Unscheduled Sample Clauses
Unscheduled. Unscheduled absences are those absences from duty which could not have been foreseen or requested by the employee in advance of 8 p.m. on the employee's shift preceding the absence. Provisions detailing the use of annual leave are further defined in Article 22.4 of this Agreement.
Unscheduled. “Call-in”: A shift worker shall be guaranteed overtime to be paid at the rate of 1 1/2 times the employee’s regular base hourly rate of pay when called in to work on short notice on a scheduled day off. This provision shall not apply to shift workers who are designated as a relief operator during the week in which the call-in occurs or to shift workers who volunteer for and are called in to assist with snow removal.
Unscheduled. Unscheduled outages are caused by loss of connectivity to the Internet, or by failure of a MDC service. In cases where a destination is not available, or unacceptable service is reported, MDC will attempt to determine the source of the problem and report its findings to BuildNet.
Unscheduled. Any service that continues beyond the scheduled service call will have overtime calculated in fifteen-minute segments at one-hundred-fifty percent (150%) of the contracted per-service fee.
Unscheduled. Unscheduled uses of PTO must be compelling and of an emergency/urgent nature. Preventative health and dental appointments are not considered unscheduled and must be requested in advance in accordance with the provisions for scheduled uses above. An employee who is unable to report to work due to an unscheduled absence must contact their division supervisor in accordance with department/division policy, or, absent such a policy, no later than two (2) hours after the beginning of his/her scheduled work shift. Prior to submitting a timecard, an employee, if requested, must provide his or her division supervisor with satisfactory explanation/documentation as to the nature and extent of unscheduled PTO uses, except that an employee is not required to provide their supervisor with specific medical information regarding their own or a qualified family member’s condition necessitating the absence(s). The employee must keep his or her division supervisor generally informed that their absence relates to a medical or other condition for themselves or a qualified family member, or that the absence is a result of a previously-approved FMLA case (as approved by Human Resources). If the absence is more than three (3) working days’ duration, the employee may be required by Human Resources to submit a medical certification to Human Resources. The required certification may include a qualified healthcare provider’s statement and/or certification and statement that the employee has been or will be unable to work for the period of absence of their own or a qualified family member’s condition. If the absence is due to the employee’s own condition, a certification by the treating healthcare provider may be required by Human Resources indicating the employee is cleared to return without need for any restrictions or job shift modification. If needed, Human Resources will work with the employee’s supervisor to consider accommodating the healthcare provider’s request for light duty or modified work hours/schedule in lieu of denying an employee’s return to work. Below are eligible unscheduled uses that do not constitute an attendance infraction:
Unscheduled. Overtime should be equitably distributed and rotated by management among the classification and operation/ section/division employees who are not on new hire probation. If no regular employees are available, employees on new hire probation would be called. The City may, under exceptional circumstances, assign overtime based on special skills of an employee. Such assignments should not impact the equitable distribution of overtime.
Unscheduled. Maintenance
Unscheduled. “drop in” visits for prescription refills are not allowed, as the physicians are busy seeing scheduled patients.
Unscheduled. Overtime which is an extension of a regular shift or which is unforeseeable will be first offered to the senior employee on shift who performs the work in the department in which the overtime is required. Thereafter, overtime would be offered by seniority among employees who have signed the overtime list. However, in the case of maintenance employees who are working on a machine, the work will be offered to the employee who is actually performing the work on the day the overtime is required. If insufficient employees are found to perform the required overtime, the junior employee actually performing the work shall be required to perform the necessary overtime.
Unscheduled. Emergent Overtime/Additional Hours: For unpredictable occurrences such as sick call, bus malfunctions, or other unanticipated occurrences where there is an emergent need to staff overtime/additional hours within twenty-four (24) hours of its occurrence these hours will be distributed from the daily availability list. Scheduled/Predictable Overtime: For overtime/additional hours that arise 24 hours or later from the time of its occurrence the Transportation Department will distribute the overtime hours on a rotational basis beginning with the most senior employee from the availability list who has the necessary competency. If the senior-most competent volunteer is not available, the Employer will proceed down the seniority list, so that no employee works more than one additional overtime shift without all employees on the list offered the opportunity to work an additional overtime shift. (The past practice of Team Drivers who are assigned to team sports shall remain in an overtime pool amongst themselves and may be included in both pools).