FIRST-AID FACILITIES. At every work place, there shall be provided and maintained, so as to be easily accessible during working hours, First-Aid Boxes at the rate of not less than one box for 150 contractLabour or part thereof ordinarily employed.
FIRST-AID FACILITIES. 12.1 There is no legal requirement for the School to provide first aid facilities for the Hirer. It is the Hirer’s responsibility to make their own arrangements, such as the provision of first aid training for supervising personnel, and the provision of a first aid kit, particularly in the case of sports hiring.
12.2 Use of the School’s resources is not available.
FIRST-AID FACILITIES. Prompt ambulance service and first aid to injured employees shall be provided on all shifts. A first aid facility room will be maintained at Hayward, Concord, Richmond, Oakland Shops and Xxxx City. Adequate first aid equipment shall be furnished and maintained in all work areas as designated by the Joint Union/Management Safety Committee or the Safety Department.
FIRST-AID FACILITIES. Suitable first aid equipment in a hygienic container shall be available in each depot in an accessible and clearly identified place. This equipment should be regularly inspected, and replenished as necessary by the company.
FIRST-AID FACILITIES. The College provides first aid facilities in MPAC. It is equipped with a first aid kit, a defibrillator and a wheelchair. However, it is the hirer’s responsibility for administrating such equipment. In doing so, it is expected that for the duration of the hiring period the hirer will provide at least one person with the appropriate First Aid training/certification. The MPAC Duty Manager will direct the hirer and/or First Aid Officer to the location of the equipment. The College will not be responsible for providing first aid assistance should the need arise during the hiring period.
FIRST-AID FACILITIES. It is the responsibility of the hirer to make their own first aid arrangements, such as the provision of a first aid kit, and the provision of first aid training for supervising personnel, particularly in the case of sports lettings. There is no legal requirement for the school to provide first aid facilities and use of the school’s resources is not available.
FIRST-AID FACILITIES. The Employer shall provide a first aid facility in accordance with the Workers’ Compensation Act and Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.
FIRST-AID FACILITIES. Where PURCHASER has first-aid facilities at the Phase 2 Site, it may, at its option, make available its first-aid facilities for the treatment of employees of SOIL CONTRACTOR who may be injured or become ill while engaged in the performance of the Work under this Soil Contract.
FIRST-AID FACILITIES. 5.11.1 It shall be the duty of the employer, or of the person in charge to convey a seriously injured employee to the nearest hospital with all possible haste.
5.11.2 An employee who has been trained to render first aid and who is the current holder of appropriate first aid qualifications such as a certificate from the St Xxxx Ambulance or similar body shall be paid a weekly allowance if he or she is appointed by the employer to perform first aid duty.
5.11.3 If an employee, at the request of the employer attends a course of training in first aid, the employer shall reimburse the employee for the actual cost of the course and text book expenses incurred.
5.11.4 Suitable first aid equipment shall be available at the establishment and in each motor vehicle from which an employee may work.
5.11.5 This equipment shall be regularly inspected and replenished by the employer.
5.11.6 Except through circumstances beyond the employer's control, not less than one employee per 10 employees or part thereof, shall be appointed in accordance with 5.12.2.
FIRST-AID FACILITIES. The Subcontractor / PRW shall provide adequate first aid facilities at the workplace as per BOCW requirements. Any local arrangements for first-aid shall be notified at the toolbox meetings and information shall be posted about facilities, first-aiders and emergency contacts to all concerned.