Employee Appearance. The Union and Employer agree that the Employer has the right to establish and maintain standards concerning personal grooming and appearance and the wearing of uniforms and accessories while on duty.
Employee Appearance. Company shall ensure that its employees present a neat, clean, and orderly appearance at all times.
Employee Appearance. Employees covered by this Agreement are required to present an acceptable appearance and attitude to the general public as an essential extension of their job function.
Employee Appearance. The employee must appear personally before the hearing officer at the time and place set for the hearing. The employee may be represented by any person he or she may select.
Employee Appearance. All of Vendor’s employees, agents, representatives or licensees shall have a neat, clean and sanitary personal appearance.
Employee Appearance. City Employees are representatives of the City and are expected to conduct themselves professionally and project a positive image. Because of the special nature of government service, employees have daily contact with the public. These contacts directly affect the City’s identity and how employees are perceived by the public. Employees are expected to project a positive image to co-workers and the public through overall appearance and work performance. When determining whether or not attire is appropriate, employees should consider: • What types of job duties they are required to perform; • Where they are required to carry out their job duties; • With whom they are interacting when required to transact City business; and • Personal safety considerations. The following are minimal guidelines for employee appearance:
1. Uniforms and other apparel, which are required to be worn due to safety regulations, are considered acceptable clothing for those particular jobs.
2. Standard work clothes are appropriate for employees who spend virtually all their time out in the field (for example Parks Maintenance Workers, Ice Arena Workers and custodial personnel).
3. Non-uniformed employees who do administrative work are expected to wear clothing generally associated with professional office setting, rather than casual or work clothing.
4. Employees who perform office work and also must work in the field may wear casual attire that will allow them to perform the job safely, minimize destruction of good clothing while still projecting a professional image.
5. Employees are expected to dress in more formal business attire (suits, jackets, ties, etc.) when the situation dictates. These situations may include meetings with the City Council and other community boards, commissions and groups, court appearances, special business or community events and meetings, planned media interviews, etc.
6. Employee Identification- Employees who work in the field, and/or who must transact business in citizen’s homes or businesses must wear some sort of identification such as a photo ID. Additionally, employees who work directly with the public will, at a minimum wear an ID tag.
Employee Appearance. Contractor personnel shall maintain a well‑groomed, clean-shaven, clean appearance. Uniforms shall be clean and neatly pressed; hair and mustaches shall be neatly trimmed (no beards or long side xxxxx are allowed); shoes shall be shined and in good condition.
Employee Appearance. Employees shall maintain an appearance that is appropriate to the duties, functions, and work environment in accordance with the “Employee Appearance Policy.” New employees shall receive a handbook at their time of hire and the handbook shall be available for review during business hours at branch offices.
Employee Appearance. The Contractor shall ensure that all employees present a professional appearance that is appropriate for their position. The KO reserves the right to determine the acceptability of any clothing worm. Employee identification shall not be substituted for station required passes or badges.
Employee Appearance. All of Concessionaire's employees, agents, representatives or licensees shall have a neat, clean and sanitary personal appearance and those who come in direct contact with the public shall wear clothing or identification, which distinguishes them as employees of Concessionaire.