Environmental Permitting. If requested by the DEPARTMENT, the AGENCY shall sign as a joint applicant and be responsible for the permits related to the Project. Further the AGENCY shall be in compliance with all permits after the construction is complete and the right of way is transferred to the AGENCY. To the extent permitted by law, the AGENCY shall indemnify the DEPARTMENT for any violations by the AGENCY of any permits issued to the Department or jointly to the AGENCY and the DEPARTMENT after construction is complete upon final acceptance by the Department. The AGENCY shall execute all documentation required by the permitting agencies in a timely manner to accept transfer of the Project. For various occupancy permits the AGENCY shall be the applicant.
Environmental Permitting. If requested by the DEPARTMENT, the COUNTY shall sign as a joint applicant and be responsible for the permits related to the Project. Further the COUNTY shall be in compliance with all permits after the construction is complete and the right of way is transferred to the COUNTY. To the extent permitted by law, the COUNTY shall indemnify the DEPARTMENT for any violations by the COUNTY of any permits issued to the DEPARTMENT or jointly to the COUNTY and the DEPARTMENT after construction is complete. The COUNTY shall execute all documentation required by the permitting agencies in a timely manner to accept transfer of the Project. For various occupancy permits the COUNTY shall be the applicant.
Environmental Permitting. The CONSULTANT shall assist the LPA in securing the necessary environmental permits for the project by developing permit-compliant drawings, drafting the permit applications, and coordinating, applying for, and tracking the status of the permits until they are received. The CONSULTANT shall assist the LOCAL PUBLIC AGENCY in securing the environmental permits marked with an “x” in the box below: Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Section 401 Individual Permit Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Section 401/United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Section 404 Regional General Permit. Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Section 401/United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Section 404 Nationwide Permit Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Construction in a Floodway Permit with Replacement-in-Kind Worksheet, excluding hydraulic analysis and modeling Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Construction in a Floodway Permit including hydraulic analysis and modeling IDEM Construction Stormwater General Permit (Formally Rule 5) County Regulated Drainage Permit Federal Aviation Administration Permit Other (i.e. US Coast Guard Permit, IDEM Section 10, etc.): Coordination for the Acquisition of mitigation credits The CONSULTANT shall track the status of permits and permit expiration dates to determine if valid permits will be available for the current project construction schedule. If the CONSULTANT is requested or required to assist the LOCAL PUBLIC AGENCY in securing a permit not selected above, the work to provide such assistance shall be considered a change in the scope of the work. If additional permitting, outside the scope listed above, is required, fees shall be negotiated in good faith at the time under a Supplemental Agreement of this contract. Environmental mitigation design, implementation, or acquisition of mitigation credits are not included in this agreement. If they become necessary, fees shall be negotiated in good faith at the time under a Supplemental Agreement of this contract.
Environmental Permitting. In Phase I, Ameren (in cooperation with the Alliance) submitted air and water permits to IEPA. In Sub-Phase 2A, the Alliance will work with Ameren to revise the permit applications to reflect design changes in the project and address any questions or requests for additional information regarding the permit applications. The Alliance will also participate in any public hearings with respect to the requested permits. The project environmental and construction permit process will continue following the successful completion of the NEPA EIS.
Environmental Permitting. The School Board will be responsible for coordinating, obtaining and paying for any environmental permits required from the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or other such environmental regulatory agency including the SFWMD or the LWDD, and all related permit expenses. FAU shall execute any permit applications or other documents required by the Palm Beach County Environmental Resource Management, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or other such environmental regulatory agency including the SFWMD or the LWDD or other regulatory agency, including but not limited to a deed dedicating a conservation easement over five (5) acres of the Ping Jog Property outside of the 03-Y Site. In addition, the FAU Foundation and/or FAU shall assist the School Board in satisfying all permit requirements or conditions, where the assistance is reasonable and results in a reduced overall cost to the School Board, including but not limited to allowing upland or wetland mitigation to be performed on the Pine Jog Property outside of the 03-Y Site. FAU will be responsible for communication of the overall development plans to all interested environmental preservation organizations.
Environmental Permitting. The Parties agree to assign the work related to permitting through the United States Army Corps of Engineers (“USACE”) and other authorities having jurisdiction with Grand Environmental to the Project Entities (or similar development joint venture entity) to align all critical project activities under a single management.
Environmental Permitting. Although the Project shall be pursued in a manner that seeks to avoid or minimize the impact to any jurisdictional wetlands (the “Wetlands”), it is possible that inclusion of the Wetlands may be unavoidable, in which event the costs for permits, Wetlands delineation, a cultural resource survey and report, a protected species assessment, and Wetlands impact mitigation shall be added to the Budget and become a part of the Project Costs. In the event an Environmental Assessment (but not an Environmental Impact Statement) (as those terms are defined by the National Environmental Protection Act and related regulations) will be required for the Project, such cost will be added to the Budget. If an Environmental Impact Statement is required, the Parties agree to meet and confirm prior to proceeding with the Project.
Environmental Permitting. ELS will lead the environmental permitting work on this project. Environmental permitting is expected to require a Critical Areas Report, Mitigation Plan, Biological Evaluation, Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Application and figure set, Corp of Engineers permit, NMFS review, ESA review, and Hydraulic Project Approval. ELS will coordinate with all regulatory agencies, Wallis, and the City as required to complete all environmental permitting for the project.
Environmental Permitting. Necessary environmental permits associated with a project will be identified per Subsection 6.1.5 above. 60% Detail Design drawings and specifications will be used to acquire any necessary environmental permits. SMUD proposes to acquire a Regional General Permit from the Army Corps of Engineers. The proposed permit will cover a variety of actions in the UARP that involve relatively minor discharges of dredge or fill material in Waters of the U.S. SMUD will secure water quality certifications from the Regional Water Quality Control Board or the State Water Resources Control Board, as appropriate, per Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. Sacramento Municipal Utility District Upper American River Project 10 FERC Project No. 2101 SMUD is obtaining a Lake/Streambed Alteration Agreement for routine maintenance from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. For any impacts to waters or wetland outside the scope of the above- referenced permits, SMUD will obtain the appropriate authorizations to ensure compliance with state and federal water regulations.
Environmental Permitting. Due to a change in permitting requirements and associated additional workload in meeting those changed requirements by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and State Water Resource Control Board this amendment is increasing the level of effort to the environmental permitting task.