Extra Service Sample Clauses
Extra Service. When a Division is out of help, an extra board Operator from another Division may be utilized but will operate from the Operator’s own Division.
a. Extra service buses and Operators located in the downtown area for breakdown, overload, or emergency situations may be used for such purposes for a Division other than the Division to which assigned when all such buses from the Division in which needed are in use. In such cases, Operators will not be penalized or reprimanded for lack of knowledge of a route for which not trained. Such extra service buses will be used for extra service work only, and the number of extra buses assigned by each Division shall be the same percentage of its runs as the percentage used by the other Divisions.
Extra Service. 7.7.1 The district will pay a yearly stipend of $500 for one Principal Designee position at each site. On days the Principal Designee is required to actively serve in the absence of the principal, the District will fund an additional $75 per day with a maximum not to exceed 15 days. Additional funding beyond the maximum may be provided by the school site.
7.7.2 The District shall pay each teacher who takes a class of students on a District- approved field trip that involves an overnight stay a stipend equal to a substitute teacher's pay at the lowest day-to-day rate for each night.
7.7.3 The District may provide additional compensation to unit members who voluntarily participate in additional professional activities. Such compensation shall be determined by the District.
Extra Service. Effective at the beginning of the second semester of the 2017-2018 school year, rotation of extra service shall be in accordance with department seniority, as set forth in a seniority list which shall be created at that time. The seniority list shall be updated at the beginning of each school year. Extra service opportunities shall be offered to employees individually going down the seniority list starting at 3:45 PM on Thursdays for extra service actually scheduled for the next week. Each employee offered extra service shall have a maximum of ten (10) minutes to respond to the offer. Extra service for the next week which only becomes know after the Thursday bidding shall be offered at 3:45 PM on the first school day in which it becomes known, on a first come, first served basis. Declining or failing to respond to an extra service opportunity during a Thursday bidding rotation, but not a “last minute” opportunity, will count as the employee’s turn. No employee may sign up for or accept extra service assignments that conflict with their regular duties.
Extra Service. 3.3.1 Extra Service charges shall be negotiated by an amendment to this Agreement. Each amendment shall describe the service rendered and the fixed dollar amount for the requested work and estimated contract time for completion.
Extra Service. Any extra services requested by the County shall be charged at a rate of $20.00 per hour. Extra services must be approved by the Maintenance Supervisor.
Extra Service. Any changes for unplanned services will be due within 7 days of completion of service engagement. Invoice for additional charge (including drop-off of keys) will be left at Client’s home upon completion of service engagement (Initial ).
Extra Service. The Vendor shall not receive additional compensation for any extra service unless such extra service has been authorized in writing by the County prior to the commencement of the extra service, provided that the Change Order Management procedures in Schedule D have been followed. Any changes to the total compensation shall require the County’s approval and further agreement between the parties. The County shall pay the Vendor for extra service in accordance with the Vendor’s then current services rates. As used herein, "Extra Service" means any work which is determined by County to be necessary for the proper completion of the Project, but which the Parties did not reasonably anticipate would be necessary at the execution of this Agreement or for which initial assumptions driving estimated efforts are no longer valid.
Extra Service that overtime made necessary by the absence of an employee from the regular shift or to bring staffing of a regular scheduled shift to desired levels.
Extra Service. Extra service is defined as any work requiring additional personnel the City requests twenty-four (24) hours or more in advance of the work start time. Extra service will be compensated at the same hourly rates as regular service under the Agreement. The Contractor shall clearly identify extra service hours on all invoices. All extra service hours must be authorized in writing, in advance, by the Contract Administrator or designee.
Extra Service. Extra Service is service that is in addition to regular service and operates on a route published in Sound Transit’s Ride the Wave Transit Guide or other Sound Transit bus schedule. Extra Service may be necessary due to non-emergency service disruptions or passenger overloads. Compensation for Extra Service will be performed at the Cost Allocation Model (CAM) rate per hour.
a. Extra Service Initiated by Xxxxxx Transit Xxxxxx Transit may add Extra Service when needed on regular ST Express Bus Service routes during two circumstances:
(i) if a high passenger load is anticipated with sufficient time to seek Sound Transit’s approval, Xxxxxx Transit may contact Sound Transit to propose additional service on established, publicized routes, or
(ii) if Xxxxxx Transit identifies an unexpectedly high passenger overload situation or a gap in service, Xxxxxx Transit may add additional service without the approval of Sound Transit. If the Extra Service is expected to operate for more than one day, Xxxxxx Transit’s Contracted Services Administrator or designee will request approval from Sound Transit’s Bus Operations Manager or designee, who may verbally approve continuation of Extra Service.
b. Extra Service Initiated by Sound Transit Sound Transit may request Extra Service, through Xxxxxx Transit’s Contracted Services Administrator, on regular ST Express routes that are included in the annual Service Implementation Plan. To the extent its resources will allow, Xxxxxx Transit will operate these services when requested by Sound Transit, provided that Sound Transit notifies Xxxxxx Transit of the trips to be operated at least 5 days before the date of the requested Extra Service. Xxxxxx Transit will respond to Sound Transit’s Bus Operations Manager or designee to confirm that service will be implemented.