Family Benefits. Caisse d'allocations familiales du département (Family Allowances Fund of the Department).
Family Benefits. (a) Dependent Care Advantage Account (DCAA) The Employer and Union shall continue to provide the DCAA Program provided by the New York State Labor/Management Child Care Advisory Committee to the extent that federal and state laws allow. This program will provide employees with the opportunity to increase their spendable income by paying for all or part of selected benefits such as childcare, elder care and dependent care with pre-tax dollars. Effective on the date of ratification of this Agreement, the State shall provide an annual contribution to the Dependent Care Advantage Account as follows: Employee Gross Annual Salary Employer Contribution Under $30,000 $800 $30,001-$40,000 $700 $40,001-$50,000 $600 $50,001-$60,000 $500 $60,001-$70,000 $400 Over $70,000 $300 In subsequent years, the Employer contribution may be increased or reduced so as to fully expend available funds for this purpose, while maintaining salary sensitive differentials. In no event shall the aggregate employer contribution exceed the amounts provided for this purpose. In the interest of providing greater availability of dependent care and other services to NYSCOPBA-represented employees and maximizing resources available, the Family Benefits Program may support additional initiatives as recommended by the Advisory Committee. A Joint Labor/Management Advisory Committee, which recognizes the need for combined representation of all employee negotiating units, and the State, will monitor and evaluate the Family Benefits Program and other work-life services. Mutually agreed to activities of this Committee shall be funded pursuant to this section.
(b) The parties agree to participate in the LifeWorks program.
(c) The parties agree to continue participation in the Directions Program.
(d) Effective April 1, 2023, funding for the programs in this section, 25.10, shall be provided as follows: for DCAA and LifeWorks, $529,922 for that year and each successive year of the contract as set forth in Article 1.1. Effective April 1, 2024, that amount shall be increased to $545,820 and effective April 1, 2025, that amount shall be increased to $562,195. This shall include funding for Directions with the agreed upon amount for each year. The parties agree that such funding is effective on the April 1, 2023, and shall sunset on the expiration date of this Agreement, unless extended by written mutual agreement by the parties.
Family Benefits. Article 27Orphan’s Benefit under the Legislation of the United Kingdom and Guernsey
(1) In this Article “Party” means the United Kingdom or Guernsey, as the case may be.
Family Benefits. Full-time certificated employees, their spouses, and their children from birth through high school graduation shall be given free admission to all school events. Following high school graduation children who are not pursuing a post-secondary education will pay the adult admission price beginning the fall after high school graduation. Children who are pursuing a post-secondary education will continue to be admitted to all school events free of charge until they reach the age of 21.
Family Benefits. Provisions for the prevention of, and compensation for, employment injuries.
Family Benefits. The above schemes, with the exception of birth grants, are of a contributory character.
Family Benefits. The institution designated by the canton of residence or the host canton.
Family Benefits. Vendor shall provide only WV WIC Approved Foods as specified on the WV WIC Approved Food List. Vendor shall provide this food in the size, form, brand, and quantities stated on the eWIC benefit card. This includes only providing the authorized infant formula, which the Vendor has obtained from sources included on the list described in Article 11 of this agreement to participants in exchange for eWIC benefits specifying infant formula.
Family Benefits. Workers referred to in Article 8 of the agreement shall be entitled in the territory of the State where their occupational activities are carried out to family benefits awarded under the conditions provided for under the legislation of that State. 1211108 A r t i c l e 1 6 Responsibilities of the Competent Authorities The competent authorities:
a) shall take, by means of an administrative arrangement or an agreement the measures required to implement this Agreement, including measures concerning taking into account of insurance periods, and shall designate the liaison agencies and the competent agencies ;
b) shall define the procedures for mutual administrative assistance, including the sharing of expenses associated with obtaining medical, administrative and other evidence required for the implementation of this Agreement ;
c) shall directly communicate to each other any information concerning the measures taken for the application of this Agreement ;
d) shall directly communicate to each other, as soon as possible, all changes in their legislation to the extent that these changes might affect the application of this Agreement.
A r t i c l e 1 7
Family Benefits. Caisse nationale d'allocations familiales des marins du commerce (National Family Allowances Fund for Merchant Seamen); Caisse nationale d'allocations familiales de la pêche maritime (National Sea-fisheries Family Allowances Fund).