Elementary Planning. 29 1. Each full time employee will have a minimum of 200 minutes per 5 day week for 30 planning time. This planning time shall be scheduled within the student day in 31 blocks of not less than thirty (30) minutes per day. 32
Elementary Planning. The normal weekly teaching load in the elementary school will be consistent to meet the state mandated hours of instruction and shall include unassigned preparation time equivalent to 50 minutes per day plus one (1) 40 minute duty free lunch periods per day. This planning time will be scheduled so elementary teachers will have a planning time every day where efficient scheduling allows. It is the intention of the administration to schedule unassigned preparation time in blocks of not less than thirty (30) minutes, whenever possible. It is understood that from time to time a school may schedule special activities or field trips that continue through the time that would normally be a teacher instructional planning period. The school administration will make every effort to ensure some period of relief during this time provided that student supervision is not jeopardized. The administration will also schedule in such a way that no teacher planning period is affected more than two times a trimester.
Elementary Planning. Time 48 The following provisions apply to elementary teachers' planning time.
Elementary Planning. 1. Elementary practitioners shall receive at least one (1) daily unencumbered forty
Elementary Planning. Elementary teachers with full-time assignments (including specialists) shall have two-hundred (200) minutes per five (5) day regular workweek of scheduled plan time, with a minimum of forty (40) continuous minutes for uninterrupted planning within the instructional day and thirty (30) minutes duty-free recesses each regular workday, except in cases of emergency. Each 1.0 FTE elementary physical education, music (“elementary specialist”) shall teach thirty-four (34) sections of forty (40) minutes each per week. Buildings may utilize an option, upon agreement between the principal, classroom staff and specialists, which allows modification to this plan schedule according to building needs and the concerns of classroom staff and specialists.
Elementary Planning. A. The Committee and the Association are committed to provide individual and common planning time for teachers, and therefore:
Elementary Planning. 1. Elementary practitioners shall receive at least one (1) daily unencumbered forty (40) minute preparation period during the student day. This preparation/planning time will take place when students are instructed in areas including, but not limited to, music, art and physical education. If scheduling and/or staffing anomalies dictate that the above is not possible, practitioners shall receive preparation/planning time as follows:
Elementary Planning. Elementary teachers with full-time assignments (including specialists) shall have two hundred (200) minutes per five (5) day regular workweek of scheduled plan time, with a minimum of forty
Elementary Planning. Preparation Time tfull-time teachers, including preschool/pre-kindergarten, in ele- mentary schools shall have planning/preparation time averaging approximately forty-five (45) minutes per day. Such planning preparation time shall be considered to be a portion of the unas- signed time during the teacher’s regular work day. 302.03 tfull-time teachers in regular elementary schools teaching pre–K through fifth grade or pre–K through sixth grade shall be assured a daily ten (10) to fifteen (15) minute break. Such break shall be free of pupil supervision and other assigned duty respon- sibilities and shall occur approximately mid-morning or mid-after- noon, as determined by the building principal. Regular or chronic violation of this provision shall be subject to the grievance proce- dure, provided the building principal and Central Administration have been advised of the claimed violations and given a reasonable period of time in which to correct the problem.
Elementary Planning. The Board will provide all elementary school teachers a minimum of 225 minutes per week within the students' day for planning. In all elementary schools, the minimum time shall be scheduled for each teacher in blocks of not less than 30 minutes (when possible) per day and shall be free from student responsibility within that time during the student day. Effort will be made to provide equitable distribution of this planning time throughout the week in keeping with the desires of the staff of individual schools.