Family Engagement-. A. In partnership with the Cabinet, provide culturally and linguistically competent services that are youth guided family driven, and congruent with the DCBS family case plan and/or visitation agreement. In order to promote healthy relationships between children and their parents and siblings while placed in xxxxxx care or in a residential setting, the Provider’s service provision should focus on preserving and enhancing the connections between the children and their extended family, community, and school.
1) This includes offering family therapy/counseling and support when the family is available and maintaining contact regarding the child’s/family’s progress and on-going treatment and service needs. Family therapy/counseling should be provided when it is clinically appropriate. Provider must not require any form of payment from the youth’s family for family counseling/therapy including therapeutic telephone calls and visits.
2) The Cabinet will make decisions regarding separation of siblings and visitation. In those circumstances when the siblings are not placed together as agreed upon by the Cabinet, the Provider must provide visitation or other ongoing interaction between the siblings, unless the interaction would be contrary to sibling’s safety or well-being.
3) If the Provider has reason to believe that the interaction would be contrary to a child’s safety or well-being, the Provider must submit in writing the reasoning to the Cabinet social service worker.
4) The Provider must not suspend visitation or contact prior to receiving permission from the Cabinet social service worker unless the Provider has reason to believe that the interaction would cause an immediate risk to the child’s safety. The Provider will not suspend visits as a form of discipline.
5) The Provider must provide the Cabinet social service worker with potential relative placement resource information obtained through assessments, engaging family, or counseling.
B. Accept the assignment of visitation responsibilities in accordance with Title IV-B, caseworker visitation requirements.
1) The Provider must conduct monthly face-to-face visits in accordance with federal and state requirements with each child placed by the Cabinet with the Provider, in the child’s current place of residence.
C. When there is a goal of return to parent or permanent relative placement, have and follow a written policy requiring the Provider to not only involve the child’s family in the development, implemen...
Family Engagement-. A. In partnership with the Cabinet, provide culturally and linguistically competent services that are youth guided, family driven, and congruent with the DCBS family case plan and/or visitation agreement. In order to promote healthy relationships between children and their parents and siblings while placed in xxxxxx care or in a residential setting, the Provider’s service provision should focus on preserving and enhancing the connections between the children and their extended family, community, and school.
1) This includes offering family therapy/counseling and support when the family is available and maintaining contact regarding the child’s/family’s progress and on-going treatment and service needs. Family therapy/counseling should be provided when it is clinically appropriate. Provider must not require any form of payment from the youth’s family for family counseling/therapy including therapeutic telephone calls and visits.
2) The Cabinet will make decisions regarding separation of siblings and visitation. In those circumstances when the siblings are not placed together as agreed upon by the Cabinet, the Provider must provide visitation or other ongoing interaction between the siblings, unless the interaction would be contrary to sibling’s safety or well-being. DocuSign Envelope ID: EF8E297B-24F7-43A7-9300-33B5DAA4095F
3) If the Provider has reason to believe that the interaction would be contrary to a child’s safety or well-being, the Provider must submit in writing the reasoning to the Cabinet social service worker.
4) The Provider must not suspend visitation or contact prior to receiving permission from the Cabinet social service worker unless the Provider has reason to believe that the interaction would cause an immediate risk to the child’s safety. The Provider will not suspend visits as a form of discipline.
5) The Provider must provide the Cabinet social service worker with potential relative placement resource information obtained through assessments, engaging the family, or counseling.
B. Accept the assignment of visitation responsibilities in accordance with Title IV-B, caseworker visitation requirements.
1) The Provider must conduct monthly face-to-face visits in accordance with federal and state requirements with each child placed by the Cabinet with the Provider, in the child’s current place of residence.
C. When there is a goal of return to parent or permanent relative placement, have and follow a written policy requiring the Provider to ...
Family Engagement-. The District will provide a culturally relevant plan for partnering with families and communities to improve child outcomes on an annual basis.
Family Engagement-. The systematic inclusion of families as partners in their child’s development, learning, and wellness, enabled by positive relationships between families and staff in coalitions and early learning programs.
Family Engagement-. Within the broader context of family engagement strategies, each elementary and middle school family will be offered a teacher-led conference for each individual student for the purpose, at a minimum, of discussing the student’s progress. This family engagement strategy will be supported by scheduling the following time for preparation and conferencing: • One hour each on four consecutive early-dismissal Thursdays in late October and November; • Seven hours on one non-student day in November; • Three additional hours of per diem pay to support conferencing; and • Four hours after the regular contracted day in trade for leaving early on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the last day of school. • Four hours on an early-dismissal Thursday in November; • Seven hours on one non-student day in November; • Six hours after the regular contracted day in trade for leaving early on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the last day of school. The trade time and additional hours at per diem pay identified above shall be scheduled with collaboration of staff at the building level to occur on or around the dates above.
Family Engagement-. Panorama School Climate Survey- Family Results Results from 3/3 required scales* on the Family Panorama School Climate Survey will be within the average range (50% or higher) when compared to like schools (%FRL, grade band, urban/rural). Participation must be a minimum of 35% in order to qualify. Participation under 35% will automatically result in a “does not meet standard.” Exceeds Expectation All 3 of the 3 required scales in the above average range for like schools Meets Expectation All 3 of the 3 required scales in the average range for like schools *Required Scales: School Climate, Safety, and School Fit Approaching Expectation 2 of the 3 required scales in the average range for like schools Does Not Meet Expectation 0 or 1 of the 3 required scales in the average range for like schools or participation rate is less than 35%
Family Engagement-. Conscious effort of the parent and/or other family member to engage in a child’s education and development by promoting positive behaviors and ensuring the child’s well-being.
Family Engagement-. Contractor shall embrace the principles and vision underpinning DYCD's Circles of Support family engagement framework, available at:
i) DYCD defines family in broad terms to include those individuals who care for and support ACS Participants but, are not blood relatives.
ii) Program shall create opportunities for those who have positive influences on ACS Participants to engage with the Program.
(1) These may include involving families in marketing and recruitment strategies, providing them with ongoing Program information, and inviting families to Program events and celebrations.
Family Engagement-. Describe how your program will engage caregivers, guardians, and/or family of participants in the development of this proposal, and how they will be involved in the implementation and assessment of the program activities. With the participants' permission, we'll add caregivers and guardians to all communication regarding our workgroups, offering opportunities for family participation and ensuring their awareness of our work and our meeting schedule. Supporting Healthy Black Families, workgroups were created due to community members' feedback through organizing and community engagement sessions regarding what Madison needs to feel safe and ok. The feedback included accessible Black spaces for Black people and families to go to & get support. A space where they could learn and grow and not be judged. A space that reflected their competence to them. A space led by the people for the people. A space where all Black people were welcomed. A place where you can vent and be mad without being judged. A place where they could learn about themselves and build a deeper understanding of the world around them. From that feedback, SHBF was created. We give assessments/evaluations at the beginning of our work groups, halfway through, and at the end to quantify the effectiveness of our curriculum and to receive feedback on how and where we can improve. We also send a 3-month and 9-month follow-up assessment to graduates to quantify the long-term effects of our workgroup.
Family Engagement-. Describe how your program will engage parents/guardians and families in the development of this proposal, and how they will be involved in the implementation and assessment of the program activities.