in the units in question.
(D) Head offices, regional head offices and administrative centres with at least ten members may elect a shop xxxxxxx for each organisationally and managerially discrete area. Where there are fewer than ten members in the individual organisational units, together with other units at head offices/regional head offices/the centre a shop xxxxxxx can be elected when a total of at least ten members of the Financial Services Union are employed in the units jointly. If, in accordance with this provision, an organisational unit includes more than 50 employees and/or negotiations are initiated between managers in the department and the union representative with an eye to electing one or more extra shop stewards, so that at any given time the shop xxxxxxx structure offers a true reflection of the managerial structure. Note The 10-member limit referred to in letter C was introduced at the time of renewing the collective agreement in 2012. This limit will not enter into effect at the individual companies until the expiry of the present election period for shop stewards.
Election of shop stewards. 1. The election of a shop xxxxxxx may be carried out during working hours at the workplace, in which case an opportunity must be reserved for all organised em- ployees to take part in the election. Organising and carrying out the election must nevertheless not disturb normal working. The time and place of the elec- tion must be agreed with the employer no later than 14 days before the ballot. The ballot is mainly attended to by the shop xxxxxxx or, if the shop xxxxxxx is unable to perform their duties, by the deputy shop xxxxxxx if there is one. The time necessary for these officials to carry out the ballot is counted as time spent on performing the shop xxxxxxx’x duties.
2. The employer must be informed in writing of the shop xxxxxxx elected and any deputy as well as of their resignation or dismissal.
Election of shop stewards. 1. The election of a shop xxxxxxx can be carried out during working hours at the workplace, in which case an opportunity must be reserved for all organised bank employees to take part in the election. Organising and carrying out the election must nevertheless not disturb normal working. The time and place of the election must be agreed with the employer no later than 14 days before the ballot. The ballot shall be attended to mainly by the shop xxxxxxx or, if he is unable to exercise his duties, by the deputy shop xxxxxxx if there is one. The time necessary for these officials to carry out the ballot shall be counted as time spent on the exercise of the shop xxxxxxx’x duties.
2. The employer shall be informed in writing of the shop xxxxxxx elected and any deputy as well as of their resignation or dismissal.
Election of shop stewards. Subclause (1)
Election of shop stewards. The senior salaried employees shall have the right to elect a shop xxxxxxx and a deputy shop xxxxxxx, who shall attend to the du- ties of the shop xxxxxxx when the shop xxxxxxx is prevented from doing so. When electing a shop xxxxxxx, attention should be paid, among other things, to the capability to attend to the shop stew- ard duties in a responsible and persevering manner and on the ability to communicate and make difficult decisions. Additionally, one should consider the candidates’ capabilities regarding training and development that the shop xxxxxxx duties require. Before the shop xxxxxxx is elected, the shop xxxxxxx’x responsi- bility area considering, in particular, the enterprise’s size, organ- isation and nature of its operations, shall be discussed with the management of the enterprise. The responsibility area shall mean a member organisation of Technology Industry Employers of Fin- land, a part of the organisation that is deemed logical and in line with the management system or any unit that is mutually agreed. The employer shall be notified of the times at which the deputy shop xxxxxxx is deputising for the shop xxxxxxx. The shop xxxxxxx and deputy shop xxxxxxx shall be elected from among the senior salaried employees at the workplace that are within the scope of application of this collective agreement and who belong to organisations that are bound by this collective agreement, and they shall be familiar with the conditions at the workplace. All the senior salaried employees at the workplace shall be given an opportunity to participate in the election. Election ar- rangements and the election itself shall not interfere with work. The time and location of the election shall be agreed with the em- ployer no later than 14 days before conducting the election. The responsibility for conducting the election shall primarily rest with the incumbent shop xxxxxxx, a staff association of the Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff (YTN) or the senior salaried employees of the workplace concerned. The time that is necessary for the incumbent shop xxxxxxx to spend on conducting the elec- tion shall count as time spent on the duties of a shop xxxxxxx. The term of office shall be at least one year. The employer shall be notified in writing of the shop xxxxxxx elected at the workplace.
Election of shop stewards. 1. The election can be held at work, and all employ- ees who are members of the trade unions that have signed the Collective Agreement or member organisations of the same must be given an opportu- nity to vote. Planning and holding the election must not interfere with the employees’ work, however. If the election is to be held at work, the time and place of the election must be agreed with the employer at least 14 days in advance. Arrangements for the election are the responsibility of the incumbent shop xxxxxxx or, if they are unavailable, their deputy. Vot- ing can also take place online. The time spent directly on organising the election counts as time spent on the duties of the shop xxxxxxx.
