ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT as Amended (ESEA as Amended): The federal education statute, originally passed by the U.S. Congress in 1965, that defines the role of the federal government in public education and authorizes many of the major federal education programs, including Title I. This Act was reauthorized by Congress in 2015 as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT. The district will notify the Association of any school not meeting Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).
ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT. The District and Association agree that when changes required by implementation of the ESEA conflict with the terms of this Agreement, the Association shall seek a remedy using the contract grievance procedure. When this Agreement is silent on changes required by ESEA, and where compliance with ESEA requirements cannot be addressed through methods that do not adversely impact bargaining unit members in terms of wages, hours or working conditions, the District and Association will bargain pursuant to the terms of ORS 243.712.
ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT. (ESEA) 1. The joint Labor-Management Committee will advise the school board on the following: a. Educating employees and the community about the terms, requirements and timelines of the ESSA; b. Recommending ESSA implementation procedures; and, c. Oversight and evaluation of implementation plans.
ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT. In an effort to make sure that all bargaining unit members are “highly qualified” for their current assignment, each bargaining unit member identified by his/her principal as having questions as to compliance must submit to the LPDC his/her plan for meeting the “highly qualified” requirements (the term “highly qualified” only denotes the requirements of the 2002 amendments to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, 20 U.S.C. 6301, et seq. (ESEA) and similar provisions in the 2004 reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA). Said submission should consist, where necessary, of documentation of meeting all “highly qualified” requirements. If additional work is required, the LPDC will work with the teacher to develop his/her plan.
ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this agreement, the parties agree to reopen the contract at the request of either the Board of Education or the Association to bargain the effects of the amended Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and related state law. The procedure set forth in Article II will govern these midterm negotiations.
ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT. DSST agrees and understands that it has a duty to comply with the applicable provisions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 20 U.S.C. §§ 6301 et seq., as amended, and its implementing regulations.
ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT. Academy of Advanced Learning agrees and understands that it has a duty to comply with the applicable provisions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 20 U.S.C. §§ 6301 et seq., as amended, and its implementing regulations.
ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT. The District and Association will appoint a joint committee to review the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act and recommend action to be taken to the JCAC. The District and Association will each appoint three (3) representatives for the joint committee. The committee’s recommendation(s) will be made to JCAC by February 1, 2006.


  • Health, Safety and Security 14.1 The Employer recognizes a responsibility to provide an environment intended to protect the health, safety and security of Members as they carry out their responsibilities. To that end, the Employer agrees: (a) to maintain a Joint Health and Safety Committee (the JHSC) with broad representation drawn from all sectors of the University, including at least one (1) person appointed by the Association; (b) to cooperate with the Association in making every reasonable provision for the safety, health and security of Members; (c) to take reasonable measures to maintain the security of the buildings and grounds while at the same time maintaining reasonable access for Members who have a need for such access at times other than during regular working hours; (d) to ensure that the Association has the right to appoint at least one (1) person to any representative committee whose terms of reference specifically include the health, safety or security of Members as they carry out their responsibilities; (e) to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, and relevant regulations thereto, as amended from time to time (the “Act”); (f) that Members may refuse unsafe work pursuant to and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Act for so doing; (g) that Members report any known or potential dangers to their Xxxx; (h) In addition, the Employer agrees: i) to provide Members with health and safety training, personal protective equipment, and access to health and safety programs, policies and procedures; ii) to provide resources for the JHSC; iii) to compensate a CASBU Member who is eligible to be, and serves as, the person appointed by the Association to the JHSC when that service is outside the period of the Member’s contract; iv) to provide training for the person appointed by the Association to the JHSC directly related to their duties and responsibilities in connection with the JHSC; v) to recognize a JHSC Member’s right to be present during workplace safety testing and audits and receive written copies of any reports and recommendations from the testing/audits and a copy of a draft report if one is provided to the Employer; vi) to recognize a JHSC Member’s right to have advance notice when advance notice is given by the Ministry of Labour of any Ministry of Labour inspection and to accompany a Ministry of Labour Inspector during an inspection and receive a copy of any report produced by the inspector. 14.2 The parties agree that all personal communications must adhere to the Personal Harassment and Discrimination Policy and the Nipissing University Acceptable Use Policy. Effective June 10, 2006, universities are subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). All records in the custody and control of the University will be subject to FIPPA with exceptions as defined by the Act. Persons may request and have a right to access University information or records. A record is defined under the Act as any record of information however recorded, whether in printed or electronic form, film, or otherwise and includes drafts, post-it notes, margin notes, hard drive files, emails, voice mails, electronic agendas, address books, and recording devices. 14.3 Unless required under FIPPA, and for the purposes of this Article, files are documents under a Member’s control and stored on University property, either in paper or electronic form. Such files do not include the Member’s official file in the Xxxx’x office nor the Personnel File of the Member in the Human Resources office. 14.4 On termination of a Member’s employment for any reason other than cause, the Employer will permit, by appointment only, accompanied access for a period of fifteen (15) working days (or longer with the agreement of the Xxxx) by the former Member or the Member’s executors to the Member’s files, whether in paper or electronic format. The purpose of the allowed access is for transferring required documents to other faculty, the Chair, or the Xxxx. Where files are not required to support continued student academic needs or ongoing operational requirements, the former Member or designate may remove or destroy their personal files. Items that are clearly of a personal nature or are owned by the former Member such as furniture, pictures, books, etc., may be removed at this time.

  • Safety and Security Contractor is responsible for maintaining safety in the performance of this Agreement. Contractor shall be responsible to ascertain from the District the rules and regulations pertaining to safety, security, and driving on school grounds, particularly when children are present.

  • ROLE OF THE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CONTACTS 5.01 Primary and Secondary Contact(s). The Resident, in executing this Agreement, is required to identify a “Primary Contact” and a “Secondary Contact”. It is strongly recommended that these contacts are parents or legal guardians of the Resident. The Primary Contact serves as the individual that is contacted by the Manager if concerns or problems arise with the Resident, as detailed in section 5.02 below. If the Primary Contact is not available, the Secondary Contact will be contacted.

  • General Education University Program Requirements All MTA applicable courses require a grade “C” or higher

  • Background Screening and Security ‌ All Contractor employees and agents performing work under the Contract must comply with all security and other requirements of the Department.

  • Data Protection and Security A. In this Agreement the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them:

  • Educational Leave Leave without pay may be granted for educational leave for the duration of actual attendance in an educational program.

  • Geographic Area and Sector Specific Allowances, Conditions and Exceptions The following allowances and conditions shall apply where relevant. Where the Employer does work which falls under the following headings, the Employer agrees to pay and observe the relevant respective conditions and/or exceptions set out below in each case.

  • Training and Education SECTION 1 – Law Enforcement Supervisors’ Training

  • Procurement of Goods and Services (a) If the HSP is subject to the procurement provisions of the BPSAA, the HSP will abide by all directives and guidelines issued by the Management Board of Cabinet that are applicable to the HSP pursuant to the BPSAA. (b) If the HSP is not subject to the procurement provisions of the BPSAA, the HSP will have a procurement policy in place that requires the acquisition of supplies, equipment or services valued at over $25,000 through a competitive process that ensures the best value for funds expended. If the HSP acquires supplies, equipment or services with the Funding it will do so through a process that is consistent with this policy.