Sole Bargaining Agency The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole bargaining agency on behalf of the employees for whom the Union has been certified as bargaining agent with respect to wages, hours of work, terms and conditions of employment during the life of this Agreement.
Transfers and Seniority Outside Bargaining Unit No employee shall be transferred to a position outside the bargaining unit without the employee's consent. If an employee is transferred to a position outside of the bargaining unit, the employee shall retain seniority acquired at the date of leaving the unit, but will not accumulate any further seniority. If such an employee later returns to the bargaining unit, the employee shall be placed in a job consistent with the employee's seniority. Such return shall not result in the layoff or bumping of an employee holding greater seniority.
Transfer and Seniority Outside the Bargaining Unit (a) It is understood that an employee shall not be transferred by the Hospital to a position outside the bargaining unit without his consent except in the case of temporary assignments not exceeding six (6) months. Such employees on temporary assignments shall remain members of the bargaining unit. (b) An employee who is transferred to a position outside the bargaining unit shall not, subject to (c) below, accumulate seniority. In the event the employee is returned by the Hospital to a position in the bargaining unit within twenty-four (24) months of the transfer he or she shall be credited with the seniority held at the time of transfer and resume accumulation from the date of his or her return to the bargaining unit. An employee not returned to the bargaining unit within 24 months shall forfeit bargaining unit seniority. (c) In the event an employee transferred out of the bargaining unit under (b) above is returned to the bargaining unit within a period of six (6) calendar months, he shall accumulate seniority during the period of time outside the bargaining unit."
Collective Bargaining Agreement The term “
EXCLUSIONS FROM THE BARGAINING UNIT 1. Any position that is currently included in the bargaining unit may not be excluded from the bargaining unit without agreement of both parties. 2. A newly created position shall be excluded from the bargaining unit unless the position is included by agreement of both parties. 3. The Board shall notify the Association of all newly created positions not presently included in the bargaining unit, and shall provide written job descriptions on request from the Association.
Compliance with Contractor Employee Jury Service Ordinance Contractor shall comply with the County Ordinance with respect to provision of jury duty pay to employees and have and adhere to a written policy that provides that its employees shall receive from the Contractor, on an annual basis, no less than five days of regular pay for actual jury service in San Mateo County. The policy may provide that employees deposit any fees received for such jury service with the Contractor or that the Contractor deduct from the employees’ regular pay the fees received for jury service.
Definition of Bargaining Unit Where the words “bargaining unit” or “union” are used in this Agreement, such reference shall be deemed to mean COPE Local 378 members employed by the Employer and covered by the certificate referred to in Section 1.01 of this Agreement.
CFR PART 200 Contract Provisions Explanation Required Federal contract provisions of Federal Regulations for Contracts for contracts with ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members: The following provisions are required to be in place and agreed if the procurement is funded in any part with federal funds. The ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members are the subgrantee or Subrecipient by definition. Most of the provisions are located in 2 CFR PART 200 - Appendix II to Part 200—Contract Provisions for Non-Federal Entity Contracts Under Federal Awards at 2 CFR PART 200. Others are included within 2 CFR part 200 et al. In addition to other provisions required by the Federal agency or non-Federal entity, all contracts made by the non- Federal entity under the Federal award must contain provisions covering the following, as applicable.
CFR PART 200 AND FEDERAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS EXPLANATION TIPS and TIPS Members will sometimes seek to make purchases with federal funds. In accordance with 2 C.F.R. Part 200 of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (sometimes referred to as “XXXXX”),Vendor's response to the following questions labeled "2 CFR Part 200 or Federal Provision" will indicate Vendor's willingness and ability to comply with certain requirements which may be applicable to TIPS purchases paid for with federal funds, if accepted by Vendor. Your responses to the following questions labeled "2 CFR Part 200 or Federal Provision" will dictate whether TIPS can list this awarded contract as viable to be considered for a federal fund purchase. Failure to certify all requirements labeled "2 CFR Part 200 or Federal Provision" will mean that your contract is listed as not viable for the receipt of federal funds. However, it will not prevent award. If you do enter into a TIPS Sale when you are accepting federal funds, the contract between you and the TIPS Member will likely require these same certifications.
Positions outside the Bargaining Unit (a) An employee may substitute temporarily in a position outside the bargaining unit for up to fifteen (15) months from the date of the assignment. Bargaining unit employees shall be given the first opportunity to fill the resulting vacancy. The employee shall have the right to return to her or his bargaining unit position prior to the expiry of the fifteen (15) month period by giving the Employer six (6) weeks’ notice. Where an employee is backfilling outside of the bargaining unit for purposes of pregnancy and/or parental leave, the period of time will be extended up to nineteen (19) months from the date of the assignment. An employee who remains outside of the bargaining unit beyond the period covered by this article shall lose all seniority. When the employee returns to the bargaining unit, all other employee(s) shall revert to their previous positions. An employee must remain in the bargaining unit for a period of at least three (3) months before transferring out of the bargaining unit again or she or he will lose all seniority held at the time of the subsequent transfer unless the parties agree otherwise. (b) An employee who accepts a transfer under (a) above will not be required to pay Union dues for any complete calendar month during which no bargaining unit work is performed. (c) An employee who accepts a permanent position outside of the bargaining unit will lose all seniority held at the time of the transfer. (d) The Employer will advise the Union of the names of any employees pursuant to Article 9.17(a) or (b).