2. The employees in charge of organising the election are responsible for notifying the company’s human resources administration and both of the signato- ry trade unions with the same notice as soon as planning begins and in any case no later than 14 days before the election.
3. The newly elected shop xxxxxxx and their deputy, if a deputy shop xxxxxxx has also been elected, assume their role(s) as set out in this Agreement as soon as the election committee or one of the organisations that are signatories to the Collective Agreement discloses their name(s) to the company’s human resources administration in writing. The company’s human resources administration must also be notified of the resignation of a shop xxxxxxx or a deputy shop xxxxxxx in writing.
Election of shop stewards. 10.1.1 The Shop Stewards shall be elected in terms section 14 of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 as amended.
10.1.2 The Union undertakes to give the RSR written notice of any pending election for Shop Stewards.
10.1.3 The Union shall notify the RSR in writing of the names of the Shop Stewards and alternate Shop Stewards so elected, within five (5) working days of the elections having taken place.
10.1.4 A Shop Xxxxxxx shall cease to be a Shop Xxxxxxx in the following circumstances: If he/she cease to be a member of the Union. If he/she cease to be employed by the RSR. If he/she is moved to a different workplace to the one he/she was elected as a Shop Xxxxxxx. In the event that the Union notifies the RSR that he/she has been removed from the office of Shop Stewards in terms of the Union’s constitutions. In the event that the employee has been promoted outside of the Bargaining Unit.
Election of shop stewards. At all enterprises with at least five employees - for large enterprises, normally in each department - the employees may elect from among themselves a shop xxxxxxx. A shop xxxxxxx who enters into an agreement on education with the enterprise accord- ing to the Danish Act on Vocational Education and Training (adult apprentices) may continue as a shop xxxxxxx. However, it is a condition that during the duration of train- eeship, the shop xxxxxxx works together with his/her election basis. The position of shop xxxxxxx will cease to exist if the shop xxxxxxx was elected during a period with a large number of employees and the number of employees has been re- duced to less than five for a period of three months, unless both parties wish to main- tain the position of shop xxxxxxx. If the employer does not wish to maintain the position of shop xxxxxxx after the three months, the employer must notify DI in writing. This notice must immediately be for- warded to NNF. At enterprises with less than five employees, a shop xxxxxxx may be elected if the par- ties so agree. Within the meaning of this provision, "enterprise" means a geographically limited unit.
Election of shop stewards. The COMPANY agrees to recognize the elected shop stewards and acknowledge their rights to take up any individual or collective issues with the COMPANY on behalf of the UNION members. Elections of the shop stewards shall be in accordance with the UNION’s constitution. Shop stewards shall be elected for the following constituencies as set out hereunder and a senior shop xxxxxxx shall be elected from their number. Elections for shop stewards shall take place outside working hours. The UNION shall notify the COMPANY in writing of the names of the senior shop stewards within 5 (Five) working days of the completion of the election. If a shop xxxxxxx is promoted to a supervisory or managerial position, then he/she will be required to resign as a shop xxxxxxx. Shop stewards may attend industrial relations training courses initiated by the UNION for a maximum of 3 (three) days per shop xxxxxxx per annum, subject to 2 (two) weeks’ written notice to the COMPANY by the UNION and that the prior permission of the COMPANY has been obtained. Such days shall be considered as unpaid leave and not all shop stewards shall be allowed time off at the same time. Shop stewards may attend UNION conference for 2 (two days) per annum and such days shall be taken as unpaid leave. The provisions of 7.2.1. and 7.2.2. shall apply only to shop stewards and not to their alternates.
Election of shop stewards. The salaried employees have the right to appoint from among themselves a chief shop xxxxxxx and a deputy. The appointment of other shop stewards is agreed locally. Unless otherwise agreed locally, a shop xxxxxxx can be appointed for a workplace in an- other geographical area, if it has at least 30 employees. Different staff groups may agree to have a shared chief shop xxxxxxx or shop xxxxxxx for the whole company. The scope of authority of elected shop stewards must be appropriate and sufficiently broad to allow for the handling of matters according to the negotiation protocol. Only employees with employment contracts that are valid until further notice are eligible. Elections should be arranged so that the arrangement does not disrupt work at the com- pany and so that all salaried employees have the opportunity to participate. Practical ar- rangements are agreed on locally.