Family Sick Sample Clauses

Family SickSick leave shall only be allowed to be used as family sick because of serious illness in the immediate family. When sick leave is used due to illness in the immediate family, use of such leave shall not exceed three (3) work periods at any one time, or seven (7) work periods within a calendar year. “
Family SickUnscheduled PTO is available when employees are required to provide temporary assistance in situations where injury or illness of an immediate family member prevents them from coming to work, or when other allowed absences occur, such as when providing assistance related to a domestic violence matter. Immediate family members include spouse; child or grandchild (natural, adopted, xxxxxx and step); parent, guardian, grandparent and sibling (natural, adopted, step and in-laws); and opposite-sex registered domestic partner. It does not include uncle, aunt, niece, nephew or cousin. Other additional family members may be qualified if required by law.
Family Sick. Three additional days each year (non-accumulative from year to year) will be given to employees on the first of the month following their anniversaries. This time may be taken by an employee when the ill health of a member of the employee’s immediate family requires the employee’s care. For purposes of this section, an employee’s immediate family shall be deemed to be the spouse, child, stepchild, mother or father. An employee’s immediate family shall also be deemed to be other dependents living in the same household. An exception may be made by the Department head where extenuating circumstances exist.
Family Sick. Three (3) additional days each year with pay non-accumulative from year to year will be given to employees on the first day of the month following their anniversary date of hire. This family sick leave may be taken by an employee when the ill health of a member of the employee’s immediate family requires the employee’s care. For purposes of this section, an employee’s immediate family shall be deemed to be the spouse, domestic partner, child, stepchild, mother, father, or other dependents, as determined by the Internal Revenue Service’s five-point test; (Package 1040-1 Pub 12115Q, 1995). An exception may be made by the Chief of Police where extenuating circumstances exist.
Family SickUnscheduled PTO is available when employees are required to provide temporary assistance in situations where injury or illness of an immediate family member prevents them from coming to work. Immediate family members include spouse; child and grandchild (nature, adopted and step); parent, guardian grandparent and sibling (natural, adopted, step and in-laws). It does not include uncle, aunt, niece, nephew or cousin.

Related to Family Sick

  • Family Sick Leave An employee may use sick leave credits for family illness or injury only if the employee must provide direct care to an immediate family member. For purposes of family sick leave, “immediate family member” will mean the employee’s parent, spouse, or child, including step-child and xxxxxx child.

  • Family Illness The start of a family leave for a serious health condition of a family member shall begin on the date requested by the employee or designated by Management.

  • Family Leave 1. An Appointing Authority shall grant to a full time or part time employee who has completed his/her probationary period, or if there is no such probationary period, has been employed for at least three consecutive months, an unpaid leave of absence for up to twenty-six (26) weeks in conjunction with the birth, adoption or placement of a child as long as the leave concludes within twelve (12) months following the birth or placement. The ability to take leave ceases when a xxxxxx placement ceases unless the need for additional leave is directly connected to the previous placement. 2. New employees who have completed six full months of employment but remain within their probationary period may request the appointing authority to waive their remaining wait time for FMLA. Such request shall include submission of satisfactory medical evidence that demonstrates either a.) an existing catastrophic illness; or b.) a problematic pregnancy that prevents the employee from being able to perform the functions of her position. Any leave granted under this waiver will be charged against the employee’s FMLA leave as described in this section. The remaining rights and obligations under Section 8 shall apply. 3. At least thirty (30) days in advance, the employee shall submit to the Appointing Authority a written notice of his/her intent to take such leave and the dates and expected duration of such leave. If thirty (30) days notice is not possible, the employee shall give notice as soon as practicable. The employee shall provide upon request by the Appointing Authority proof of the birth or placement or adoption of a child. 4. If an employee has accrued sick leave, personal leave, compensatory leave, or vacation credits at the commencement of his/her family leave, the employee may use such leave credits for which s/he may be eligible under the sick leave, personal leave or vacation provisions of this Agreement. The Appointing Authority may, in his/her discretion, assign an employee to temporarily backfill for an employee who is on family leave. Such assignment may not be subject to the grievance procedure. 5. At the expiration of the family leave, the employee shall be returned to the same or equivalent position with the same status, pay and length of service credit as of the date of his/her leave. If during the period of the leave, employees in an equivalent position have been laid off through no fault of their own, the employee will be extended the same rights or benefits, if any, extended to employees of equal length of service in the equivalent position in the department. 6. Employees taking an unpaid leave of absence under this provision will accrue sick and vacation leave benefits only for the first eight (8) weeks of such unpaid leave. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Agreement to the contrary, the family leave granted under this Article shall not affect the employee's right to receive any contractual benefits for which s/he was eligible at the time of his/her leave. 7. During the time an employee is on family leave, the employee shall be entitled to group health insurance coverage benefits on the same terms and conditions in effect at the time the leave began, provided the employee continues to pay the required employee share of premium while on leave. If the employee fails to return from leave, the Commonwealth may recover, as provided under FMLA, the cost it incurred in maintaining insurance coverage under its group health plan for the duration of the employee's leave.

  • Family Care Employees may use vacation leave for care of family members as required by the Family Care Act, WAC 296-130.

  • Family Illness Leave An employee will be granted leave of absence for up to five (5) days per year without loss of pay or benefits for family illness. Additional family illness leave may be granted by the employer.

  • Family The District shall contribute no less than eighty percent (80%) of the total cost of the premium toward family coverage. The employee shall pay the difference between the District contribution and the total cost of the premium for family dental coverage.

  • Family Care Leave In accordance with RCW 49.12 and WAC 296-130, employees shall be allowed to use any or all of their choice of sick leave or other paid time off to care for a family member (as defined above) who has a serious health condition or an emergency condition. Employees shall not be disciplined or otherwise discriminated against because of their exercise of these rights.

  • Immediate family or household (1) The entitlement to use carer’s leave and compassionate leave in accordance with this clause is subject to the person being either: (a) a member of the employee’s immediate family; or (b) a member of the employee’s household.

  • Family Violence Leave Family Violence Leave as provided for by the Holidays Act 2003 is in addition to other leave allowances within the collective agreement.

  • Family Medical Leave (a) An employee is entitled to family medical leave in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act. (b) An employee who is on Family Medical Leave shall continue to accumulate seniority and service and the Home will continue to pay its share of the premiums of the subsidized employee benefits, including pension (if permitted by the Plan and matched by the employee) in which the employee is participating during the leave. (c) Subject to any changes in an employee’s status which would have occurred had he or she not been on Family Medical Leave, the employee shall be reinstated to her former position.